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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Dizzy? lets see. Spend thousands up front, sell a few, have a little spurt at Xmas time and come February have thousands of shirts in the cub having to be sold at less than half price and even some of that stock will be in the store next season. Yes your view makes total business sense NOT! No business ever bought over stock to sell it at a loss within a 12 month period.
  2. In answering your post RF99. I am not provoking anyone and indeed trying to dispel the negativity - especially on here - is sometimes necessary. I will give you some examples: Pears - "waste of money, time and effort", "poor keeper" "useless and only bought because he is a relative of TM" - well faff me, his few appearances and performances have all shot down that load of crap. Buckley - "poor player, too small, not a footballer, shouldn't be in the team, needs replacing etc" - again likes AP, his performances have dispelled a lot of the claims made by some elements of the fans base. Transferring ownership of the STC - "shocking, being sold for this that and the other" - well even footballing experts alongside the club can see the reasons why it was done, yet some fans still claim there is ulterior motives behind it even more so when the club have outlined what they did and the reasons why. Selling Armstrong and the fee received being eaten/handed to Venkys or whatever - He had to go because he wanted to go and had refused to sign his new deal. Rovers made a handsome profit on his sale and there can be no criticism held on the club. There are fans who still claim the money has gone missing, it hasnt, its in the club funds as operational finance. Downsizing, defunding and cut backs - again, some fans are constantly rattling on about these topics and its all based on speculation and nothing more. Kits - poor commercial sense etc - I am in full agreement that commercially, Rovers have been poor for a long time, even going back to the days of Beamo. Its an area of Rovers operations that always seems to be a shocking indictment on those who manage it. This year, we saw out kits, as good as they are, selling like hot cakes and indeed, some are no fully sold out and YET some dare to criticise because they cant get a shirt at Xmas. In this area, Rovers have sold more shirts this season than they ever have in the last 7 or 8 years. This shows an element of good business models and a return for the outlay to Macron. Can you see why we try and dispel negativity? It breeds faster than this bloody virus has done and when you compare it to the positive signs it still wins because there are those who refuse to look at things objectively settling for nonsensical comments. Even as some titbits are being found by any number of supporters about the alleged purchase of a significant piece of land some fans just cannot see behind their negative thoughts rather than looking at the reasons why Rovers might just be looking to expand and improve on their academy which is thriving and will undoubtedly support the club in the future. Finally in answering your last comment about negative doomsayers, yes you are right, people can reflect on bad decisions made over the years, relegations, kean and co, the list is endless BUT at the same time, in looking at how things have and are continuing to change, on and off the park, it is those same people who refuse to take an objective look relying on the same old negativity meaning it still lingers. My optimism has absolutely nothing to do with chatting and meeting with people at the club, it is about my perspective on looking what I have learned, opinions and views of others, listening to what is actually occurring inside the club and then making informed decisions along with those who are actually involved in the football operation.
  3. Talking Riverside, a stand where I did my apprenticeship as a baby faced Rovers fan in the 70's before being initiated into the Blackburn End, just what would anyone suggest as to what could be done to it? I personally don't see the need to splash millions on a new stand, it is always half empty (maybe more) and as it stands it appears to be suffice for those fans who like to sit in the stand albeit the facilities may not reflect in the other stands. I dont see a hotel being appropriate, I mean facing a green hill and trees isn't the most attractive outlook neither is a supermarket and there is definitely no need for other corporate services.
  4. Its a bit like buying a house, you dont go shouting about it to all and sundry you wait until the deal is signed sealed and delivered. This deal has been in negotiation for some time and is well down the line. I suspect there is all sorts to actually sort out, dot the I's and cross the T's and all that as well as any forward planning, use of land, proposed plans etc etc. I dont see anything underhand, I dont see bad advice being offered in fact, it totally makes sense and is a potentially fabulous future investment. Someone mentioned about it being a fantasy having a home grown team, well Manure did it many years back along with added stars. Their team spine was all home grown players and there is no reason why Rovers cannot go some way to replicating it, look at our U18's who are flying and who are reportedly attracting interest from the biggest clubs around. I see it as a positive. I haven't been sweet talked nor am I a plant and I wasnt handed the info from anyone inside the club as some where!
