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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. I initially wasn’t over impressed when I saw the images of the shirt however I nipped to Ewood for my match tickets tomorrow night and went to have a look, it’s actually a nice shirt close up. not everyone wil like it I am sure of that it’s a personal opinion and mine is that’s its a good shirt.
  2. It isn’t aimed at AA it’s about Bradley Dack!
  3. 2.5m for AA? He has 12 months left on his current NUFC deal! 24k a week for BD? Get a grip, he hasn’t kicked a ball in the Championship and is only an established L1 player at this very moment. The average wage for a L1 player must be 400k at best pa. why fans beat them up over such drivel is beyond me just ctfo
  4. He is still under contract so unless some club pays the going rate is it really an issue? I don’t think so
  5. A half decent striker would prosper in any team with a good supply line. So having a solid defence is the start, strong midfield with bite and creativity and a striker with a nouse for the onion bag and there you go⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️
  6. It really is happening ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️??????????????????????????????????????
  7. That’s because reading posts on here are a monotonous thematic. Truth is none I repeat no one has a clue as to budgets, targets and sales. Until some get over this one can only assume they are affected by the current weather?
  8. The sun and smoke are playing havoc with people on here keep your windows shut and wear some sunscreen???????
  9. Hey big dog I am no expert but if you believe what is written in the sun AND you know a bit about our local rivals YOU could easily work it out for yourself. Let me repeat bwfc have no money and can only sign freebies! you don’t need sources for that info it’s on every pair of lips of their own fans
  10. What a load of crap from 73k a week to peanuts at Bolton? He is off to America by all accounts one things for sure it isn’t bolton
  11. Shrewsbury have seen last seasons team decimated with more to follow!
  12. I can tell you now Chaddy Bolton are in a financial mess and cannot pay the wages of a player like Rhodes. When we say skint I mean they are without any investment and have no cash flow. Rhodes will end up at Norwich that’s my bet.
  13. Proves a point no one on here has got a bloody clue what’s going on behind the walls of Ewood ??????
  14. In fairness Coyle relegated us 100% TM record after the dick left us was admirable considering!
  15. I can’t understand why some on here are not employed as football managers such is the knowledge shown by some of our members. Stop winding yourselves and other people up. It’s silly season and now the sun has gone in I expected more of a common sense approach. Truth is we are reading constant drivel, bickering and slagging and inane comments. TM will sign players that complement our current squad. He will if it when he is ready NOT because of a whim and prayer of some supporters. my view is stop beating yourselves up, wait and see what happens. we are in good hands, we witnessed that last season. Until someone on here comes up with stuff from inside the club it’s all pure speculation and that’s all. Wait for BRFc to make an announcement and chill the Kean out!???
  16. Bolton can only sign freebies no cash for signings is free so I think we can rule out them offering wads for DG
  17. The sun continues to affect some people’s judgement?????????
  18. Why on earth would anyone think Rovers would publish a budget for transfers? I can’t believe anyone would think they would. #toomuchsun
  19. No one knows anything about plans budgets interested parties incomings or outgoings. Reading this rabid speculation is laughable at best. get on with summer and the close season in fact give it a break have a kit kat and relax?????
  20. The sun has got to some people stay in doors for the rest of the week and chill
  21. She obs needs more cash and has talked trash to a glossy rag
  22. If otzumer was any good he would have been snapped up by now not good enough for where we want to be
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