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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Glen the clear point I was making is simple Rovers have pulled off a coup and it matters not who did the final deed it has happened and there is a breath of fresh air around the place even in here. Some on here have said the following which has turned out to be so wrong: we won’t replace Mowbray with anyone above the likes of a Grayson level! we won’t have a budget! we won’t sell 2k season tickets ! we will promote Venus into head coach! we will not have a decent pitch to play on ! there will be no investment ! we won’t have a sports science department venkys are not bothered and have pulled the financial clout ! etc etc etc
  2. It’s not the creation of an argument it’s a reasonable question to ask bearing in mind some of the comments being touted
  3. In all seriousness, does anyone really think it isn't a coup for Rovers to get JDT at the helm? Of course it bloody well is, he had job offers that he was considering from ECL clubs and no matter which teams they were, they offered top class football and clearly plenty of finance. I would like anyone on here to try and offer an explanation how and why the job at Ewood wouldn't be appealing to him and why he chose Rovers over the ECL clubs? He stated himself, the project found him and that he had other options but took the job that in itself is self explanatory. Whether it be Waggot, Cheston or whoever, the club sold itself to JDT and his staff and that is all that really matters.
  4. From my nearest Burnley followers with sons who play in the youth teams, its a pipe dream to think those 11 will start the first game of the season. As for the finance aspect, no I cant help you on that one other than there is a considerable payment due which will wipe out the two years advantage of parachute payments added to loyalty bonus for the players who have just said their goodbyes. There is a complete behind the scene restructuring going on with a number of staff having been told they face pay cuts, redundancy and job losses because of the relegation. Personally, I am really looking forward to locking horns with all of the LANCASHIRE teams this season, its a mini league in itself and whoever comes out top might just find themselves in a promotion chasing position.
  5. Read it, going to bumley would be a huge step down, financially embarrassed, no squad and if he thinks Burnley is a better option than Rovers after his PL ambitions statement then it s huge step down imo. But then again, if you think bumley are a better option to Rovers get yourself onto the turd🥸
  6. Has there been any response as regards the letter given to the club?
  7. Rothwell sold his property up north and won’t be going to Burnley after leaving Rovers! Huge step down😂😂
  8. And of course you are entitled to it, I disagree boro are nothing special and neither is wilder otherwise he would b3 managing a PL club instead of a small town team in smoggieland😂
  9. They once signed the best players from S America that didn’t help them ! DL won’t make them a better prospect than Rovers are Boro despite Wilder we’re just as bad in the pressure pot run in and don’t see anything that will change my view
  10. Not so sure on that score, Boro didn't set houses on fire last season and failed miserably like Rovers a the business end of the season, in fact did slightly worse IMO. Rovers will finish above them next season.
  11. As an expert in NVC he is saying stay away from me, dont pay me any interest because I am not really here, in fact just ignore me and my gurning chomper
  12. Pne will breach 15 k only when the play Rovers bumley and Blackpool
  13. You have pronounced they have no brain power and are lacking in effort !
  14. And the people you have referred to have just put in place a superb new team with vision backed by a better backroom team!
  15. I would suggest that those who speak I’ll get their arms down to Ewood and speak to those in the SMT to get the reality rather than relying on complete and utter speculation
  16. Have you ever thought that the "best" candidates" as named on here and in media are not always the better fit for the club? I mean, I have been in jobs where the stand out favourites have actually missed the job because a lesser candidate actually showed an alternative view to the job which might just be to the benefit of the club. All this nonsense about wages being an issue, all this nonsense about Benson - Lowe I will have/understand and the nonsense about being a lack of ambition/money or interest from those within the club is total bullshit - yes we have seen over the years the club spiral into chaos but right now, after a pandemic of massive proportions, the club is on a stable footing, we are not facing issues with FFP, we are not facing administration or a points deduction, we are not a Derby County, Bristol C or any of the other clubs that are facing financial investigations. Yes, there are issues with season ticket/match prices, and I for one sincerely hope the club are listening to the likes of RT and I am disappointed that so far, I haven't seen a response to the letter that was so eloquently put together by those with a real concern. So, as for the new manager to be, it isn't a grayson, it isn't a coyle wannabee cheapee, its looking like an alternative vision, something new so lets see how it pans out. There is no ruish to get the manager behind the desk next week, its a conditioning week, the real training starts in 10 days, that's when the manager needs to be in.
  17. I don't think either would have stooped to that, both are experienced and well known in football circles, they wither got better offers cash wise, CC has shown the limit of his ambition whereas DF has gone to a club with real aspirations
  18. Again, someone has not read the post clearly and doesn't understand the point I am making
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