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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. I disagree Rev with you on any and being irreplaceable. If you review the goals we concede over this season how many have come from his lack of positional sense and defensive awareness? Far too many if you ask me. His passing is mediocre at times and if you ask him to cross a ball then he really does struggle to make the grade. As powerful as he can be his defensive errors are frightening
  2. Any upturn on the home gate will improve the atmosphere 👍
  3. I am and in the main they are not the bitin* bitching stay aways😂
  4. No I actually mean all those fans who bitch bite and stay away when there really is a solid young team taking shape at the club. We may despise venkys, we may dislike Mowbray and Waggot but the club and team are far more important and it’s that that really matters.
  5. Pointless? It’s an honest observation and I reiterate , if the supporters came together instead of bitching whining slating and bickering then who knows how much of a boost it would give the players. Another observation is your comment about the historical home defeat, as bad as it was, and I have bore witness to some horror home shows (and away) in my 50 plus years of following Rovers, is that just how many young teams would have responded in the manner that this team have? The supporters have played their part, even more supporters in the ground backing the team would surely only serve as further positive support!
  6. Imagine what it could be like if our disjointed and divided supporters could mirror off the pitch what is going on on the pitch 👍👍……….just saying
  7. Just seen the twitter feed from Rovers, what is absolutely clear is the togetherness of the players, each to a man congratulating each other as they leave the park, no ego no sulking just pure unadulterated togetherness 👍
  8. No they couldn’t do what Oyston did, he stole £22m in hard cash and was made to repay it all, every single penny and costs and indeed they were ordered to sell a number of assets because they didn’t find the cash😂
  9. You can’t ask for more. Called it a close game with the first goal taking the points. Credit to all at Ewood. Will be an interesting week building up to the nobbers game
  10. First part is utter shite but then again……
  11. yep damian duff, lenihan were all shite players from Ireland !
  12. An alternative view might be that they have been rubbish and very inconsistent in their performances at times and actually deserved dropping!
  13. Welcome pal and thank you for your views. Really tough game if you ask me. Stoke are NOT the Stoke of old where they bombard the box with high balls but they do play some good football. A close game and I see only a 1 goal win, first to score takes the points.
  14. Simon I am not just reliant on the word of SW I also have other lines of information that corroborate what I was told/learned from within the walls of Ewood👍
  15. I look forward to how the old guard of football responds to this recommendation!
  16. To be honest if BBD only touches the ball 10-15 times during a game and bags a couple of goals that is all that really matters as long as the defence hold up! But what we see at the moment is an all round game player, runs to the death, has speed. His touch is far better and he can take on players added to the fact he knows where the back of the net is! Long may it continue and good luck to those supporters who lumped money on him pre season, enjoy spending that cash😃 The thing I want to see now is for Gally to take stock and improve on his own game, his touch and his goal scoring record. Imagine what it might be like if he can get rid of the niggly injuries and begin to bang a few more goals in alongside the threat of BBD, TD and Khadra. Now that could be mouthwatering if it comes off.
  17. 1. Offers have been offered as confirmed by their agents who have said they have been unable to make agreements with the club as well as being confirmed by the club and of course through other means. 2. ALL offered deals with improved terms in accordance with the wage structure that Rovers will not break UNLESS there are extreme circumstances agreed by the owners. Sensible decision if you ask me. You have a budget you stick to it. 3. Its not about SW or TM, it is about the players choosing not to accept and agree the deals. All of which are set against the budget for the club. Whether they have wasted money in the past is totally irrelevant its today that matters. So again if there is blame it is to the players agent declining to accept the contract offer. 4. Utter garbage, it simply suggests there may be alternative options where they may get better money or longer contracts. Its happening across the football spectrum not just at Rovers. As for your doubts about contracts being offered instead of your speculation lets have some tangible evidence to support it!
  18. Utter rubbish again. I blame the owners, mowbray and the club for various aspects I see as failures, I also compliment the good things that I also see or am aware of. In respect of contract offers and just to be perfectly clear, it is NOT a last minute dash to secure the players on new contracts its been going on for a while, so I would stop thinking otherwise. The players and their agents have failed to agree to the terms on offer, all of which are IMPROVEMENTS on current contracts.
  19. Yes I do he is the one declining to sign the much improved contract he has been offered.
  20. It might have but the money back then was nowhere near as it is now by comparison and of course the club was better run. Despite that, the fact remains that players have the power when running contracts down, not even Jack could have changed that!
  21. Gav you cannot blame the club for a player running a contract down it happens all across the football spectrum and just doesn't affect or beloved BRFC it effects each and every club. Contract offers have been made, improvements offered and yet the players decline to sign, no one other than the player himself can be blamed if blame is to be apportioned. Its not mowbray or waggots fault they act within the guidelines and budget, it is as simple as that. So no its not badly advised or incompetence, its how football contracts work
  22. I just dont see Dack making it this season. If his recovery was on schedule we would have seen him in videos kicking and training, without any updates from the club its more likely to be next season that he is back
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