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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. You need to look more closely at ALL aspects of the football operation at Ewood and then you will see and understand changes
  2. You are right, its about opinions. I just want to make this bit clear, I have not put all my faith into Steve Waggot or anyone else that I have spoken to at the club. Yes, I listened to them but before I did I was armed with all sorts of research, evidence and so many different versions of what or what hasnt happened since day dot. What I have been able to ascertain from the club leads me to believe that there is a bright future, or indeed better future ahead for the club over many aspects of football operations not just the playing side but ALL aspects including as a priority the FANS, commercial, the ticket fiascos, the academy, the pitches, the rumour and speculation, the finances et al. Because of what I had already learned prior to visiting the club it was pretty simple to dispel the rumours and utter crap, it was relatively easy to look ahead and see how the supposed plans impact on the club. If it doesnt come off then it will be very simple to take the club to task be it personally or through alternative means, if changes occur for the good and better then I will be content to some extent about what I was told. It is not just me who is aware of potential goings on at the club, there are many others who choose not to say what they know and for clear reasons. If there is a time when I need to fully explain things then you can bet your last penny, it will be out there. Finally, the grass being greener issue never works in a players favour especially when it is Rovers. History shows the likes of Hendry, Sutton, Bentley, Gestede, Rhodes, Marshall, Gallacher and many others who left for various reasons and it didnt really work out for the better, maybe financially but not professionally.
  3. Thank you Glen most appreciated from a fellow fan with obvious and clear concerns for our club!
  4. Miller your post is not quite correct. I have pointed out that in my view they are not as good as they might perhaps think they are. I have always said that Nyambe has flaws in his game - dont all players? - but I have never once stated he isnt good enough for Rovers nor have I ever muted the fact that I want him our of the club. The same applies to Rothwell. As good as he can be or as inconsistent as has shown, I have never wanted him out of the club NOR have I ever said anything about Waggot not rating either player other than suggesting they are not the player worth the money they are seeking in contract talks. This is a marked difference to what you are trying to imply. The grass isnt always greener as history with Rovers players who leave has shown. The Watford link would appear to be true whereas many on here thought it was Leeds. For the record my view is that he isnt anywhere near the standard required for either club because of the way they play to their strengths. You appear to have this thought or view that I live and die by every word that comes from Waggot and co, you are seriously mistaken if you actually believe what you have written. You are even more misguided by those beliefs when you dont know me, dont know anything about me and dont know my intentions about how I go about finding out the truth behind the issues at Ewood. I am a Rovers fan who wants the best for the club and that is it. As for players like Anderson getting a lift in football - yes it is bent, its wrong and it happens and will likely continue. Your mentioning of players being tapped up, of course it happens but it doenst happen in the manner which has been described on this forum, it happens between agents not representatives of the players own football club. Anyone who believes this is the case is mistaken.
  5. This so wrong assumptive link to WBA is incredulous especially when you are factoring a link to three out of contract Rovers players, it just isnt happening nor is it a credible rumour. Anyone who thinks it would never have hit the media be it national or social, facebook or tiktok, instagram and twitter is dreaming. The so wrong belief that Nyambe and Rothwell are instant premier league players is just as bad, neither are good enough, neither will make a first 11 and neither will progress any further than they are at Rovers. If we look at Lenihan, I do rate him highly and for me he is the kind of player Rovers need to be at the spine of the team. However, when making a comparison with the worst Premier teams, I ask myself if he is capable of dislodging the players they have. the answer is not really. He isnt better than what Norwich, Burney or Watford have, he is nowhere near as good as what Brentford, Leeds, Newcastle, Palace or Everton have and he most certainly isnt going to be able to better himself further up that league. Looking at the Championship teams and in particular WBA. How does anyone seriously think they are touting for WBA or that he is the king maker in waiting? The fans and the club will have seen the Mowbray implosion at Ewood, they have seen it themselves and its a repeating theme in his career. The want progression not regression and on that basis alone, Mowbray does not fit their model. The suggestion that Rovers staff are telling players not to sign contracts is ludicrous. Its gross misconduct for one and a sackable offence, its immoral and it is not happening as is described by some on here. Going back to Rothwell and Nyambe, both have been good, bad and ugly at times this season, in fact at times they have been awfully poor and inconsistent. Clubs who were/are interested in them will see this and will impact on their decisions whether to sign them. Recently, both have been awfully bad and it was apparent their heads may be looking away from Ewood, that is a totally unprofessional way to conduct themselves especially more when you consider the rewards that are on offer at Ewood and not just the chance of Premiership football. I agree that they are and have been victims of Mowbrays tinkering with the first team but their own inconsistency plays a huge part and only they are to blame. The fans who think they are worth £14k or more per week are in dreamland, truth is they are not. Wages in the Championship have levelled out and are going down rather than up, tv money, sponsorship and the like are all down for every club and supporters across the spectrum are pissed off with hiking non sensical ticket prices. Some clubs have it right and a lot of them have it wrong.
