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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Basing it solely on my previous experiences, the less said the better! Means he cannot be questioned about what hasn’t been mentioned!
  2. The only answer we as fans will ever get is the game was cancelled for concern for players safety due to the pitch surface not allowing the ball to roll/bounce naturally.
  3. No it’s because dumpdale has 4 outlets to send the overflow of water to all of which are a lower level to the ground and all are lower than the riverside at Ewood
  4. Well my record was pretty impressive never missed a penalty in all my playing days school, amateur Sunday and Saturday league, navy and so on😅 must have been some shit keepers around back then😅😅
  5. I beg to differ his report will be due to adverse weather conditions player safety was the primary decision and deemed the pitch unplayable it will not reflect on the club as they wanted the game to go ahead
  6. Covers mainly protect from ground frost not rainfall and are in the main used by clubs who do not have undersoil heating. Water running off a flat surface has to go somewhere 🌧🌧
  7. That coincides with a Rovers home game is the point I made. I am pretty sure wind speeds are records this stormy weekend add in the driving rain sleet snow and it tells a story of horrid weather remember Rovers are not the only club to have games called off.
  8. The water would have remained in top of the covers and has to go somewhere when they are lifted. Water around the edges if the pitch would be even more saturated especially when snow is moved from the surface. Remember the rivers level still plays it’s part. Once the snow was removed the pitch was still saturated hence the video that appears that shows the ball not bouncing properly. The club wanted to play but the ref didn’t want to take a chance. It was his decision not Rovers or Millwalls.
  9. We have not had weather like this week that coincides with a rovers home game for many a year, Wimbledon aside, the game v the nobbers has come the closest with the teeming rain that should have seen that game abandoned! I cannot ever recall any weather like this weekend since 1987!
  10. Because at 1230 the ref said it was good to go, then later the ref changed his view! Pretty simple to me
  11. Like you I struggle to recall a game being cancelled however you tell me just how many times we have had such shockingly awful weather, downpours, sleet and snow that have coincided with a game at Ewood? I will help you out, not many at all. Its faff all to do with the owners or the club, a weather phenomenon and a quick fire decision by a referee are the reasons why he saw fit to use player safety as a reason.
  12. We could have had grass surface like Wembley but the fact of the matter is the drainage was hampered by a high river level adjacent to the riverside - if it’s above normal levels surface water at Ewood struggles to drain away properly - the other fact being that Rovers have previously sought to deepen the channel and reroute part of the river to ease flow issues but were denied until the riverside undergoes a rebuild!
  13. But you and I both know referees are hidden protected from everyone and anyone !
  14. Blame lies with the ref and ref alone, when do we see refs explaining decisions let alone postponing a game at a late stage?
  15. Covering the pitch wouldn’t have eased flooding as water/rainfall/sleet and the like would still require to drain away hence a high river level means it’s still the same scenario. I am still a believer that the game could have been played if time had been allowed to drain the surface but I am not too sure as to regulations if there any about how long a delay can be made and of course,local plod would also have an input on that and the impact of away fans travelling south by train
  16. Simon it’s an automatic function - the system is “on” permanently and “kicks in” once a certain temp is reached ie 3 degs above freezing. It will not melt snow it prevents soil from freezing and that is all it does. Drainage is a different issue there are drainage channels all under the pitch however if the river is high those channels do not allow for the outpipes to flow the water into the river especially if the underground tanks are already full. Yesterday saw an enormous amount of rain sleet and snow hence why the pitch didn’t drain much like Wimbledon a few years ago.
  17. Great preview 👍 will be in Mexico on Wednesday celebrating my birthday hoping to wake up with a victory and 3 points however the reality is we are misfiring which will probably cost us the points
  18. You don’t just switch the undersoil heating on and it’s not there to melt snow 😅 it automatically kicks in as a certain temperature is reached and it is not allowed to be on one hour before the game starts nor during the game . Bits neither embarrassing or a discredit to Ewood, The club or its owners the bloody ref thought player safety was the decisive factor and that alone stands as the reason. Both clubs wanted to play the ref did not allow it !
  19. Simon frost wasn’t going to be an issue as far as I can tell, the under soil heating is auto and is to prevent the pitch from freezing, a ground sheet is also used to prevent frost primarily not rain, especially in the amount that has poured down this last few days. The sole issue is drainage and drainage alone. The water cannot drain if the river is high especially when it breaches the overflow from Ewood park, the water just will not fast enough to allow sufficient run off. It isn’t down to Rovers not relaying the pitch last year, it’s not down to BRFC or venkys or costs. until the Riverside is developed there is no permission to alter the river flow and channels hence why we see when there is sustained downpours the pitch is waterlogged. PNE was a prime example the water was not draining off the surface due to a high river level. As the sun rise and temperature rose there was always going to be additional water running off and add this to a referee who took player safety as a primary the answers lies at his feet and his feet only. That is my opinion of course.
  20. Undersoil heating doesn’t melt the snow it merely prevents the pitch from freezing. Anyone who thinks there is anything untoward other than the ref deeming it unfit for play is way off the mark in the current woke down climate ! Back in the days of old I’ve played on may pitches that these modern day ballers wouldn’t even walk in let alone try and play - Sunday football in 5 inch of ice and snow was the norm in Chorley leagues especially at brinscall
  21. Even Harrogate's home game was called off and they have a plastic pitch ! It is down to weather and player safety it is as simple as that. on a plus side got all my ironing done ready for my break to Mexico on Wednesday 🌞✈️
  22. I would say they are totally gone if this is true
  23. Oh don’t get me wrong I have previously fully advocated changes behind the scenes as well as the manager. However I know full well the changes that have happened that continue to happen the ambition and planning that is in progress and I am allowed to have changed my point of view based on that. The point being as highlighted many believe issues behind the scenes prevent players from signing and constantly lay blame on the club todays news contract for TK dismisses that notion! In fact I am happy to suggest that another deal is very close to being done and dusted👍. It shows that neither SW or TM can be held to blame
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