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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Why would you be completely against us signing (even short term) a player that would improve our starting eleven?
  2. I know that Klopp said Henderson had no chance of playing at Euros, but it may well be him playing games....
  3. Whilst I believe that Maddison and Grealish possess more talent than Mount, the way Mount has been playing, he has made himself indispensable. Unfortunately for Maddison and Grealish they’ve both been injured and way out of form. Foden absolutely has to start too. At right back, in reality, we have five full backs that have a case for being selected. (Trippier, Walker, Alexander-Arnold, James and Wan-Bissaka). They’ve all got strong cases for selection. If we could somehow combine the defence of AWB and the attacking of TAA, we would probably have the best right back to ever walk the earth though....
  4. His injury record is worse than Vince Grella’s though....
  5. You were lucky not to cop a ban for that post, to be honest. Second of all, we have absolutely no idea who is responsible for this incident just now. There is no evidence that it’s a Celtic fan. A guy turning all dressed in all black is hardly the same as a card carrying Celtic fan rocking up in their home shirt, is it? It’s probably best to let the investigation run its course before we start jumping to conclusions.
  6. I don’t buy football shirts anyhow, but I still want Mowbray gone....
  7. I wasn’t able to attend, due to work commitments, but 02G will have attended.
  8. Rovers announced it on Facebook last night, to be fair.
  9. Right, so before this escalates any further (as it always inevitably does when you bring up Celtic and Rangers), please can we leave it there for now?
  10. Good for you. I’ve nothing further to add, everything I said previously still stands.
  11. Thanks for your input, but I’m not changing my mind.
  12. On the flip side, many would argue that it’s a club with the same name, playing at the same stadium in the same city. I absolutely understand it, I just think it’s a bone of contention that will cause a lot of squabbling, so it’s just easier that way. Therefore, any further mentions on this contentious topic about this will also be removed. Hope this helps 👍.
  13. Meanwhile Celtic fans have always been just wonderful. Glass houses, etc.
  14. You had a few shandies this afternoon? Also, re an earlier point, maybe the reason Arma is greedy is that he has no faith in his team mates finding the onion bag? They aren’t really any good at it, tbf....
  15. Hi All, just had to tidy up this thread this morning. (Mods like to sleep, too). Just a couple of points- rather than mentioning mods by name- use the report button, the ask admin section, or DM a mod please. Also, please don’t start calling for people to be banned for having one opinion, whilst in the same post, defending someone else ‘as that’s their opinion’. As ever, any questions, just ask. If you contribute to this thread after this post, I’m going to assume you’ve read it....
  16. The surprise is that he’s barely played, he’s not good enough and hasn’t been for a while, this was the perfect opportunity to say thanks and goodbye.
  17. You’re surprised at the assumptions made on this forum, but yet there you are, making two assumptions in the previous sentence....
  18. That film Moneyball is absolutely mint tbh. Problem is though, whilst it’s well intended and it certainly can work, our old favourite XG is proof of people using data and taking it too far just to prove a point....
  19. Whining about his family living far away. It’s one of many things that infuriate me about Mowbray. Is the North East the centre of the earth? Why on earth didn’t you move your family down here? Don’t take the job if you don’t want to be away from your family!
  20. In terms of fan bases, there aren’t many bigger clubs in the world than Celtic or Rangers.
  21. Oh I don’t doubt that Pickering could also flop too! Particularly given who Mowbray’s signed/selected for the left back position in the last four years....
  22. I don’t like this reality reversing narrative where we were somehow wrong to release Bell. Let’s be Frank, he was absolutely garbage for at least 80% of the times he pulled the shirt on. Good riddance.
  23. Offering Johnson a deal was a surprise, but offering Bennett a deal was absolutely mind bending. I just don’t get that at all.
  24. I’ve just finished the fourth season of Fargo, did enjoy it a lot tbh! Also on the fourth season of Snowfall, 7 episodes of 11 done thus far. This has been better than I thought it would be, actually!
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