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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Cheating, diving and players who run half way up the line to take a throw in. Add in the complainers who surround referees effing and blinding ! Gary Lineker and Murphy on tv are a pair of twits. Incompetent linesmen and referees. The price of a pie and a pint in the ground. The horrendous cost we have to pay to visit shitholes like Leeds where away fans are ripped off. manure and citeh who have ruined football completely. dingleland and t'urd moor. Fans who wont come back and support the team they profess to love
  2. The way to deal with Mahoney is to put Nymabe right up his backside. He is a slight of a ld who can be bullied off the ball easily.
  3. I would take a scrappy 1-0 win any time of the week. I think it will be a hard game with Millwall coming to frustrate, they are not the most attacking outfit away from home and will try and stifle the midfield. Going for a Dack winner
  4. I don't agree if he was good enough he would be getting games at a lesser team in the top league, he isn't going to improve any further playing at Championship level. He would learn more get better with improved coaching and better players around him.
  5. Then why isn't he at a top premiership or European club ?? Thing is he is at Brentford a middle of the road Championship team
  6. Come on folks we lost a game 3-2 versus one of the biggest teams in the league away from home. The result won’t ruin my night or weekend in fact I have had a ruby having a beer or two watching dingles getting whooped and in any case it could be worse we could be the huge club that is stoke city ???
  7. Done really smart football by the youngsters some good players coming through the ranks future looks great
  8. Rovers 5-3 up sine great football being played
  9. sorry Simon, I totally have to disagree with you.Mowbray steadied the ship, and we have been on a progressive step ever since. Sure,some might disagree with the signings BUT we have a good young team and in this day and age some youngsters need a bloody good arse kicking to get their motivation right. re Chapman, he was injured for the best part and didn't really paly much football after his operation. It is down tot he player to get himself beyond the fitness stage and make an impression to ensure he gets picked, a bit like Travis has done
  10. He clearly has KHOD if the comments are read between the lines, now its back tot he player to show improvement and warrant a place in the team
  11. I'm not quite sure where you re going Matty with this, it is a comparison in that even the great Fergie had some issues with players not pulling their weight. He flashed in the changing room when he allegedly kicked the shoe/boot that connected with DB's eyebrow. With TM it is a way of motivating the young players. From what I have seen of him - HC - he has the ability to be a great player BUT if his attitude sucks then he will go the way of many failures in the game before him.TM can talk all he wants inside his office but sometimes, and not just in football, you have to take it outside of the office to get the right response. I know this as a manager myself in my job, I have known it throughout a military career and my last job, sometimes it has to be said out in the open to get the required response. Everyone can have a view, this is mine and I have seen it work on many different occasions, if a player cannot step up after a bit of open criticism then he isn't good enough to play football for our club or any other.
  12. You read into YOUNG too much Matty its a figure of speech
  13. Like Fergie didn't assault young Beckham in the changing room in his attempt to motivate after a poor game ??? I don't have any direct proof, it all rumour and speculation but it is evident that he isn't putting the effort in if he did then he is a given starter such is his skill, speed and ability
  14. Its called motivation chaps, if he is adamant about being on the lash rather than knuckling down and getting game time then it is down to Chapman NOT Mowbray. Dedication and professionalism will sort him out, a bit of encouragement is sometimes needed in the form of criticism. Get on with it.
  15. Going to be a tough examination of Rovers. Will gladly take a draw but feel a close defeat on the cards.
  16. The positives are the playing side, the academy, the fact that Venkys are still funding the most important part of the club, allowing transfer fees and so forth....need I say more?
  17. Ive had a look at who is a freebie, there isn't really that many now apart from Vorm
  18. Its venkys debt NOT ROVERS,without them we wouldn't survive until the fans start realising the club needs their support. Time to move forward and out the past to bed, I am not saying we should forgive I am saying we should move forward and take the positives.
  19. that ball went through 5 Rovers players who shied away from the ball !
  20. A mistake from the keeper and we concede an atrocious goal. Smallwood should not be wearing a shirt
  21. This for me is a problem on Saturday. Hoilett is and will always be seen as a greedy footballer who let Rovers down badly after the way the club looked after him. On the pitch his pace might be a problem for a left back and for me I think the bigger the player the worse he plays - I mean stature wise.
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