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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Am I not entitled to a view 47 or is that exclusive to your good self?
  2. And once again MB you are misguided in your attempt at besmirching me! My views on the owners have not changed since day 1 you really should take a hard look at my posts and read them properly😜
  3. My view is that it simply is indicative of some of our fickle supporters!
  4. No they didn’t but to be fair I also didn’t mention it either (strategy based decision)! The issue of communication is very high on my agenda in talks with the club and if I am honest they agree entirely that it is nothing short of awful for a number of years. I was assured that it is a priority for the club to greatly improve communication with supporters and I am keen to see just how their intentions make out in the coming weeks
  5. If it helps you I found about this sale way before I met with club officials and from a very close acquaintance where we have known each other for over 40 years. It is solely this reason alone why I never divulged anything about it to anyone, not even my closest friends, its called confidentiality and common decency. My friendship with that particular person is worth far more than letting slip anything we have spoken about where BRFC are concerned.
  6. If we think Rovers are in a mess compare them to Derby County, now they are well and truly fooked
  7. Actually Gav that is not such a bad idea if you ask me. Bradford City grew their fan base with cheaper tickets, there is no reason why a club like Rovers shouldnt look at it.
  8. As good as the work might be going on behind the scenes, and it is, Rovers take an initiative with the Sheff Game after a record home defeat and then instantly take 5 steps backward undoing any good work done to entice fans back to Ewood with this stupid insane pricing policy. I am a long standing ST holder like many others, does it bother me if the game is £20 a ticket? Absolutely not and like so many have suggested there are many ways to offer a reward to ST holders such as free cup games (if we get a home tie) or offers at the cub shop such as a free shirt and of course a discounted price for next seasons renewal. The suggestions of buy 4 games get 1 free is another excellent idea. Its a real mystery how the club fails to grasp opportunities like this as the fan base slowly dwindles away
  9. Mowbrays wages are already catered or in this seasons budget. He wont get a huge pay off he will either get his wages due or a slightly smaller pay off to help him with tax issues etc! I say sack him NOW
  10. Looking at todays press release regarding the home game versus PNE, Rovers have not heeded or learned a lesson as regards pricing initiatives for the game, in probably what should have been the biggest home gate of the season.
  11. Absolutely aware of most things that gone on. My faith is simply looking at everything from every angle, reviewing it, analysis and then looking at the intentions and plans as were outlined. Do I have ultimate faith? No not yet based on previous history- will it change? I will wait and see. Do I believe the latest ambition and forward plans ? I haven’t seen anything to doubt them YET but my opinion remains steadfast at this time. Will I forgive and forget? Never. I am prepared to look forward, we cannot change the past. Maybe the path trodden by some wasn’t as tight as what could have been and that is not to be critical of them in any way. Whatever was amiss, whatever the smoking gun they just were not found sadly.
  12. In answering your question Gav For part of the past 11 years I was in a job where I couldn't do anything about it, sadly the rules I had to abide by at the time ruled. Now retired from that particular employment after almost 30 years with them, I found myself free to actually do what I am good at and investigate, the main intention to ensure speculation and rumour where never in front of the truth, because the truth is all that matters to me in terms of our football club. So, a couple of years ago I set off on that particular ambition and to date I have been quite content with what I understand to be truth rather than relying on the large amount of speculation/misinformation and utter shite that we often see being banded about without any shred of reliability. It was quit a simple process separating it all because so many others had done a lot before I even considered doing what I did. Its not a one man show, its not a crusade. I genuinely fear for the future of my club, it is as simple as that. I am lucky to have good contacts, I can get information from people, I can summarise, I can analyse and review and I can bring my own conclusions about what has actually happened. Added to speaking to the club directly I am relatively suited at our current situation however I will reiterate, I am firmly behind a change of manager and a change in the make up of the board. Whilst I am not happy with what has gone before, it is the future that matters to me more than looking backwards, we cannot change it we can only hope the lessons are learned. As crass as it may appear to some who are ill informed or not in possession of facts from the research, from what others have done and continue to do in concern for BRFC, I am content there is a future, there is support and there is most certainly financial backing at the club from the owners. Its a continuing ambition of mine because at the end of the day, my heart runs Blue and White. Being born and bred a short distance away from Ewood makes me even more determined to ensure there is change. Furthermore, if I ever did uncover any improper or criminal conduct you can be assured it would be taken forward.
