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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. You suggest this 47er but come in let’s have some hard evidence! A gambler doesn’t chase £120m plus losses and pumps more cash into it to keep it operating
  2. There are no more words other than GO and take Lowe and Venus with you
  3. Christ it never changes with Mowbray wrong substitutions wrong wrong wrong and what the fuck did he say at half time? Gallagher cost us those points along with Mowbrays useless inept tactical prowess🤬 time to go Mowbray out and now!
  4. An alternate view is that Rovers are spectacularly backed away from home wherever they play it’s the Ewood crowd that is at times a problem in saying that when they back the team they do it loud and proud in terms of getting in the back of Mowbray and co they are apathetically lethargic at best🤬
  5. Then why and how did they stump up the cash for buying him? I am not defending their tenure at all but it’s clear they do have an element of interest in the club otherwise they wouldn’t fund it to the tune they have and continue to do !
  6. I don’t write blogs and as I have outlined a lot of research has been done from a variety of sources from which I have been able so far to dispel rumour speculation utter shite to then evaluate everything I have learned. It’s been a relatively easy exercise weeding the shit out of the equation !
  7. Lets wait and see, as I have made clear the proof will be in the pudding. I intend to take up the invite later this year to return and see how things may have progressed and what the status of the other suggested changes is.
  8. Where is your evidence to back up your claim about the free transfer market? We signed 4 loanees and left a space in the squad for the potential of a free transfer or indeed a signing in the new year of course depending on no departures that is! Who are the free transfers you think you are aware of? Wickham? Sturridge? AN Other?
  9. I don’t waste my time on anything and I have more important things in my life to worry about. I believe that my approach was the right way and I hope it bears fruit. The plus side is that if I have been lied to and the information provided is a charade then imagine how that would now reflect on the club when it is fully documented both verbally and email ? I am not a fly by night reporter seeking a one hit wonder I want wholesale changes to my club and armed with the information that I already had, info from fellow fans and media sources I have now added the words of representatives from inside the club. I doubt very much that there would be any reason why the club would want further egg on their faces because it would attract a really negative slant on them
  10. Not necessarily so a different manager given the backing Mowbray has had might get the better out of this talented squad and that person might just be able to put a solid playing plan together to progress on the field. As it stands I don’t see venkys selling but maybe seeking partners in investment
  11. I have not once advocated keeping TM in place I want to see change and progression not further regression .
  12. I think you are mistaken in the above scenario, its happening right across the football league not just at Ewood. Footballers are aware that the money trees are not going to be there if the FL get their way in respect of parachute payments and an agreement regarding tv money being more better shared amongst the lower leagues. Even the PL are going to suffer because the wages that are currently being asked in contracts are unsustainable in the current climate. Much bigger clubs are going to suffer financially. Another example of a club that isnt mentioned on here in this thread is Birmingham City, they sold a player for £39m and are still knee deep shit financially, thankfully Rovers are not in their position.
  13. What is a reasonable wage/salary? There is nothing tripe about it, the fact is it is reality. There is only so much money to be had. Rovers are recognised decent wage payers in this league and I would suggest looking at the wages ration against turnover, it is evidently right. The likes of Rothwell, do they justify breaking a wage structure? Likewise DL and RN? Are they that special? I would advocate it on a special player but you can only spend what you have in the budget. Again, some are comparing us to other clubs in the championship, all are running at losses and is there one single club that is out there alone in making a profit from turnover? No there isnt ask Fulham, Sheff Utd and the likes of Bournemouth. Lower down, similarly with Sunderland, Ipswich and so on. Its a loss making exercise overall.
  14. You appear to be missing the point. Players are offered improved deals all the time but there has to be a limit that can be offered. If the players decline then there is nothing else to be done unless the club breaks its pay structure. It is as simple as that. The first two have had deals on the table since last year - both so far have declined to sign and it is important to note that apart from Rothwell there have been no offers for RN, DL whilst BBD has already seen his one year deal extended with a new offer already with the player. Similarly with DL an improved offer is with his agent and the player. Its down to the player to accept those terms. People like DL and RN know the club inside and out, far better than us supporters so if they don't sign its nothing to do with anyone ese but the player and could involve many different aspects that affect the player! I would imagine that the priority for a player is wages and security, Rovers offer that. As for ambition, well its probably there like it is for all Championship clubs however does Rovers ambition differ greatly? I don't think so. Then add facilities and the players family life and Rovers are attractive otherwise they wouldn't have signed their previous deals and of course they would have submitted transfer requests. So clearly something is very right on the playing side. It is NOT as clear as you make it appear to be.
