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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. You are so wrong - way off the mark. The money remains unspent as Mowbray refused to spend it in January
  2. The answer is yes we could afford him, all the signs were there he was going to sign however something has changed his mind, it’s not monetary or so we are told but ambition!
  3. There is a theme of finance issues here. I am currently out in Turkey and have just enjoyed a short chat with a relative of the hull city owner. He expected to invest heavily until he was brought to take by the current ffp and associated regs. He promises big signings and better wages however has not been able to deliver despite hull being relatively debt free. They themselves have lost a number of player through expiry of contracts and are in a similar position to Rovers. Relatively poor tickets sales haven’t helped them either as they continue to come out of covid related problems. So this is not an issue confined to BRFC and waggot. Huge wage payouts in the championship are never coming back to the levels of 2 years ago unless of course the PL change the structure and devolvement of cash gets better truth is they are looking to lessen payments and that in itself will be a major issue.
  4. Because it was believed 2/3 were about to sign the deals put in front of them
  5. Your starting point in getting an answer is simple the players declined to take up deals offered to them Thas a pretty simple fact to get your head around. DL and RN had offers on the table over 2 years ago and have mulled over them renegotiated and yet failed to sign them despite allegedly agreeing deals i principle. Rothwell was never going to stay he wanted out 2 yrs ago and that is straight from the wags mouths In mankchester having had a fall out with two others at the midland!
  6. Read the full article he was outlying underlying costs to the club!
  7. Pray tell then are they better than us ? No they are not they screwed up a chance of promotion worse than Mowbray did for us last season and flatter to deceive. Its no good relying on bookies odds they don’t get it right a lot of the time do they ?
  8. Boro are no more favourites for promotion than Rovers and imo it’s not an ambitious move for a Lenihan and if Nyambe knobs off to Stoke again it’s not a club with serious ambition anymore
  9. There’s a freebie right back at Derby who is out of contract who is head and shoulders better than Nyambe
  10. If you read DLs own words it is very clear that he wanted out for some time and had no intention of staying - especially after the derby game at Ewood!
  11. He also sold the club to Jordan Rhodes and they didn’t end well for either of them !
  12. If Nyambe is or was as good as some claim he would be a wanted player and rovers would have received bid after bid as with Lenihan they haven’t !
  13. You’ve worked it out cost wise? There are more than enough free players out there who would snap the wages up in a heartbeat
  14. Rubbish when a player is in the last year of his contract he holds the cards - rovers offered him a deal he declined it he came scuttling back for talks and again declined the offer !
  15. What a load of tripe the big money of the past is where it will stay Rovers offer a decent wage look at turnover ratio to wages - Nyambe has backpedaled a bit indicating a willingness to sign but then rowing back! Agent clearly at work
  16. It was Mowbray and the fuck up he constructed that cost us any chance of promotion
  17. If I were you I would never mention he ADMIN word again, it will never happen not even under these owners!
  18. Not necessarily so for example they might just be moaning 👍
  19. Absolutely not its about getting some stats on the issue so no one should be frightened of saying otherwise !
  20. An intriguing question for some on here. How many of those forum members who are decrying the number of season tickets sold to date have actually bought one themselves? And before anyone suggests its a dig, a goad or anything else, its a simple question!
  21. Because they couldn't afford to keep him on due to them being incompetent
  22. I would reread it, do some proper research then review it all instead of relying on speculation! oh yes, you might want to go down to Ewood, make an appointment and see for yourself.
  23. Questionable? we won’t replace Mowbray with anyone above the likes of a Grayson level! we won’t have a budget! we won’t sell 2k season tickets ! we will promote Venus into head coach! we will not have a decent pitch to play on ! there will be no investment ! we won’t have a sports science department venkys are not bothered and have pulled the financial clout ! They have turned the taps off! This list is not exhaustive but is reflected by commentators on this forum, just go back and have a read and you will see them. There are more like, Benson is shite, Lowe is useless (I agree on this point I may add), Waggot is a clown and doesn't know his arse from his elbow, Pasha is a no mark venkys puppet and so on. There is a constant air of negativity from so called "hardenend" Rovers supporters, especially on this forum. Don't get me wrong, the last 12 years have shown incompetence on a grand scale, money frittered away, money going missing, agents at work screwing the club, players stealing a wage aka living, astronomical wages, poor leadership and shocking managerial decisions added to gross incompetence off the park. Yes there has been a total shit show by the owners of our club which has rightly brought angst, anger, despair, more anger and even rage, it has forced fans away from the club and yet, they remain at the helm, funding the club, holding their debt, paying the wages, sustaining the club through a pandemic and please don't quote other clubs have done the same, just ask Derby fans how they feel about their own club and its current status. You are wrong to assume Steve Waggot is my friend, so very wrong it is surprising the comment came from you as your posts often come across as being those of a smart person. You don't know me, neither me you, but I am sure we have shared and probably still do, strong feelings about BRFC. To think that I hang on every word SW says to me is a little disrespectful. I am not one of those who simply listens to his utterings and go away thinking the world is ok in the world of BRFC. I am a little bit more intelligent than perhaps you give me credit for. Let me enlighten you a little. Before I ventured to Ewood to see him last year, we had exchanged a large number of emails where I had outlined my own concerns and views on BRFC. I was armed with all sorts of research, I spoke with many, some from this forum, exchanged emails, read various accounts, weeded the wheat from the chaff in respect of what was right and what was utter shite, what was the truth rather than