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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Well that was a nasty drive back home along the motorway network but at least it gave me time to contemplate what I have witnessed in the last 2 away games, matches were we should have taken some points but more importantly in relation to today lessons should have been learned! Sadly, all we saw was repeated floundering by a team sent out by the manager, who seemed bereft of a plan, especially in the first half. Mowbray is making a mockery of Rovers supporters. He sent out the team today knowing full well Gally was not fit. He should never have been risked and now he went off half way through the game it is likely that he will be out for some period of time. He failed to manage that team properly. Magliore was caught out numerous times v Huddersfield and yet Mowbray saw fit to play him from the off, the result being both goals conceded came down his flank, cruelly exposed and cruelly found missing in action. The fact that we played much better with a plan in the second half, we were too far gone having conceded two really awful and soft goals. I haven’t heard Mowbray interview I don’t want to listen to his pathetic monotone excuses, it lies at his feet as he is the manager, he sent that young team out therefore it is down to him and him alone, it is time he accepted his failings instead of treating us like morons. Our crowd is generally a great away crown but is littered with cretins who with their drunken/drugged behaviour spoil it for the majority. Be in no doubt when they get behind the team they are loud and proud and made that atmosphere. Kaminski - having a dodgy time - 6 Pickering - 7 solid performance really settling into the team Ayala/Wharton - 7 x as a pairing looked solid and went toe to toe with Madine. Magliore - 4 - not good enough found wanting and general play was awful. Buckley - 6 another excellent delivery for BBD but due to the formation of Mowbray overrun at times. Travis - 6 like Buckley fought like hell but was overrun at times. Dolan - 6 busy but not as productive as in recent games, against 3 big lads at times. Gally - 4 unfit and should never have been in that pitch. Rothwell - 7 busy but carrying an injury shouldn’t have been risked but did his best. When on form he is a class act, Rovers couldn’t make the most of some great runs. BBD -8 continues in the scoring run, best forward player by far, runs and runs and just needs a bit more support. Edun 8 great performance and looks a battler, not afraid to put his foot in, fights for every ball and silky passing at times. Looks a decent player. Now for the international break, a rest up and recovery. I hope Mowbray learns his lessons if he gets out to India because he better have his excuses in place the man remains a mystery to me. I am still in the needs a change camp and maybe this is the right time to make it, who knows?
  2. Truly shocking overall and why oh why have we attracted some real scrotes making cocks of themselves ? Flare throwing morons need fucking off
  3. Abysmal and embarrassing isn’t even close to describing this rovers team
  4. For those travelling parking on Bloomfield is a nightmare most machines are out some are taking coins only £6 in coins whilst the parking app is having issues taking card payments on the phone 🤬took 49 mins to get a valid parking ticket
  5. Wayne Rooney hadn’t adjusted as a 16 yr old and look what he did first time out⚽️
  6. The likelihood of trouble with rovers is minimal whereas nobbers is greatly increased😅
  7. You are right I first went to Ewood in 1970 as a 3 year old! Blackpool have no rivalry with Rovers over the recent 40 years apart from the odd occasions we have met when in the same league by comparison to that of the nobbers v lashers or indeed compared to us v the dingles.
  8. its their derby match, hate each other so i can see pools point in limiting the opposition fans. Rovers v pool is just a local derby with no rivalry whatsoever
  9. Carter is not a full back and should not be played there. Last night he had no idea going forward and that’s why we faffed around too much with the ball being too reliant on Rothwell. 4-4-2 is the way to win this game, Blackpool will have seen how our midfield gets overrun and will no doubt target it. Ayala and Carter to be play central Pickering at left back - the right back slot? Not sure at all how we fill it but Magliore is clearly the player to go there. Midfield needs to be Travis and Johnson/Buckley or Davenport with Dolan and Khedra on the flanks leaving BBD and SG up front. in fact I would even suggest Butterworth be given a run out from the off. Be in no doubt it will be a tough outing but with the international break looming o e last effort is required to secure a point or to sneak 3 would be lovely.
  10. It just isn’t credible to believe that there is billionaire interest in Rovers and that in midst of a worldwide pandemic venkys wouldn’t sell 😅 I say that because if there was it would be out there and obvious
  11. Being fed? Quite the contrary MB. If you think I just turned up for a chat without research or being unprepared you are mistaken. I think being stung once is a tad off the mark. At the time and it was a good few years ago I accepted what Shaw told me and I did not have access to the research and kind of information I had before going on this occasion. In any case DS turned out to be exactly what he was thought to be😅
  12. My take on tonight’s game is that we were out muscled and overrun in midfield. There is plenty if fight in this team but we were missing in action for periods of the match whilst defending was way off the mark . Why Mowbray couldn’t see the player who was damaging us beyond me 🤬 very annoyed that Butterworth remained sidelined could have been a far better option at the end. If only Rovers can tap into the support like we have at away games it was class. Sadly my run continues never seen a Rovers win at this stadium☹️
  13. Mssrs Currie and co are not here banging the door down nor is anyone else wanting to buy the club as it stands. As for the letter I saw and read it agreed with a lot of the issues highlighted disagreed in the manner it was presented. That was my opinion. Funny re contact because all it took was a series of well constructed emails👍
  14. Utter rubbish, I am not rude nor have I any intention to be so., I certainly have never referred to anyone as being thick! I was in the same boat as every other Rovers fan until certain things were properly researched and then quantified in an interview/meeting.