  13. You cant have a go at me, I haven't done anything wrong nor do you know me. As for not being able to contain myself, well I am not too sure about how you come to that reasoning. If you get told a whole lot of things, some which can be shared, some which are private and confidential then that has to be respected in my view. There is of course the issue of who you decide to then share any information and in what circle that you choose to. I chose to keep what some of the things I was told and learned private, I chose to share with a few other close friends who go to football with me and I chose to share some information with fellow fans some from this forum and others from another, people who I knew I could trust, some who I knew and some who I had had contact with over many years. Forgive me if I ruined your perception of blurting information willy nilly. Your suggestion that our owners do not listen is misguided and dont get me wrong, probably based on previous experiences and one which I would probably have the same thought until I got to the point I did with my research, investigation and then contact with the powers that be. I am not going to try and get people to change their views on them its not my mantra or ambition, however I will say they have appeared to change tact on a number of issues that concern the club and its football operations. Whether you choose to accept that is down to you. If they are above the fans ten why the hell would they make a personal invite to converse with further invites already planned? For me its about my love of BRFC, to rid the fans of some utter shite speculation that finds itself rabid amongst fans forums and the like, to improve communication between the club and fans and to ensure that there is a future for our club. I have been able to air my concerns which mirror each and every Rovers fan be you from Blackburn or afar. Its about getting the truth and seeing things improving and thus seeing the club progress from the mess it has become over 11 years of total mismanagement, discord, discontent and whatever else one wants to describe it as. You talk about the PL wanting rid of Rovers? Where exactly do you get this from? From word of mouth, personal view or have you tangible evidence to say that it is 100% right and correct? the Pl made it clear there was nothing to investigate at the time or since. There was never anything other to support it. The EFL and FA are in exactly the same position. I am aware of a financial investigation that took place, there is a very reputable member of this forum, often lambasted and caned for his views on here, who also has that knowledge. Whilst those enquiries were made in relation to allegations of payments and missing monies, nothing I repeat nothing was ever found sufficient enough to implicate any person or to bring a case to a court of law, be it civil or criminal.
  14. Whether it be the criminal or civil threshold the fact remains that in both scenarios and/or cases there was insufficient evidence to proceed hence why no one has been convicted ! I am 100% certain that if such cases existed with evidence to proceed the footballing authority and any other prosecution agency would have taken it further.
  15. What I was or not aware of is of little concern to anyone but me Gav
  16. My point being that I cannot comment on whether Glen and others received threats or by whom they were allegedly made. I do know that no one was arrested, charged or convicted for any offence and before it is said, I do not dispute anything claimed by those involved. I have spoke to Glen on many occasions in the Brown Cow in the early days so I am pretty certain I am aware on his stance and views. A committed and fervent supporter of the club like many of us and despite what has gone before he still gets behind the team at the ground.
  17. Bogus company? It’s correctly and properly registered under companies house and who says I wasn’t aware of it happening or had some knowledge of the business deal? So, no, despite your view I haven’t failed at any hurdle, in fact I am probably further down the road than I thought I would be!
  18. Without casting any doubt on its authenticity I have never seen or heard of anyone being convicted or arrested in relation to any alleged conspiracy, threats to harm or worse, theft, fraud or corporate misconduct especially in relation to serious company fraud. This alone tells me there is a serious lack of evidence to support any prosecution. Personally I have my own thoughts and opinions on what may or may not have gone on and I have no doubt there has been criminal activity by some and probably involves the names of those we know or suspect we know about. There is no little point in looking backwards if you ask me, it’s about the immediate and long term future of our club and what lies beyond. If I recall there were a few highly placed people who were onboard with claims of improper conduct and/or criminality however that didn’t seem to take anything further forwards in respect of incriminating an individual or group of people and since then those voices have long disappeared. For my point of view I understand what I have learned and what I have been told by representatives of the club. The proof will be in the pudding as it were and I look forward to a future meeting to see how progress, if any, has been made.
  19. Boro have had a succession of so called good managers with promotions on cvs but the reality is they are as bad as anything Rovers are. Steve Gibson maybe proactive in getting Wilder in however every manager he gets in seems to manage the same ambition and yet fails !
  20. I have never come across this in any of the investigations that I have had the opportunity to look at not have I ever been told in conversation about it in the context of the actual text
  21. We’ve definately had some shockers in my 50 plus years😂 glad I missed Wednesdays game!
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