  6. There isn’t a manager in the championship that could demand an£5m pa salary in the current climate not even the parachute clubs would pay it. Football wages outside of the PL are nowhere near they once were and not will they ever reach those types of figures again
  7. My reasoning about accountability on the pitch is on the managers head and his alone - we all know about ownership. Accountability for the CEO and senior leaders is for off the pitch operations as well as looking at how the manager is performing with his players, getting results and progressing towards to ultimate objective. At not a single point has Mowbray accepted accountability for his failings as a manager instead passing the buck to players and now the fans. Its not about ownership of the club. At no point has Waggot come out and accepted his own part in accounting for the managers failings, results, poor form and a damn right failure to secure a top 6 spot this season when it was there cap in hand. Again, this isn't about ownership. I have read with interest Glens post, and I agree with most of everything he says and of course I mirror almost entirely his opinions, on the points I differ with him, I still respect his own.views. Looking back over the last 4 years I look to see if there is progression, there is in some context however there is a massive element of regression and it is this where the accountability has to be owned. On that footing alone, it is down to Mowbray and Mowbray alone. Yes we can vent anger at the owners and Waggot for not sacking him but for me, until the Hull postponement, Rovers were odds on for a top 6 maybe a top 2 spot and at that point he deserved to remain in post whether you like it or not and whether you agree or not. Rovers were top 2 on merit and performances alone and all of this after a debilitating 7-0 home loss. Since fatal February arrived, Mowbray reverted to type and this had a profound effect on all things football related, from players to the fans, to the club shop and beyond. Apathy reigned, Mowbray refused to listen and ignored what was in front of him. His lack of tactical nouse suggested that he had not gone stale, he had simply lost all respect of players and fans and just tried to meander his way through excuses after excuses. In fact my view is that he had yet again become a busted flush. Supporters constantly say - especially on here (and other forums) - that they dont see changes, well there is and are changes. Look at the community trust, look at the community work, look at the commercial side and how changes are being made, look at the academy and how its performing, look at the internal aspect of the club and how its working, look at the youngsters tied to contracts and have a think about what else is happening. Look at the efforts going on to try and entice fans back to the ground. And after this, look at the financial footing the club is on. - Please don't shout about the debt, it is owned by the Venkys and them alone. It is about the current state of the accounts and the operations set for the next 2-3 years. We can all grunt about prices, season ticket details, release dates, kit designs and everything else and we can all wait to see what the reaction might be to the letter so well written and produced that outlines concerns and ideas to the future of BRFC. It is a constant that the owners are a hated entity, I cant and wont deny they deserve it but at the same time, they are funding the club. Should we be grateful? Yes and no - there will be subjective and objective views, some legitimate, some that are misguided, some that are so far way of the mark and others that hit the nail on the head. I await with interest the outcome of the next forum and I look forward to watching and reading the views of posters (and others) about how they see it. We know there has to be a managerial change and we know that a better leadership team has to be better placed to take the club forward. For me, it is vital that the fans are allowed to play a part and that they are listened to. It will hurt big time watching little old Bournemouth celebrate promotion as Ewood, we have seen it before and it is indicative of just how much of a failure Mowbray has been in the last 3 months. As RFW would say, it is the best ever example of a Devon Loch
  8. dont be crass I dont like custard creams! If thats your take then you are not as bright or educated as I thought you might be!
  9. Its accountability and NOT ownership that is a major issue at Ewood.
  10. I just do not accept this to be the case, if anything it would have been a while back not in the last throes of the season and whilst we had a chance of the top 6
  11. After this weekends performances he doesn’t deserve a new contract not one but of on field leadership has been shown by our captain
  12. I agree to some extent however it’s pretty simple as a full back - defend when you have to and attack at will when going forward - Ryan’s regression has nothing to do with the fact he cannot cross a ball he cannot take a throw in properly he can not take a player on once he passes the half way line and he is most certainly not a goal scorer - analysing his defensive prowess shows at times he is not the best either. You cannot lay all the blame on the coaches a lot if it is down to a player taking his game forward
  13. Interesting that the touch line duo of Venus and Lowe were not patrolling leaving the hands in pocket sourfaced twat gurning and raising his eyebrows to the support
  14. Gally is a good player who is played out of position by an inept manager
  15. I have just read his after match comments in the LET, he is taking the piss out of us all. There should have been no need for a team talk the boro result was all the incentive needed. Yet the useless gimp sent out a team devoid of any attacking nouse, a defence left far too exposed by playing Johnson and with the out of form Dolan slinking between 3 six footers up front! What a complete embarrassment today was, the end of a play off dream with the team now struggling to even finish in the top 10! The sooner he leaves the better.
  16. Then you don’t watch his every game he has been absolutely shocking at times and wobbles every time he goes across the half way line there are far better players out there and although I wanted him to stay for me he can take the same bus as Mowbray himself
  17. I cannot understand how Johnson has come out for the second half 🤬
  18. Mowbrays disdain for the fans is so clearly obvious the man is a complete clown and has no respect - there was no team talk required today the incentive alone was middlesboros result - maybe he is pissed off about that but whatever happens he has to leave our club and now🤬 a truly pitiful first half devoid of anything football related
  19. It’s is pretty simple NO pride No effort No creativity No fucking idea and it’s an atrocious insult to the fans what Mowbray has done to the team today and before hand. They cannot string a pass there is no money who can create whilst Johnson is just a waste. It really is a shocking reflection on Mowbrays tenure
  20. I just do not see anything but a defeat for Rovers. No doubt the naughty forties club will be in town entertaining our hard as nails but can run fast youth😄
  21. I am still sticking to my thoughts that behind the scenes a possible contract extension is all but agreed and will depend n his visit to India to offer some sort of explanation as to how this season, as successful as it may be gleaned, has eventually panned out. This is despite his media claims that there hasn't been any discussion. If we are to accept that substantial planning is already in place for next season, then unless Rovers have a new manager in waiting and he is the one doing the planning, then it seems likely he will be here next season. As is contract ends in June he is bound by the terms of his contract to go to see the owners unless he resigns or just decides that he isn't going pre the contract ending date being reached, same with SW. I don't buy the WBA link and would be very surprised if they went down that route. No matter what, I want him out because he has gone stale and doesn't appear to have a clue about learning from his mistakes!
  22. The point being if he leaves he does go this season it’s for a fee
  23. And Brereton will only go if the club agrees to his sale not because he just wants out!
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