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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. What utter rubbish if you have a question and want the answer and a forum isn’t forthcoming then go directly to the person you want the answer from!
  2. Rather than trying to cast aspersions try and do a bit more instead of trying to snipe Matty. If you think everyone who speaks to him doesn’t do research or learn their lines you are seriously mistaken. Sniping is easy especially from keyboard warriors it takes a little bit more to actually get to the reality and understanding of everything going on behind the scenes !
  3. Where am I defending anyone ? I simply pointed out to the poster to get his question in directly rather than relying on someone else! It’s pretty simple if you think about it! As for your comment thinking I am defending him you are so far off the mark because believe me where I have found fault, where I have found questions I have sought to get answers directly in order to placate me I haven’t had to rely on any fans forum or anyone else to ask on my behalf !
  4. Like was mentioned it was asked but he refrained from answering so an alternative means might be for one to make contact and ask the question! That’s the point I was making.
  5. As Khod mentioned he wasn’t forthcoming when asked, even at the forum therefore my legitimate suggestion along with your own words out together succinctly might encourage a response from him.
  6. Suggestion - instead of asking others to do it why don’t you send him and email or write a letter in order to get an answer?
  7. And Everton thought that didnt they? If he is good enough he can play. Football is littered with similar examples, Rooney, Beckham and the united 4, Phil Jones, Shearer, Kane, Sterling to name a few. So why not Philips?
  8. Another way of looking at it is there is faff all to do in Burnley on match day especially if the family are out doing other things 🌞😅
  9. excuse me? I dont think I have ever said or indicated that at all
  10. How can you compare if you haven't done the same role/job? You can only inform a biased opinion in that case. Your experience in the world? So what you are saying is that if you ran a corner shop as a manager/owner then you can compare that business model to running a football club? If you don't listen to what he has to say and look at documents/review action plans, rad summaries of sports science at the club then how do you form an opinion? Truth is you cannot form an opinion without it as it is not a properly informed view. Its not about anything he says verbatim, its about your research and information being up to date and then listening to what he says and either agreeing with him because you know it true from other sources, or alternatively, you go away with what he has said do some more research and find corroborating sources to ensure that he is telling it right and how it is or alternatively telling and feeding you a load of horse crap. But hey, with your vast worldly experience you probably know better to listen to others you have already formed a completely negative view of.
  11. It’s not about cock waving Gav it’s a personal choice so get over it !
  12. Then imo that is a clouded judgement because when you look into the eyes you know if they are lying, kow towing, bullshitting and blagging you🤫 And I know because I have sat across from some of the biggest lying scumbags who have walked this part of our world!
  13. If you ever want to judge a person properly then you need to look into the eyes of the person you are talking to. Its the only way you will ever be able to get a true opinion of that person. Also, if you want to find out what is really happening at the club you need to get inside that circle because unless you do you wont ever know! Nowt daft about that is there?
  14. Can I politely suggest that you go and speak to him and arm yourself with your personal knowledge of the footballing side of Ewood, the views and opinions of others, blogs and quotes, documentary evidence that is readily available and your optimal research on SW himself and then and only then see if your opinion changes. Oh yes, I forgot to add compare it with your own experience of running a multi million pound football operation both pre and post a worldwide pandemic.
  15. I think it is great Glen that firstly you took time out of your life to get down to Ewood and have a discussion with him as well as with LT. It also clearly emphasises your passion for BRFC which cannot be questioned. I took the decision only to share details of my meetings with SW with a selected few on this forum and yes, I got pilloried by some on here for doing so. I had a specific reason for doing so and I have no reason to think that it was the right thing to do. Like others, I read the opinions on here about SW from people who simply have got a one eyed view of him gauged out of reading forums rather than getting to the nitty gritty and actually having the ability or nouse to speak to him directly and for Glen to publicly come out and give his views about dispelling these views is refreshing as are the comments from posters on this topic. I had my views about him, I did my research in full and I was content with the detailed conversations I had with him and others. One thing is certain, Glens updates provide a better picture of footballing operations at Ewood and how things are working, it shows there is a structure in place, it sows who makes decisions, it shows there is money available, it shows the owners actually do have an interest and it further shows that even though Mowbray and SW previously had a good working relationship, there was a clear difference in their views after Christmas last year. But despite the updates, there are still those who cry foul and slate the club/owners/CEO and whoever. I would say take a full deep breath and re-read Glens comments and then look at the picture from a different angle and that may just sway your opinion, it might not but give it a try. Yes there are still many issues, ticket prices and communication are a priority for me. Good on you Glen, maybe we can meet up for a pint some point. **I forgot to add that from Glens update, there are some topics not yet mentioned which are no doubt going to be similar in tone to my last conversation with SW and there undoubtedly will be some which are not covered**
  16. Tell me that Nyambe isn’t as good as what we had previously ? Kenna was class, Atkins was better when he played right back in the team, Pearce and May excelled in that position when asked. Both Emerton and Robbie the Aussie did as good when asked👍😅
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