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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. What we need now is a conciliation within the club and no better way that going to Foolham tomorrow and winning the Game! I would like to see Lenihan captain the team for one. I would also like Rovers to go 3-4-1-2 tomorrow. Walton Lenihan Williams and Tosin Nyambe Johnson Travis Downing Dack Gallagher Brereton
  2. Whilst Reed was good for us there wasn’t a whole host of clubs knocking the door down to buy or loan him in particular from premier league clubs! Is his stock really that good? Also the loan to buy option is for the other Reed they signed NOT Harrison as I read it. Mulgrew situation baffling!
  3. Some of you should go and try fishing, it’s a wonderful way of relaxing! Today been out since 625am and caught a bucketful, several decent carp, plenty of bream and roach and the odd hybrid. Got onto the forum for a peak and then got home, tidied my gear, washed the garage doors ready for painting and did the lawns! TM I wrote was testing my patience, you are/he is! If letting CM go allows two incoming then fine, if not you have lost the plot especially after you let Magloire go the Rochdale. You will have to co e out and explain this to the support who are getting angrier by the minute ????
  4. Charlie the biggest earner at Ewood? Something must be occurring! At least he can’t play against us he would have a blinder and score 3
  5. Fished out and no change at Brfc as a big TM fan I am beginning to slowly lose patience
  6. Having a break from a glorious days fishing at limbrick I see no changes then?? Pole back in it is ??
  7. Sad to hear of John Lowey passing away this week aged 61. Never will I forget the rocket he scored v Forest at home and Sheffield Wed away when I was on the home end going crazy. RIP John
  8. BDS you appear to be missing my point. These players are unattached and therefore have no wages incoming. The vast majority of them have already made their money from previous signings so in that case the massive pay days they previously sought are no longer an option for them, its about their love of football and whether they want to remain in the game. Some players are of an age where there is a possibility of getting a better move if they are seen to be able to perform and therefore get themselves a better contract or bigger club, some are clearly at the back end of their careers and might just want to end their playing days in the Championship whilst seeking opportunity to do coaching badges and it is well documented that at Ewood there are coaching courses conducted throughout the year. By short term I mean a 12 month contract with maybe an opportunity for an additional year depending on performances. For me, and if I was a player unattached it might just provide an attractive opportunity.
  9. Each and every player is a free signing THEREFORE wages will not be a major issue IMO. If a player wants to play then they will sign as it is an opportunity for putting themselves in a shop window, playing and keeping fit. Short term contracts might just be a temptation especially the foreign players. That is the point I am highlighting my friend.
  10. Current available defenders on freebies (free agents transfer market website) Danny Simpson RB Dann SHWAAB CV Jonas Ramalho CB Martin Olsson LB Nemanja Pejcinovic CB Ignazio Abate RB Ashley Williams CB Jesús Gámez RB Xabier Etxeita CB Roman Neustädter CB Eli Dasa RB Younès Kaboul CB Giulio Donati RB Stephan Lichtsteiner RB Martín Cáceres cB Ondrej Mazuch CB Johan Larsson RB Adam Matthews RB Bart Schenkeveld CB This is just a selection of players all with experience who are out there waiting for clubs to sign on freebies. 485605306512063026263919485431274448181779579479223688429016121241022691043952393835475752519104881662156775763139532664132893762246171820205809535626383345622524067781681833560987058014784124944658965119336692462543587547954140273879175600457093593427019127378
  11. I haven't seen anywhere else other than this forum where Magloire has been linked with a loan move. The same goes with outgoings of Smallwood and Evans ! Until its announced by the club nothing ding I'm afraid.
  12. It is said tongue in cheek KHod as can be seen by the laughing with tears emojis ??????
  13. Can’t wait to see our new Euro scout having previously been a pundit and learned all their talented skills from BRfC.com?????