  15. When the player refuses to sign a contract who is to blame in all reality? The Rothwell contract isnt something that was offered last week it has been there for 12 months or even more, he refused to sign it. He allegedly pulled out of a medical having been ready to sign for a club in South Yorks at the last minute so I don't think blame can be levelled at anyone, its the players right not to sign. Similarly with AA, a contract was on the table from last year, he wanted a move and declined to sign the new deal. It is no ones fault at all.
  16. Get over it you have no idea about why I did and continue to do and as for agenda let me enlighten you a little I am sick to death of the way my club is continuing to disintegrate and I want change. I want it to return to the family friendly club it was a club that engages and respects its own supporters a club that is United so that’s my agenda ! Ian also suck to death of reading utter shite speculation and rumours that have little or no foundation so having set out my stall I have researched read talked and listened and then evaluated what is to be believed and not. With only concern I engaged with the club in a constructive manner and being a professional investigator put a full picture together. Armed with all of that information I was invited out of the blue to speak with officials at the club where I was treated with respect in my standing as a concerned fan my issues were discussed and I was given an insight to many aspects of the football operations and other arms to BRFC. Some of the info is corroborated by other sources some of the info is to be rated as confidential and some that is the subject of action plans within the club under the supervision of the current heads of departments who have a port folio to manage. Unbeknown to those I spoke with I had in my possession a lot of data and information that was then evaluated against answers provided by the club. So it wasn’t that difficult a process to weed out the rubbish rumours and tripe spouted not just on fans forums but across many spectrums. Following the discussion I was invited back to the club at a later date to again consider what was happening and if anything that was planned had been actioned or where it was on the overall agenda . Now I make it clear I do not represent anyone other than myself as a concerned fan and I do not accept the fans forum do a worthwhile job nor do the local media. You also need to know that before I went to this meeting I reached out to members of this forum who like me have only concern for the club they support but who I believed held similar values to me. Out of those I conversed with I only knew one with a link to theirs and mine previous employment. So there you are irac that’s my agenda which you can no longer claim or believe to be anything other than concern for my club!
  17. Blogs are not evidence they are opinions misinformation rumour and speculation and often contain stories that have dragons tails attached. I am aware of financial forensic investigations that were conducted and I have conversed with a previous member regarding this.
  18. Are some forgetting the budget was seriously affected by a lack of income to the club? That has had a huge affect on budgetary issues. In addition there are claims of excessive salaries again it’s speculation and misinformation Rovers have a salary ceiling and do not pay above it so Gally is not on the huge wages as some suggest he is ! The Armstrong Income will reflect in this seasons figures and again for some to suggest money wasn’t made available to spend it’s speculation and misinformation. Deals were agreed but players failed medical examinations! FFP is another area where misinformation and speculation causes adverse reactions from supporters Rovers have not exceeded the proposed limits of losses and are clear of ffp Pitfalls. I am pretty sure we won’t fall into the ffp Issues this year because cash flow is back in the menu as is sponsorship and other lines of income.
  19. I haven’t seen any evidence of what you claim only speculation and what appeared in the media. I know a lot of people made suggestions of underhand behaviour but did they ever produce anything of value to substantiate the claims or allegations ? It’s difficult to understand whether there was wholesale ripping off of venkys and Brfc or whether it was an alternative model of criminality by the owners ! Suffice to say whatever happened bought the mistrust of the owners who for reasons known only to them refuse to acknowledge it publicly.
  20. It clearly shows whatever message he had given wasn’t received by the players🤬 cue Huddersfield and Blackpool where the first half performance in both games was devoid of any semblance of tactics
  21. Maybe it’s a CEO that wields no power to fire him ?
  22. I honestly believe that you don’t really think that MB😅 his overall performance throughout his contract has been just about achieving but had gone stale!
  23. There are clear positive points to him as clubs like Liverpool and city clearly trust him🤐 it’s a pity we are not aligned to these traits
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