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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. I’ve seen the goals which highlighted some terrible defending
  2. It’s gone to a very good home. Keep safe
  3. If any of our esteemed female members or indeed to avoid allegations of inequality, I have a signed Rovers female shirt, free of charge for anyone interested. Let me know.
  4. Simply awful news rip no matter what you thought he was a Rover and I feel so sorry for his family
  5. Leeds game also off just came through bbc notifications. Void the season and laugh my arse off at Liverpool Leeds and foolham
  6. So Mowbray says his team was unbalanced! You sent it out you buffoon. When you finally realise Bennett is a huge handicap you might change things for the better. play off dream is just that, yes we have improved this season but it has come to a stuttering halt with yiur tinkering. time for a change
  7. Get well soon Don gave us great memories of the 80’s
  8. Tough game I will be trying to watch from a corona virus free bar in Tenerife??
  9. Just seen the Brentford no penalty what a shocking decision from an abysmal Steve kean of a referee
  10. Will be watching the game at the airport, Tenerife calling??? The toughest game we have left this season, anything other than a defeat is welcome.
  11. Whatever anyone says about rovers the. Result is all that matters
  12. Tony Tony Tony, without creativity or a supply line you could have 5 strikers up front and we still won’t score! A winger or a decent midfielder will do, it is as simple as that. Gally, Brereton do not belong on the wing, they are centre forwards. Armstrong has the pace and quality to provide so change it. The lack of substitution nouse yesterday was awful, JRc should have been hooked at half time poor lad was overrun. if we can see it then why can’t you? Anyhow off to Poland cheerio????
  13. It was utter shite! I’ve lost faith in Mowbray that’s me not back at a Ewood until mid March and I don’t think I’ll miss it with breaks in Poland and Tenerife. Season long gone
  14. Simple solution TM has to change formation and tactics! We have players who can adjust and I think the way forward is 4-4-2. Pretty simple, no point in mincing around the park, get in amongst the opposition height and speed up front puts teams on the defensive!
  15. 0-3 Fulham on a roll and have players like Cairney who will roll our midfield time after time.
  16. It is very sad and I totally echo all sentiments he really is Mr Blackburn Rovers
  17. Players good enough however we are a squad tactically inept because Mowbray struggles to out the right formation out until we are chasing games. happy with a top 10 finish this season as it is another year of progress - 2021 is our year⚽️⚽️
  18. People wind themselves up so much on transfer deadline day, it’s the same old story! Rovers cannot be blamed if players don’t want to move or when players move to another club when big money is agreed that means we get gazumped! We have to play cute around ffp. If that means no signings so be it. Players don’t have to move out if they are contracted, it’s football. We are safe this season, there will be at least 6 players that will leave in summer. It’s probably then we take the next step forward whilst hoping the fans come back and join the club in the same effort striving to get promoted
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