  5. And finally. A reasoned response with thought and foresight as to what the future MIGHT look like instead of utter bunkum conspiracy theories
  6. Utter bunkum! Each player is a different negotiation!
  7. Because there are a number of fans who already know about this proposed transaction/purchase and intention.
  8. Quite clearly when and if there is news to be given out they will. Quite clearly AT THIS POINT there is nothing to report!
  9. The saves he has made are down to him NOT the defence, he deserves every credit he has been given
  10. Maybe some might have a different view if they thought about a change of operational models rather than cost cutting. The proposals are a huge investment and a huge boost to BRFC financially - in addition our academy assets will only get better.
  11. Thing is, its not just me who knows something about it, there are quite a few others who know some of the plans, know most of the plans and know a little less of the plans! We cant all be wrong and the source of the information to everyone who does know is not the same person(s)
  12. Where in central Blackburn would they find a site covering 150 acres?
  13. Despite the negativity on here about this, a purchase of 150.2 acres of land doesn't sound like a downsize to me !
  14. I know a tad more about the specifics of this transaction which is to the benefit of BRFC
  15. When the details of a major transaction for Rovers break in the very near future there will be uproar from those who have no understanding of what is going on at Ewood😅😅
  16. You have absolutely no idea ! The numbers i gave are a suggested example, not made up just an EXAMPLE. BRFC and no other club out of the top 15 clubs in England would never entertain a business model where you order more shirts than you can sell (based on average sales over a certain period). Why would the clubs shell out more money when at the end of the season they are then found selling shirts at a much lower price, taking a hit financially TWICE OVER? You constantly snipe that SW has somehow sweet talked me! You couldn't be further from the truth and if you knew me or ask those who do, then you might have a much clearer view. If I defend the club, or appear to do, it is to try and negate negativity, something that you and others appear to promote rather than look objectively or at least try and find an alternative view on things at Ewood. I am never afraid to voice discontent, as i did when talking to members of the club. If I see something I don't like i will certainly outline my view. You clearly have absolutely no idea as to how a shirt deal is done. Why do you think there isn't just one major supplier of shirts to all clubs across the globe? Every club negotiates with the shirt supplier but I am absolutely certain there are deals out there that do not give the club absolute control of shirt supplies unless of course you are a huge seller and make the firms millions. Rovers are a small fish in those terms and shirt sales are not a massive impact for smaller suppliers like Macron. You suggest the shirts sold at a sale rice still rake in profit, they may do but it will be minimal at best so for me, the optimum time of selling is pre season/season beginning and NOT Xmas.
  17. requested to wear one on the concourses but no requirement to wear one inside the ground/seating areas.
  18. I can tell you offers for DL and JR were made before the end of last season, RN was at the end of the season. Its not from the word of anyone inside the club it is from a very close and reliable source from the sports legal world!
  19. Why would Rovers for example order 20000 shirts in the hope that we sell more when the average season sales over the past 4 years is 6500 (this is just an example and not based on exact figures)? It isn't commercial or sensible business models. You cannot compare ticket sales to a shirt sale.
  20. And explain then why there is a sale at the end of every season where you can buy a shirt for half price? There wont be that issue this year because the popularity has never been as strong. It makes good business sense as you cant just rely on a splurge of shirt sales at Xmas, alas, you might next be suggesting that we do a mean average of every fans birthday and stock up on the most popular months for birthdays!
  21. As a final say in this issue, why would Rovers commit to a massive order of shirts - a higher cumulative figure than sales averaged over a couple of years - in the knowledge they would probably not sell them all? I think that is a positive sales result, selling out a popular product, in fact its a sales dream some might say. I get the Xmas thing but the reality is shirts are bought in the main pre season and will undoubtedly attract buyers at Xmas because normally we would still have loads left. With the style of kit on offer being attractive thats why they have proven so popular and why they are short in numbers. Good business if you ask me
  22. I disagree as could be seen with the Rovers following earlier this season on a seriously bad rainy night! Rovers away following is a decent one wherever we go, their numbers cannot be compared to ours even a local derby didn't get them excited so a Sunday afternoon at Ewood? Don't think so especially at Christmas
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