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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Rovers just idling through the leftover of this season. Progress? Yes in some areas. Regression? Most definitely in some areas? Big short close season for BRFC and venkys
  2. Why we have to go through so much stress is beyond me! How was he allowed to get in that position? What was Walton playing at ? Ryan that miss will haunt you and this team tonight
  3. Ryan Nyambe hang your head in shame! You know what happens next
  4. I am not too sure who could do a better job and just who would be willing to take the job!
  5. Goalkeeping is woeful Johnson should have leathered that ball instead if pussyfooting around
  6. This formation is simply awful there is absolutely no decent link up play we are wide open and very poorly organised
  7. He owns the land the stadium is built on and leases it
  8. Fans into grounds will be allowed October and I think it will be initially one third or a half capacity. Shouldn’t really affect us but how good would it be to see a boost in crowds for next season
  9. Wigan have no money in their accounts and no income. They don’t even have money to transport the team to away venues and will be relying on players to help them out. They don’t have money to pay wages and it is the ground staff who will be the only ones paid due to the rugby side of things which is in slightly better shape than the football side. Their biggest worry is that the Rugby side collapses as well which will cause serious issues for both clubs. Wigan RL were looking to relocate next season away from DW and now my neighbours think they have to move to survive. Dave Whelan on the fence about finance according to Wigan news
  10. Typical Rovers flatter to deceive far too many underperforming Roth well and Samuel were simply awful all the possession no creativity defensive wise started ok but faltered badly again. At least we now know where we are next season
  11. Absolute rubbish having had the chances and possession we revert to type and plan x
  12. Too many injuries tonight a bridge too far due to Barnsley going for the points they will overrun us through the middle
  13. Thoughts anyone? Now almost July with an end to the season in sight and likelihood of championship football for another season (at least). Granted we do have a distant chance of a play off spot but it is a long shot. I would have thought there would be rumblings about next seasons shirts as well as season tickets costs as well as perhaps what the start of next season may look like or even start for that matter. Any snippets out there ?
  14. Hang your heads in shame Rovers truly awful and I am just glad we didn’t have to venture to that shithole to watch what was a totally dire and inept display.
  15. I think there is pressure on Wigan to get the points so they will have to be more attack minded. Rovers aim should be to pick them off on the counter with the speed we have up front. Game made for Rothwell and Armstrong. Will happily take a 1-0 scrappy win
  16. I think Rovers should just go game to game and not set targets. Treat each game as a one off. Huddersfield were rank bad poor according to their fans and were not complimenting Wigan as being good. A win there will start to raise eyebrows
  17. Very impressive that is all there is to say ? we move in to Wigan⚽️
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