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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Maybe it is because he doesn’t like the substantial amount of criticism and abuse whereas some well formed dialogue might assist in getting a response! The abuse the club has received following the Eid celebration is nothing short of shocking and embarrassing and to me it’s downright disgusting for the type of comments made to and about the club
  2. I don’t have to do anything at all Khod - there is a breeding ground of total and complete negativity spread by some and yes some of it is well founded but the majority is utter horse shit and unfounded speculation and rumour. Yet some hang on every whim of the negative aura, slagging everyone and everything as well as offering abuse because of alternative opinion and views. It’s becoming rife and tiresome as well as boring 🤬. If people really think there is no work going on to replace Mowbray good luck to you. Same with those who think it’s going to be a 5th division non runner with no plan no budget no players no ground or decent pitch and no new shirt to play in oh yea without sponsorship etc etc etc !
  3. it is your good self who is patronising MB and without getting into a bitch fest (again). To simplify, even the element of our support who are not tech savvy know the season ended and know that ST's are on sale, the mega screen advertised it, everyone knows the new season starts in July because of the world cup and everyone else knows how to get a renewal be it online, over the phone or through a third party. It is NOT a new phenomenon. Stop being so petty in making an excuse so you can offer criticism. Try being a tad more positive, you will like it, probably enjoy it and it will make your day fly by😀
  4. Not defensive it’s simple explanatory information
  5. It is not beyond the realms of possibility or for some to think logically about it. We know that season tickets are on sale therefore the options are simple and as follows: 1. Ring the ticket office. 2. Visit the ticket office. 3. Go online and purchase one. 4. Get someone else to do it for you using options 1, 2 or 3! 🙂
  6. It was an advertisement flyer informing you of the season ticket details and prices
  7. I’d say a lack of nouse on the shoulders of our manager are to blame for us missing out on the top 6, he is to blame and him alone.
  8. Just knowing we are playing Burnley twice is worth buying your season ticket alone
  9. I am not sure Jim the owners have a serious financial commitment in a huge loan which will bear some serious consequences to them
  10. Welcomed with open arms🙊🙊🙊🙊
  11. No the drainage system is properly improved added to additional lighting to go along with the soon to be weaved pitch - I have pointed out it’s ahead of schedule and like the other pitches in the training centres will be a huge improvement ! All work is geared to the players return on 13/6
  12. I am not concerned about your response it’s pretty typical tbh. You seem convinced I am a waggot puppet but alas once more you are wrong and what makes you think he would divulge such information ? There are various methods of getting information and chance meetings with players of other teams who happen to be staying at the same hotel really do happen ! Players these days are easy to chat to and are not afraid to tell you as it is! I know one of the two players was pretty astounded the move didn’t happen. I also think it’s laughable you think I hang on every word someone allegedly says - you clearly have an agenda as you have with others in this forum and as with others I would simply say press the ignore button or alternatively don’t comment 👍
  13. I spoke to Maja myself about it and believe me his word is truer than anyone else I have spoken to about it! I know from his own words about what and what didn’t happen about his proposed move to Rovers in January - It was nothing to do with finance waggot or venkys it was one individual alone! The deal had already been agreed in principle. Same with another player but again 1 person refused to speak to that player which again caused huge fall out between the backroom team. You only had to watch the sidelines v Bournemouth to see the agitation on that bench and you would note no one spoke to Mowbray during the game! The club as a whole are perplexed by Mowbrays comments hence the delay in any linked comments indeed the generalisation of what was released says it all. As for the pitch comments go and have a look for yourself a lot of work has been done already and it’s ahead of schedule
  14. So very wrong Gav Mowbray declined to make 2 centre forward investments he admitted it himself and is the source of the fall out between him and the rest of the staff
  15. I take it you didn’t see the pictures put out after the cancellation of the summer festival of music? If you care to speak to the grounds man I am sure he will explain the upgraded lights and new pitch system
  16. I don’t think I have ever defended their failures and with the history of abusive responses on this forum what I choose the share is my choice alone.
  17. Glen let me be clear no one has pulled the wool over my eyes about any aspect of what is happening at Ewood, that’s from before during and after 1973-2022. The sports science thing has evolved beyond anything that I understood and that’s just from 4 years ago it’s a remarkable area of football. It all costs money and it’s intriguing to note Rivers performers in this area have all gone to bigger clubs which shows the value the club hold in this arena. You mention clubs catching us in the academy stakes? Burnley lose their cat 1 status whilst others are nowhere near us We outperform many of the big clubs. We have to remember this is Rovers 2022 a town club with limited resources and due to the incompetence over the past 11 years it has had to be restructured and rebuilt. I believe it’s on the right track despite your alternative views and yes having had many conversations with you there is a lot I agree with. Cost cutting is a big thing especially after the covid years - thankfully we aren’t a derby or Bristol c we have survived and are slowly but surely progressing forwards. Mowbray really did fuck this season up for us it wasn’t venkys it wasn’t waggot it was simply down to the stubbornness of Mowbray who fell out with everyone and refused to spend funds that were made available. I have my views and I have my thoughts about what is going on and I hope they do come to fruition like many others
  18. Hand on heart and from the very first day yes I can. BRFC is not just about what we see on the pitch there are many aspects to it. An example is the academy which goes from strength to strength as does the u18 and then the even younger element NEVER have we seen such a broad amount of talent coming through the club since the likes of Dunny and Duff. The off pitch scientific work is amazing to see. We can all think we understand it however until you sit down and read the research and results of each and every player I don’t think anyone can comprehend just what goes on with it and how it helps players improve not to mention how it assists in developing their attributes. We have all seen how poor the Ewood pitch has been and we all decried the club and SW for not splashing out last preseason. There wasn’t reason for it as priorities were in place which I think will benefit the players across the age groups as well as the first team. The new pitch and system, drainage and new heating and lighting will be a huge improvement. People often forget Rovers have a tv PL income of £8m per season to play with along with income generated by ticket sales and other commercial means - it’s a limited amount of cash and is being managed and spent wisely without being thrifty with it. So again I have seen some really good improvement within the club. Don’t get me wrong there are many other facets of the club that need urgently addressing - season tickets fan experience and communication are just some of the areas I refer to.
  19. Mowbray was talking utter garbage after his toy out the pram throwing episode and fall out with his back room staff 🤬 Have you ever considered how long it takes to review a large quantity of applications and vast interest in the job? if you are serious about a lack of planning going on behind the scenes you really haven’t got a clue
  20. You’re wrong his offer was comparative but wasn’t guaranteed game time
  21. Then why don’t you try instead of spouting off on a forum? And for the record I promised absolutely nothing
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