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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. He is injured Mercer, like your synopsis but please TM has and continues to do a job at Ewood. Rome wasn't built in a day and believe me Ewood and BRFC has taken some rebuilding, we are perhaps half way through the project.
  2. Rovers have added pressure at home games with the nervousness of the crowd getting to them UNLESS we can score early in the game. I think we can expose their defence a little with pace at our disposal. Any kind of win is welcomed against a Warnock team.
  3. We move on to Cardiff 3 points safe in the bag
  4. Walton pen save class act clean sheet Delboy solid defender and goal scorer Downing and co solid across the park 1-0 away win take that any time
  5. Called the result far better than the wedding I attended in Wales ?
  6. The only music Rovers should be walking out to for this game is "Bring me back to life" by Effervescence !!
  7. Missing the game due to a wedding in north wales we owe Boro a beating. 4-4-2 for me and a struggle between 2 teams afraid to lose. Single goal takes it
  8. Fraid Matty Smallwood is becoming the new Andrews
  9. Smallwood walked off around the pitch then straight down the tunnel he should have continued out I’d the main exit he really was that poor
  10. The morning after, a bit of a lie in and had a few thoughts about the comments post match on here as well as reviewing what I saw or didn’t see last night. Despite it being bloody awful at times I am glad that I went to the game, yes the result is all that mattered at the end and we get a glory tie at Bramhall Lane for our sins ! So back to the game... Liuetwiller - not good enough for me, persists in punching the ball instead of catching and commanding the area. We should have played Fisher or Walton. Nyambe - statuesque at time s did marginally better at centre back lung busting run at the end impressed me but left me asking why he didn’t do the same down the flanks? Cunningham - mixed for me, settled down and was a bit rusty as you would expect, I think he will command the Lb spot. Platt - ok at times but poor distribution will definitely benefit from a loan move. Grayson - steady and much more composed that Platt, he will get better sticking around the first team imo. Downing - poor at time but he has the silky touch and can beat a man on a sixpence despite his age, great crosser of the ball. Evans - anonymous all game, poor effort from an international player. Smallwood - worst game ever should be loaned out and never wear the shirt again. Buckley - did well for me and better at RB than Nyambe! This lad looks like a player if he can beef himself up. Brereton - unlucky at times, awful at times but puts himself around. He is ring rusty and needs games, I still think he will be a good player for us and will score goals despite views of some. Graham - short of service and got us back firing when Dack came on. Rothwell, Dack and Chapman - all had their cameo moments but JR looked off the pace at times giving too many sloppy balls away, Chapman probably needs a good run of games because as we know he has the ability speed and skill to destroy defences. The game was too full of slack passing, too many sideways passes and not enough impetus or drive, it was littered with mistakes and that is why we allowed Oldham far too much space, they were too comfortable due to our lack of drive. I question Mowbray tactics at times too many times they were players who didn’t know what to do with the ball, standing still and waiting instead of passing and moving, basic football went amiss big time. If there has been fall out inside the club the broom needs sweeping and TM either needs to gel the players or get out and quickly because if the team remains rotten at the core we will drop faster than Burnley making it to division 4! We have the players, we have the ability, speed and skill to make an impact this year it just needs putting together. Finally, our supporters can be the first aid if we can get our act together on the terraces. Get behind the club at home like the last 15 minutes last night, we saw Rovers urged on by the support and they got the reward, yes it was as I reiterate Oldham in the cup but at then end of the day you can only beat what is in front of you! COYB
  11. I give up another awful error and another goal conceded
  12. Lets hope Smallwood keeps walking out the exit door straight down the tunnell
  13. Strange tactics? There is no tactics involved
  14. And your point is what Vjay? This current team ranks alongside the poorest all 4 of them put out and by Christ have we witnessed some shit down here in recent seasons
  15. Football is not rocket science it’s pass and move it’s as simple as that. He just stands still gives himself no chance of getting forward and is always chasing back because of poor positioning
  16. Not sure whether I have a foot in the Mowbray out camp yet but if this continues tonight I am sure my left foot will be. Summary poor players graham Brereton Smallwood nyambe evans Cunningham liuetwieler that’s 7/11! Needs a huge improvement just not sure where it is coming from
  17. Done nothing wrong apart from stand still like a concrete statue right backs are supposed to fly forward and create a bit like Hird Price Bailey and the like instead the great lummox stands still like like the statues of Greek mythology he has pace to burn but doesn’t use it
  18. Can’t see him from my seat but i agree with the observations something is amiss at the club this is not the Rovers we have seen over the majority of the past 2 seasons
  19. I am totally ranked off I was going to says its wank but a wank can come in handy at times
  20. For anyone lamenting Nyambe being out well tonight he is as poor as Smallwood and that’s bad
  21. Think the team is taking time out this is coyle and kean rolled in to one ! It’s truly abysmal the park no sense of pride passion or motivation as it stands 1-0!down with 1 shot all game
  22. There is no cohesion across the pitch that is why this leads to a lack of creativity and chances the senior players are awful at least the kids are doing their best Smallwood is embarrassingly poor again
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