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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. It’s not impossible but it would be a disturbing thing if none of our strikers scored throughout the season
  2. Not sure I agree with you Stuart. Buckley to date destroys that myth. he is allegedly being looked at by the big clubs, yet at 18 he is in our first team and doing well. There is NO evidence to support your theory that the current crop of u18 cannot or will be unable to make the break through to the first team squad. If they are good enough they will make it and will be supported to do so by TM and his backroom team.
  3. A win cements a great result at Reading. I agree with Phil, Luton are set up, solid and pose a threat through the middle but I expect Rovers to have the nouse and ability to put them to the sword. Goal fest? I take a 1-0 Rovers win any day of the week.
  4. No moral ground and I haven't made you out as being unhappy at any point in the post. It is just an observation.
  5. In your humble opinion it isn't, in others it is, Buckley, Travis, JRC, Butterworth and others in the youth picture are examples of positivity.
  6. As it stands Rf99, I couldn't give a toss if we won every game 1-0 and other players than our centre forward scored the goals. Its a team game, points at stake and at the end of the day it doesn't matter who scores as long as we win and each team member contributes to the game.
  7. Historically, Rovers have been poor against the lesser teams and have performed better versus the so called bigger teams. So to beat two lesser teams as you describe them is nothing but good in my book.
  8. The simplest approach is to take each game as it comes, like TM appears to be doing. Send the right team out to win the game in front of them.
  9. It doesn't really matter does it? Todays game has gone, 3 points firmly in the bag and we are all happy. We move on to the next game. It is not a sprint and there are no points to be gained at this stage of the season in the top 2 or top6, its a marathon, lets build, build and build and let other teams become properly afraid of the blue and white machine as momentum builds. Cheerio folks.
  10. Mowbray has it right, each and every game plan is set up about the opposition and how to win the game. Whilst I sometimes wonder at the team selection I can understand the approach he makes. Last weeks home win was backed up by an away win today. Today has to be backed up by a win next weekend v Luton. So looking ahead :- Luton (h) - has to be a win and I would expect a 3-5-1-1 approach. Forest (h) - has to be the same approach although I would expect Rovers will be concerned about the cheat that is Lolley ! Qpr (a) - really tough game this one - I would expect a 4-4-2 approach like today. Huddersfield (h) - as tough a game as we can expect, new manager will be looking to make a good impression. Rovers to stick 3-5-1-1. Birmingham (a) - 4-4-2 approach, if the nobbers can win there so can we. PNE (a) - 3-5-1-1 for me, we owe them big time and I am sure Mowbray will have the same thought process. So looking at the above games, every team has a different set up, different dangermen and different managerial styles from the players available to them. What can we expect ? I don't think its unreasonable to see a 12 point or more return for Rovers. We are slowly building more momentum each game by taking it just 1 game at a time which for me is the right approach. Come on you blues, have a great Saturday night !
  11. Rovers u18 beat the mahooosive Man Citey today 2-1, great result.
  12. I wasn't sure about the line up last weekend and there is absolutely no doubt I am even more puddled about todays line up !
  13. I cant believe we haven't had a post about whether he slept in his pj's and what he had for breakfast !
  14. my office toilet is referred to as a shttr
  15. So we await a 5 oclocker from Nicko or a teaser from the Rovers twitter feed??
  16. Why follow Rovers if he is joining Huddersfield or Leeds? Or anyone else ? He has no link to Ewood other than what has been reported and the fact he was training with us pre season? I agree with your comment about whether he will join us though.
  17. is he still following BRFC or has there been any other clubs on his profile?
  18. RF99 I accept your POV however my comment isn't meaningless at all, it is my view based on fact. I have and know of at least 25 "fans" who wont go because of what has gone on, until venkys foxtrot Oscar, unless the team perform better, unless smallwood leaves, the price of a season ticket, the darwen end issue, behaviour of some home fans etc etc. so change is a must for some of them no matter what that change may be and IMO they should swallow their pride. There is evidence on this board of fans declaring a vow never to return until there is change yet having witnessed some success have relented, swallowed pride and gone back, ABBEY being the best example I can give !. my simple philosophy is to get over the issues and make an effort to get the club back onto bigger and better things.
  19. My personal view is that some fans and supporters have to swallow their pride and get back to Ewood Park to support loud and proud
  20. I really think the problem at centre back highlighted the weak link to be Mulgrew ! Yes it was a bit of a shock him going to wigan but at what cost? 4 clean sheets and money off the pay roll? Talking to my wigan supporting neighbour he says Mulgrew was pretty bad on Saturday the only plus point was a cross from which they scored, otherwise and defensively he was tosh, which tells a story after we have just had 4 clean sheets with what some believe is a make and o defence.
  21. Maybe it is time for the club to have a love in with the fans. I mean what else could they really do? Saturday was a prime fixture to target youth who have just gone back to school, I am sure a ticket offer with some sort of additional incentive could also have worked in the clubs favour. There are all sorts of things they could try/gimmicks for example the price of beer and food could be attached to the price of a ticket, it is clear the price of a pint and a pie could be lowered, lower costs often mean bigger sales. The stay away fans need targeting with an incentive. Not everyone will come back as some state, there are those that wont return because of Venkys, because they have found other things to do on match dat/employment and family issues also play their part. A sustained market approach might be too late for this year but it is clear to me that as numbers continue to dwindle something needs to be done asap. seeing 11500 at Ewood Saturday was very sad.
  22. I do not understand this team and the formation he is hoping to play let’s hope it works but I am not confident today in seeing that team sheet
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