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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Disagree Jal Rovers fans are bit by bit seeing the club revitalise itself across the board. Success on the pitch will breed success off it. the momentum HAS to be taken forward now and the club cannot rest on its laurels. Rovers need to seize the moment. Vekys or no venkys this is the moment pride is returning to the club.
  2. Is it not 20 quid away tickets for fans next season?
  3. Samuels problem is that he seems to miss very early chances and I mean within the first 5-10 mins of a game and this kills his work ethic as you see his head drop. Put one away early doors and he is a dangerous player
  4. Ben Marshall another player reaping what he sowed
  5. 16 more wins required, great result no matter how we played. The momentum continues to roll forward.
  6. How any Rovers fan cannot get a little bit excited about this fixture beggars belief. We are playing our sworn enemy, two league apart or not they are the blasted enemy, our arch rivals and colours that are a symbol of hate to blue and white fans. The dingles have current top dog status, so what? We have lorded over them for 36yrs and more. Bring it on, lets give it a shot, we are not expected to win BUT its Rovers v dingle fc at Ewood, lets rock the place.
  7. RR was poor fare in any case and wont be missed. It wasn't for the fans, didn't involve the fans and the producers/hosts blatantly refused to air any negative views given by fans whilst the host spent more time trying to find positives in poor performances instead of saying it how it really was. Despite many requests to change the bloody awful music, pump up the volume and try and create an effort to improve the atmosphere they again declined to take the fans advices or requests into consideration. On another note, all MW and HF frequencies are being switched off very soon so it would not have been long coming any way.
  8. If he is I will never set foot in Ewood again until they all FECK OFF
  9. Its a really enthralling read but sadly its a reminder of what has gone before, how the fans, the club, the memory of Jack Walker and everything else good about BRFC has been treated with utter disrespect, utter incompetence, and, within that I include the Walker Trust who have sinfully cast us aside letting the head of their family down and have stamped all over the grave of the man who gave us our dreams. There are many who should be quite ashamed of what they have done to the good name of Blackburn Rovers, the fans and the badge of the players who have worn the shirt with pride.
  10. I don't think any blame can be attached to Mowbray for relegation. The blame lies with venkyscum, cheston and imbecile coyle
  11. We once signed a player in the making called Simon Ireland, world at his feet and what happened to him? Mahoney is just about in the same boat as him !
  12. Get over it lads (and lassies) Mahoney is NOT THAT GOOD to warrant a shed load of cash. Yes he is local but he has to go where his agent decides and in this case it isn't skill that is dictating its the cash cow of being a footballer. He is 20yrs of age, if he was going to be a superstar then he would be a first team player and the name on any half decent Premier League team, truth is he isn't, he is linked with Barnsley FC ! Yes Sunderland were mentioned in one red top but since then it is all Barnsley so that sort of shows the standard he will be at. Compared to the likes of Dunny and Duffer at that age he is far from that class. If Mahoney goes for the cash, there is no guarantee that he will play week in week out. There never is that kind of guarantee. There is no loyalty with the players it is all about money money and more money, it is as simple as that. So, for me, I am not to concerned that he is gone or is testing the market, Rovers need players who can put on that shirt with pride, show some grit, effort and pride for the job they do and players who can work, improve and then reach their ambitions because of it using Rovers as a positive way to reach it. Mahoney, even in his tender years, has his eyes turned by the money and the agents who have ruined the game and made players more powerful than ever ! Rovers are better off without
  13. Well, go back 22 yrs and just around this time I was with my mates heading back towards Liverpool Lime Street as we headed back towards Leyland, totally pi$$ed up with joy and ale and all thanks to a fabulous team managed by King Kenny and Ray Hartford and players who played with pride, passion and guile, players who led by example, players who knew what it meant to be part of BRFC and ALL of this under the watchful eye of our beloved fan Jack Walker. I was lucky to be in the front rows of the Centenary stand that day and my best mate was on the pitch with Graham Le Saux as that final whilst went, ultimately this led to me being right in front of the Rovers team as they took the cup giving me some priceless shots from my camera, some far better than the press ever got ! Those days will never be replicated, they will never be beaten AND more importantly, no matter what these shameful owners of our great club do in the future, THEY WILL NEVER TAKE AWAY THE MEMORIES OF THAT DAY OR THAT WONDERFUL SEASON. VENKYSOUT
  14. Match day in the biggest of games for an age and I cant be ar$ed to get excited. It has become such a weight on the shoulders getting up for football and more Rovers disappointments. I am actually looking to after the game has finished no matter the result because it will be a long time before I set foot in Ewood again. My 47yr stint of going to Ewood is at an end at 4.50pm today, yes I will be upset a tad and yes I will miss my great mates and friends who I have had the pleasure of watching my beloved BRFC home and away and throughout our European adventures. Venkys have finally killed my love of football, and although I will watch on from afar I have decided that NAPM is my mantra from now on. Come on Rovers put up some pride, some effort and something that no matter what the result you leave that pitch knowing that you gave everything for the shirt, the club but more importantly the supporters who have been dragged through hell end beyond because of the idiotic owners and the gross incompetence at which BRFC has been subjected to over the past 6 yrs. RTID
  15. Its been awful against all teams with the exception of maybe Newcastle and Derby !!
  16. They have sold over 5k according to some reports. I have mates who are long time Villa fans, we have over the years had some great results against them however we have also had some beatings. Oh for the days of the Archibald era when we had a classic 3-2 win over them and they had a young lad called David Platt playing for them. The memories of that match will never be forgotten and rank alongside the many good memories over the ensuing years.
  17. Great line and one which mirrors my view exactly. I don't want to watch football on tv and going to Ewood is a real awful experience these days when we think about all that has gone on in the past 6 and a bit years. I am not renewing my ST for next year and I will simply pick and choose games I fancy going to which undoubtedly will be more away than home. I have been able to enjoy the IPL cricket on SKY, some early season fishing and some good walks over the past few weeks and long may that continue.
  18. well that is a shocker, its us or Forest or maybe Brums players cannot work the magic that Arry has up his sleeve.
  19. Promotion and signings are just a pie in the sky or head in the sand equation. Neither will happen of course. In fact, someone has already mentioned it, Rovers could be down and out by Monday evening and then in administration by Tuesday as it is the only viable option open. If that happens then all loanees will go back to their parent clubs and the youngsters will get a chance to show what they can do for 3 games. Its going to be a huge wake up call next season to the Rovers Fans and those who think all is well (I don't dismiss their opinions btw). 15 points or more adrift next season will see the club struggle on any number of fronts including investment, players, signings, off field activities, shirt sponsor etc and will have a dramatic effect on income NOT to mention the crowds becoming even less, I anticipate we will see sub 8000 home fans next season and even that is an over estimate and all this as both PNE and Bolton move forward and Burnely qualify for Europe just to rub salt in the wounds as we head towards League 2 and a local derby with Chorley. It really is happening folks.
  20. I went to see Elton John at Leigh Sports Arena a couple of years ago and despite his age he was absolutely brilliant catering for all age groups with his song book. I believe that stadiums are far better than the arenas so if your pondering to go then do it, you wont be disappointed. As for those wondering how much the V's will make, get over it, its about musical entertainment NOT football.
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