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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Lecture in loyalty? Ffs get a grip get a life and look forward. 6 points out of 9 is a good return despite the heavy loss and indeed its 3 wins out of 4. You are a symptom of the negativity in and around some Rovers fans, yes it’s not all rosey but for gods sake look at it in a different way like others seem able to do and back the team. TM and SW are not BRFC, the club is much more than them. In any case I didn’t lecture you I voiced my opinion
  2. My opinions won’t change on the past 11 years, the owners and the current manager I want to see wholesale changes. in saying that and replying to your post there are plenty of positives, the result the effort the pride the steel the guile and speed of the team was at times a joy to behold and all that after a midweek home leathering! As a Rovers fan I was proud loud and tall yesterday after feeling positively numb since Wednesday I will take yesterday as a positive like many others if you can’t or won’t then that is your prerogative.
  3. Are you for real? A positive is sinking a recently relegated premiership team 3-1 after a record home defeat, that’s a positive in itself!
  4. If you get the chance for a 1 on 1 with him find out for yourself!
  5. The club is far bigger than Mowbray and Waggot. The players who wear the shirt of our club are the ones we should get behind.
  6. It’s about pride and working your best in the job that you are highly paid for! Each player had effort in abundance today, it is this that’s often missing in Mowbray and his tombola selections
  7. Sat in the pub and the team news filtered through left me feeling that this is the end of Mowbray, his tinkering to the end would see another capitulation and heavy defeat! On taking my seat, that after no food was left in the JW Upper, I was pleasantly surprised to see a much bigger than expected Home crowd. Cue 1 minute 20 seconds and we fail to get a defender in the way and we concede in the first Sheffield attack. Fear of another beasting were quickly removed as I saw something we have been missing on our pitch, pride, effort, a work ethic, a team with a plan, passing, movement, speed and guile. Yes, this was the Rovers we crave for. without going into every minute Rovers were superb, each to a man. Fighting for the ball, splendid movement across the pitch and yet we saw our frailities only this time we rode the luck and if we had used a little more composure we would have seen 5 or 6 in the back of the opposition net, almost righting the ruined goal difference following Mowbray shitshow on Wednesday! Our resident football experts will note the skill, speed and guile of Khadra and Poveda. The6 will have taken note of the miles run by Buckley, Brereton and Travis. They will have noted the effort of Nyambe, Edun and Wharton marshalled by Leneghan. ALL players who have been abused, defiled and slated on various forums. Well let me say this, each and everyone of them performed out of their skins. Buckley and Brereton covered every inch of the pitch. Poveda and Khadra scared the living shit out of Sheffield whilst defensively it was a much better performance than of late. Yes there were times when we got lucky but we made our luck and earned that result today. Credit to Mowbray today, I still want him out and the right managers that are currently out there are on a very short list especially after Warnock being potted today. So, as we hit the international break, Rovers should take the plunge right now and make that change. Great result and a glimpse of what might be with the right set up. Enjoy the weekend.
  8. He has excelled himself with todays team selection 🤬 get out of our club you fuktard
  9. It’s a game like tomorrow where there will be a good away atmosphere where ALL Rovers fans can and should stand together and not just support the team but voice discontent Mowbray quite clearly has underestimated the Rovers fans and continues to disrespect them.
  10. 18th minute a concerted crescendo of MOWBRAY OUT
  11. His words are even more hollow than usual, deluded, thick or just gutless? he is all 3 in huge portions. How he doesnt think he is a burden is as ignorant as one can be. Get out and now. If he was sacked he is is not going to get massive compensation he wouldnt even get his full salary due over the remainder of his current contract so get him out and NOW!
  12. I am still at it when I can. Once I have the family funeral out of the way I will be visiting the powers that be at their invite !
  13. The support is so divided there is absolutely little chance of a protest. Keyboard warriors wont attend games let alone stand at the ground to voice dissent and anger let alone outrage. Some fans will always support the club without dissent, others just cannot be bothered for any number of reasons. There should be only one message on Saturday and that is MOWBRAY OUT!
  14. I am absolutely disgusted and shocked at the lack of contrition from Mowbray and Rovers. It dies only one thing - emphasising the detachment between the cub and the fans. Mowbray has to go and the sooner the better.
  15. For what it worth, I think there is a massive over reaction reading some comments on here about this topic. Its the modern way of social media, like it or not.
  16. Embarrassing disgusting and shockingly poor this is not the Rovers we know🤬 mowbray OUT you utter cunt
  17. The policing issue is nothing to do with inside the ground, that’s a safety issue for the club and it’s stewards. It is outside the stadium where issues of public safety and prevention of disorder become a serious concern.
  18. Best prematch read for ages, congratulations. Another tough game but very winnable. 1-1
  19. Playing Buckley at right back on Wednesday will be a double suicide for Rovers. Firstly he will be against a fast left sided player and knowing how Buckley plays the game and can e a bit rash with putting his feet in he will see a red card. Secondly, 10 men against this lot will be even harder and will lead to a heavy defeat. Sadly, a Rovers defeat by 2
  20. In a trying week for my family glad to take 3 points in what is a difficult game. Missing the game on Wednesday due to work but will watch from afar. 3 huge points if you ask me. Emphasises where we should be having dropped points at Huddersfield, Blackpool and QPR not to mention Luton and Coventry!
  21. Egg on my face? I don’t ever recall saying that about me I do think I suggested the embarrassment would be a huge thing in the club and board. You really need to look into all aspects of the club and what may or may not have improved !
  22. You can suggest anything you want but again you are wrong as usual
  23. I’ve never said I wanted to work with anyone Khod all I have done is to seek answers to weed out utter shite spouted on here on other forums and often without any foundation and that is what I have done. I am happy with everything I learned as fact I am totally happy with what I have been told and there are no reasons why I should doubt it. I am further happy to have dispelled rumour and myth by my own investigations alongside information and evidence obtained by many others including members of this forum. So if some don’t like it or don’t agree then so be it. Am I bothered by it? Absolutely not. Am I concerned with alternative views and opinions ? No people can think what they want to believe even if it is total horseshit. Do I cuss those who have alternative views ? No I accept them as they are. Other than that I would say put me on ignore ! I really do it have any concerns other than the future of the club I have supported for 50 plus years. I can repeat ad finitum I want change I want Mowbray out and I want to see a change of ownership as well as a major overhaul of the current board. I also want to see Rovers fans backing the team but quite clearly as some point out it isn’t who owns us it isn’t the manager it’s because they have other things to do in a match day 😅 that is of course if you believe and accept what is written on here
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