  14. I truly believe some words will come back and haunt some on this board. Granted we still need a good old fashioned centre half, someone who will spill blood for the cause, trouble is they just don't make that kind of player anymore, its an out dated image of times gone by. For me, Ashley Williams, a freebie is the one player that we could and should be looking to employ. Solid as a rock, ability to attack a ball, hold up play but more importantly is able to LEAD a back 4 competently in this league. It is all that is required. We have the midfield we have the attackers we just need a bloody big lad at the heart of the defence to bring out the best of the rest.
  15. YET Merc they still fund the club ? Lets be real about the actual money they do put into BRFC. Its a drop in the ocean to what they actually earn as an overall business worldwide with many linked companies etc. Its a tax write off at worst. If the pot ever runs dry then venkys will have gone bust worldwide which on the fact of it is never going to happen as they have total dominance in poultry/animal vaccine/medicines as well as their other ventures. As for TM some are way ahead of themselves. We have lost 1 game and the critics are out in force. If we go onto win a number of games, Brereton and Gally score a few, Dack and Downing are the supply line then a few on here will eat their words. Me? I see it happening and whilst I am not overly concerned about any chances of Rovers being in a relegation scrap I really do think we are capable of a top 6 finish. It will take a few weeks to get into stride but I am certain we have much better players than some on here think we have.
  16. its their money and ultimately its THEIR debt as well.
  17. after he fluffed that chance v burnely and rightly so !
  18. Rubbish it wasn’t his fault it was coyles fuck up look at how many points the team amassed under TM
  19. that's why he is a peterboro because he is utter rubbish
  20. The problem with Bennett was that he lost the ball then went chasing it like a mad dog across the park. He got himself so far out of position that when the cross came in there was a free Charlton player just waiting for the tap in ! If only he had thought about just getting back into position - that is a simple bit of footballing know how! Goal 2 came about because of Rothwell failing to clear the ball properly, I am sure it was him. Instead of whacking it down the park he fluffed it allowing Charlton to come straight back on the attack. Free cross free header and then a piece of improvisation by the Charlton number 9 who gets the slightest touch and its in off the post ! I am not sure that anyone mentioned the two fluffed 8yard chances Rovers missed ! Basic sitters that ultimately cost us because if they had gone in we would have seen a cricket score and we wouldn't have seen all the moaning going on. 4-3-3 doesn't work for us at all. It has to be 3-5-1-2 or 4-3-1-2 for Dack to be effective. This of course only my opinion
  21. I don’t subscribe to the rumour mill or gossip! No one outside the club has got a clue what the goings on are inside the club, no one knows how venkys feel toward TM or any of his signings, no one knows anything about ins and outs unless it is announced by the club because I don’t suspect for a minute ANYONE on here is a member of the inner circle of confidence employed at Ewood! It is all pure speculation and thoughtless/groundless rumours. It really is funny reading views of many and yet NOT one is or has been employed in professional football at Championship or higher ???? For instance Dack was rumoured to be valued at £20m and various clubs were in for him - they weren’t and he isn’t valued at anywhere near that amount, his last 6 months have put paid to that amount being paid. Lenihan valued at £4-£5 million and being coveted by Sheff Utd - bids turned down so there are other well established clubs who clearly see him as a player YET so enjoy on here know better and think he is rubbish! Mulgrew club captain and Scottish first pick! Yes he has had a bad few games and made mistakes but if he was really that bad would he be where he has and would he ever achieve what he does? Clearly those within football think he does and is yet on here opinions from fans are all negative! The same with Nyambe, Bennett, and Hart and many others. Within football there are clear people who know what these players are about, what they can bring to a team YET the experts on here think otherwise! Can anyone see the repeating pattern? Its not a personal dig at anyone before the inevitable ban or warning, it’s a fact! Come on ladies and gents relax, the sun is still shining and it’s still summer, take a break take a pill and support everything that is BrFc and finally, wear sunscreen??????
  22. I am all for jrc to be right back instead of Bennett and play Nyambe alongside lenihan and tosin. 3-5-2 or 3-4-1-2 is the way
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