speculation, researched SW himself, spoke to Coventry and Charlton fans about him, I listened to his talks on LinkedIn and I spoke to people who have worked with him over 25 years to gauge what kind of person he was going to be when I conversed with him. I must add, that as an experienced investigator and interviewer, I was pretty much armed with everything that I needed. Before the Cardiff game last season he gave me 3 hours of his time pre match, which in itself showed he actually cared about taking time out to speak to a supporter face to face, man to man before a home game and in which he put me first rather than the Cardiff executives. I know he had taken in various fans forums as well as meeting with other supporters. And this is the best bit, I had actually spoken to some who had attended such meetings just to see if the message was going to be tittle tattle, similar or with or without any foundation - in other words it was to seek out the bullshit. My first meeting was very well received, I didn't just meet him, I met with other figures at the club. I learned a lot about him during that meeting and I will say that he was open, brutally honest, told me things perhaps he shouldn't have (and to this date have remained confidential) and told me about the future changes he was beginning to oversee at the club as it began to recover from the covid pandemic. I was shown in black and white, a blue print for the future, how he saw the club in the future and not just for 2023/24 but beyond, the plans by the owners, the plans around Ewood and the future of the Academy. We talked about many things from St sales, the home crowd, the Ewood experience, the community links, commercialism, food and drink inside the ground, the supporters club, communication, The Blues Bar and many other things. Armed with all of my research, I was happy with everything that he said and told me. I didn't suspect nothing apart from a willingness to make BRFC a better experience to to try and right the wrongs of what has gone before. My next meeting was even better in some respects. I managed to speak to two players, the groundsman, other staff at the ground and two very well respected ex-players who were there before I met with those inside Ewood. Again, armed with everything that I needed added to what we had spoken to before, SW spoke with added enthusiasm about future plans. I saw for my own eyes the developments in the behind the scenes work, I was fully updated with what was happening with recruiting staff in particular the process of finding the new manager. I was given an insight as to how it would be approached and so it proved in the appointments we have seen across the backroom staff. I might add that I shared my findings with a select few before even mentioning what I had done for two reasons, to see if there was anything to corroborate what I had been told as being factually incorrect and then also to establish just how much, if there was, bullshit had been spouted with a view to placating a concerned fan. Some of those exchanges will forever remain in confidence because I do not want to expose the link that I have to all things at the club! So, back to your opening gambit. Yes I do think there are times when the club needs defending but let me also say, there are times when the club needs to brought to account and when that is the case, rest assure, I am more than happy to let the club know my feelings which will be consummate with other supporters who have the same concerns. You can say all the negative things you want about Steve Waggot as he is the CEO. He knows he has to broach and improve communications at the club, he knows he has to engage the home supporters and he damn well knows that he has to seek the balance as regards match ticket/season ticket prices. He is fully aware Ewood needs more than just a lick of paint and he knows more than ever the home fans need an Ewood experience to be proud of. These are all things that we have spoken about and not just him. Rovers were actually caught by surprise with Mowbray's outburst when he announced his intention of not seeking to speak to the club, they were even further disappointed with comments that were attributed to him in another media publication hence why he found himself on gardening leave and out of pocket! It was at that point, Rovers set about the process of a change of direction for on field activities and now it is all sorted. They knew they were losing three backroom staff and they knew they had to replace and reinvigorate the scouting team set up to go alongside the new model. He knows there are major issues with fans wanting cheaper tickets and I agree, I am one of them but at the same time there has to be a bit of a reality check on finances when money only goes so far and priorities have to be put in place. Commercial wise, I would now expect a better service and operation with a new manager in place - it isn't about cut backs as some might claim, it is about progressing the off field activities and making sure the club operates at a better level. Kits are now almost ready for next season and will be released sooner than we have ever seen, the whole aspect of the commercial side is undergoing a full review from the corporate prices, food offers and drinks in corporate facilities and on the concourses. I as well as many others have pointed out that paying £350 for a pie that is as solid as a rock is not value for money especially when you can get two for that price opposite the ground. Charging fans for the Blues Bar entry is so very wrong, the price of a pint is not too bad but could be cheaper if the fans are encouraged to come to the ground, pre match entertainment outside the Blackburn End has shown it will entice supporters to the ground early rather than head to the moorgate where the music puts you off as its too loud for a chat, it is this kind of topic we talked about. Ticket prices are a must to be targeted and for all sorts of reasons, he understands this and is constantly looking at it although this brief is for the TO manager who has so far failed to listen to fans, I am at a loss why he or the club have failed to responds to the Trust letter with what I consider to have contain some excellent proposals. I hope that I have put my POV across as to why I defend the club as I do!
  24. Dithering? That’s your opinion. Fact is no one else was offered the job of head coach and as far as I can tell no one has come up trumps with a name of a DOF that was said to be the prime target and as such that will forever remain speculation. Whether we accept it or not the cards would appear to have fallen on a positive streak. People will say SW didn’t sell the club or put people off eg Farke Dyche or whoever there was speculative links to the job. The truth is we are were we are at this point in time.
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