  15. Sunderland, Ipswich and Wigan? All suffered additional relegations we t. So getting out and then staying up is a positive in my view. With low crowds, lower income and a supporter base that has almost seen 50% leave the club added to lesser tv money we could easily have collapsed further down the leagues. FFP issue for Rovers was account based only and outside of any transfer window. We are not hamstrung on signing players far from it. A smaller squad was needed, big earners were needed to go and a process undertaken to lower the average age of the team and to allow progress from the academy and u23 teams. I believe that this is bearing more fruit than ever. As I said I am not blowing smoke nor have I ever said that I have changed my view on the ownership and what has gone before. I remain steadfast that without them we would not see Rovers in the top 6 of the Championship, at the very best we would be in Div 2. MB where have a slagged off any of the members of this forum or referred to anyone as being an ignoramus? All I have alluded to is that negative posts often come without sound knowledge and/or understanding or are based on speculation and word of mouth. I have always stood by my viewpoint on the owners and management and I retain those views for advocating change at the club and that means anything that realises better management of the club across all aspects of the football operations. St Paul conversion? That really made me chuckle. I think I am intelligent enough to do full research on subjects before being able to challenge answers which I did and was able to. In fact, before I received my St Paul experience, I was armed with more answers than were need courtesy of research, courtesy of other members of this forum and others who like me have done some solid background research. The information that I was later given is corroborated in many ways. There remains many issues for me, season ticket prices and sales, match day pricing and food sales not to mention communication with the fans which I believe is the biggest factor at the club but at the same time I am aware that the club and owners have priorities like any business has in coming out of this pandemic. We cannot change the last 10 years, its a decade of rueful dross, mismanagement, sadness, lies and thievery and the raping and pillaging of our club. Blame lies at the feet of many and the owners do not avoid any of the blame. What can change and what is planned for change will only and can only be for the benefit of the club and its supporters. Many say and will continue to say that we have heard this at fans forums, that they have the word from within the club, that they have heard this and that and that they don't believe it. I have been there done that and got the t-shirt, I have read it to death in ff notes and chatter at home and away games. If what I have learned doesn't pan out as being truthful and right then at least I am armed with the information to get it out there and to tell every Rovers fans the reality of the situation as I am sure others will also do.
  16. And the above is exactly why I set about doing the proactive work that I have done. I did accept what DS said to me in two phone calls as he refused a face to face meeting, a mistake on my behalf that I failed to follow up or progress (but there are many reasons behind that). I do not think for a moment everything is rosey or will be better in the immediate interim period although in saying that, I believe there is a solid future for BRFC and there are good examples of great work behind the scenes which fully support that viewpoint. There are things happening which many wont see nor understand, there are many who still believe there are huge cutbacks being made by the owners when in fact the opposite it the real truth, there are many who know very little about the academy progress, the plans and the future and yet, success is there for all to see. It seems to me that at times many on here and other forums and indeed our fan base, who just seem to rely on personal opinion, speculation and non founded stories. An example is the lack of getting a striker to replace AA, its simply not true that money wasn't available, it was down to medical reasons and nothing more. It is wrong to speculate as some do about Nyambe, Rothwell and Leneghan not signing contracts because of money/finance issues when it is simply not true. The above are just simplified examples where people form an opinion on something they have read rather than having some credible evidence that would support their view. As for positives in 10 or so years? I have to agree with you but there have been positives, promotion, establishing a foothold in the division we are in, progress off the park with the Academy, the best crop of youth players we have ever had, despite a pandemic and low crowds we still avoided a Derby FFP like issue and continue to do so. We are not in a position like Reading are in respect of a forthcoming points deduction and we are not hamstrung by being unable to sign players other than freebies. Even if you have no liking for the owners you have to have the view that without them BRFC would not be here nor would they able to survive. There is no external debt to any 3rd party. Are these not positives to take? TM and SW may not be well liked by many, I can understand that, I repeat I have been in the need for change camp so its not a case of blowing smoke up anyones backside.
  17. It is not divisive at all unless you want it to be. My point is that and it is a point I have mentioned so many times, rabid speculation when it is without foundation does more harm than good. There are many on here that actively seek out the truth, have information contrary to what some believe and which is factually correct. Posting views is entirely correct as is posting an opinion of topical news. You do often find on here,, as well as other forums, that those who do post "positive" news often get derided and the derision stems from believing information that they deem to be contrary to their own view!
  18. As is likely that many Rovers fans going to Blackpool on Saturday will travel by train, please be aware of the chaos caused by Northern Rail on previous Saturdays when they cancelled trains at the very last minute, had trains that only had three carriages and also had a train that should have gone through to Manchester stop before Preston meaning a join up with another train before arriving at Preston seriously overcrowded! Total chaos!!
  19. I only copied Khod into the email which I sent to a select number of members of this forum, all of whom are concerned Rovers supporters and all who contribute to this forum.
  20. And this RC is another example of "believing" something when it is factually incorrect! Brockhall is not for sale as per the clubs statement a couple of weeks ago.
  21. On 13/9 I sent you a direct email using this site everyone read it apart from yourself, it shows as unread as I’ve just checked it.
  22. I sent you an email last week along with others explaining my intentions, everyone responded apart from your good self.
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