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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Can’t imagine there’s anything less likely to happen.
  2. I’ll never get tired of the story when there was an attempted burglary at Duncan Ferguson’s gaff, he caught the intruders, roughed them up a bit, tied them up, then rang the police. What a fella.
  3. Looking forward to the return of Snowfall too! I’ve started the new season of Ozark just now, glad it’s coming to a close this season though, we don’t want it to be over done!
  4. I’ve just caught up with the match thread and I can’t see any posts being removed since I was last online, including any of yours?
  5. It’s not for you to decide what breaks the rules, you aren’t a mod. That went because it could potentially have caused a load of hassle if the poster was on here and decided to bite back.
  6. You’re much more perceptive than I gave you credit for, if you know that for sure! Because it quoted a post I’d hidden?
  7. Do we know for sure that they were booing the players and not the ref?
  8. Just a pre warning as I know we are all annoyed tonight, insults and name calling won’t fly and there will be a zero tolerance approach to it from here on out. I.E- expect to spend some time in the sin bin if you don’t comply. Don’t say you weren’t warned…
  9. The ref was shit, but then again so were we. If we lose against Boro, I’m very concerned about it becoming a death spiral.
  10. Hard to get to the ball when a player runs straight into you tbh.
  11. Foul on the ‘keeper as well. Sound. Another terrific referee. What a fucking joke.
  12. If only that loose ball had broken to BBD and not SG….
  13. He’s proved those ‘moaning swines’ right so far unfortunately. He’s been horrendous.
  14. Gallagher doing absolutely nothing to justify his selection so far. He has ducked out of challenges worse than Andrews ever did. This has been shit, but even with that, we’ve had chances. If we turn this up, we’ll smash them.
  15. Why on earth is Khadra not going closer and blasting it?
  16. Another ref that won’t give nailed on penalties. Lovely.
  17. In time, when Rooney has more experience under his belt and things are a bit smoother down at Goodison then yeah, could be a good appointment. But now, it’s far too much of a risk and they can’t afford to take risks right now!
  18. Hardly shocking tbh. They’ve had injuries, but, he’s alienated players like Digne who’s been one of their big players recently. Doubt he will be missed really.
  19. Didn’t manage to see any of today’s game, bar a video sent to me of the goal. Technical issues, making me re register when I already have an account, then other assorted problems put paid to that! However, thought today was a potential banana skin and just glad we came through it unscathed. Onwards and upwards, COYB.
  20. What’s the point of a football club, if we are third in the league, have the money from the sale of our leading scorer from last season, but won’t spend it to try and achieve promotion? Might as well padlock the gates in the morning if we aren’t going to bother trying to achieve any success.
  21. People seem to have forgotten, but let’s have a reminder eh? Vaccination talk in the corona virus thread in the ICBINF thread only please.
  22. That’s exactly how I felt with it. The remake of the third one is also inferior to the remake of the second one. They cut loads out of that remake from the original. Whereas, the second remake is very close to the original indeed.
  23. It’ll be their attempt at humour. Shit, just like their club.
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