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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Usual behaviour back in the early 80’s being an ex matelot???????
  2. The reality is the new owner reneged on the commitment to pay money into the club meaning wages were not paid, bills went unpaid and due payments were never made meaning a default and lack of funds to carry on exasperated by the current crisis and cash flow issue. I understand the figure was close to £27m leaving no option but to go into administration as the penalty position was not a good financial option. They have already sold 2 young upcoming stars with further players outgoing in the fire sale just to raise funds to allow the business to continue. Not sure who the bidder is but it does not appear to be the rugby side of the business although that cannot be ruled out just yet.
  3. Not an issue for me I would renew right now even without the knowledge or confirmation of the start date. Rovers are in the blood
  4. Good for each other and probably the most productive part of his football career. Thanks DG for some great memories an unsung hero who leaves with the best wishes of all Rovers fans.
  5. Maybe the silence is because Rovers don’t air their laundry in public, even more so in these current times. I am sure there is proper planning in place within the walls of Ewood and there are no leaks like there used to be hence the silence. Today’s transfer market is to be navigated with deception!
  6. Not too sure I agree Mercer. The Purchase ofWigan was done correctly and they passed the tests for ownership! It was only later the new owner decided not to fund the club and pulled the plug. I am not too sure this is sufficient to avoid the points penalty. At best the odds are 50-50; even the most ardent of pie eaters have accepted they are down, the team will be raped and pillaged for less than market value due to the need for cash. Also, if they can’t satisfy creditors then just like little old wanderers they face a further 15 point deficit next season!
  7. One thing about Chapman he has a sweet delivery as we saw with Gallys goal! Needs more game time. Not really bothered about who goes down, 3 points for rovers nobbers to lose sees us above them!
  8. What would be the point of administration? It does not make any sense, venkys own the debt not ROVERS!
  9. Venkys have to find the club there is no doubt about their intentions in respect of that. The academy will be funded to the tune of £2m and I suspect the dead wood will bring quite a big savings wage wise. I think we will see the end of Mulgrew, Bennett, Samuel, Hart, Smallwood and possibly Downing. Other movers might include Graham which as I said could give a huge saving wage wise. This team needs building around Lenihan. We need to get an experienced goalkeeper or blood one of the youngsters to give him a chance to prove his worth. We need a plan a,b,c,d and all the way to Z!
  10. Lenihan is not premier quality yet the same is said of old big head at Norwich! Travis has shown he isn’t ready, too lacsidasical with the ball. good to see Carter will play on Wednesday also great to hear Samuel won’t feature. Not good enough. Time to streamline the squad and if it takes another season of getting these youngsters ready then so be it. They may be helped with no crowds until October!
  11. They have to beat Fulham to stand a chance if staying up!
  12. We saw a blue print for next season with some real talent coming through
  13. Travis yet again gives a stupid ball away and we concede a ridiculous goal once again! Epitome of our season. We are consistent in that when we make mistakes we always concede a goal !
  14. I am happy to suggest we will have a minimum of 8700 ST holder who renew or take up a seat
  15. I won’t defend them but venkys are still financially supporting the club thank god otherwise who knows where we would be?
  16. I would play mostly youngsters alongside some experience. Fisher nyambe Lenihan Tosin JRC rothwell Travis Davenport Downing holtby Armstrong
  17. I cannot believe we lost tonight’s game ! There is a solid young team being built along with experience BUT we need a creator of chances!
  18. I go to Wigan rugby a few times a year. The talk was they were hoping to move to Orrell and take over their ground not build a new one. The administration of both teams are different and the football side didn’t want the rugby side on or in their ground. That’s about the tall and short of it. The last time out after the local derby with saints this was all the talk around the hindley pubs.
  19. The rumours were that the rugby were moving their side over to Orrell due to the issues with the pitch and the separate administration of both clubs as they are owned by different entities.
  20. The thing is despite our hopes and dreams rovers are not ready for promotion as it stands. If it happened this season then venkys would have had to splurge £120m plus just with a view to finishing outside of the bottom 3! Either that or they would recoup some of their losses sell the club and FO. Thus leaving us in the right royal shit. At least another season with more progression and promotion of some great kids along with experience to guide them gives them a better chance. Next season minimum goal should be the top 6 and more consistency on the pitch.
  21. After all this gutted for mercer to lose his wad backing Cardiff??
  22. Wow 3 strikers scoring! The last one goal of the season
  23. You cannot and should not miss simple chances like that! We know what happens next
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