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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. And the announcement from Rovers silences some of the critics
  2. He can’t sign any precontract with any club until Rovers tell him they are not exercising the 1 year extension in their favour
  3. I’ve not seen anything on social media regarding this
  4. If this doesn’t whet the appetite of Rovers fans who still refuse to come to Ewood nothing ever will! Great result against a bogey side. Credit to all concerned, off on an early evening las americas pub crawl😂😂🍺🍺🍺
  5. Sounds awful weather wise it’s only 23degs here in Tenerife and living with what’s being said on here and the oss mention on 5live👍
  6. Chuckling to myself out here in the sun! Just read an article about being bitter rivals if PNE🤣🤣 they surely are a set of complete clowns
  7. When we are talking agents, the question should be are they really working in the best interest of the player they represent or are they working* to screw the highest fee for their own monetary gain? Agents ruin football!
  8. To be precise Tp there some who accuse him of criminal conduct, fraud, improper conduct as a CEO, thieving, being a poor decision maker, a liar and all sorts of other accusations mainly without any evidence and a reliance on supposition or what they presume to be the truth and nothing but the truth! I say the only way to get an open and honest view of him is to go one to one with him and before you do, research and prepare your questions. Only then should you come out and make your claim!
  9. It’s interesting to see different views but something has been missed! Not a single bid has been received for him in the past 2 years and that clearly tells a story.
  10. The club and debt are owned by venkys not Blackburn rovers
  11. Missing the game just landed in Tenerife another tough game 1-0 first team to score takes the points
  12. I have to disagree completely when you are an expert in NVC you can easily distinguish whether he is lying being truthful or just bull shitting. Being a smooth talker is not easy and as for lying you have to be absolutely brilliant at it and believe me after 30 hrs of interviewing the ultimate scum who walk this earth a chat with SW was very easy to undertake
  13. What utter rubbish🤬 are you suggesting the like of young Buckley has done it on his own ? Similarly with Dack Rothwell Travis Lenihan and the upcoming youngsters ?
  14. It might give you an alternative view of the man rather than you being reliant on stuff you only read 🙊 I find there is nothing better than looking a person directly in the eyes if you think that person is lying or bull shitting so give it a go you might learn something
  15. JHR get yourself to Ewood and have a sit down and a brew with him. He is very approachable and indeed you might also get an insight from others behind the scenes as to what is going on in the off field footballing operation.
  16. I never said he wasn’t a bad player Rev😂 I have highlighted areas for improvement 👍👍
  17. It cannot be triggered until in the last 6 months of his contract I am reliably informed alongside an offer being on the table
  18. Personally he won’t leave in June for Zero pounds Rovers have the option and the player has no say in it!
  19. I dont see the bar codes seeing that BBD is better than what they have up front at the moment. In any case, if the rumours are right then it seems there could be a bit of a bidding war building. Funny how the reports fail to mention the 1 year option that Rovers have on BBD.
  20. Nyambe is the one holding himself back. He needs to learn to pass the ball, head the ball and then cross the ball. Add that to learning to shoot at the target, learn his defensive position at corners and to take a proper throw in and we might have a player !
  21. Not a lot Preston fans more deluded than the average fuktard and jealous of success afforded to BRFC. There is no rivalry between our clubs they are completely incomparable to Rovers across al aspects of football
  22. I think a difference might just be the solid platform we currently stand on. 33 points already in the bag, scoring goals, keeping clean sheets and watching that team embracing each other says there is a fantastic team spirit within. It’s not all bad at the club. seems to me any apathy isn’t within the playing department 👍 Long may it continue
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