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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. I disagree on the striker point and who is to blame for the failure to land one. Was it not Mowbray himself that suggested we had maybe 6 options ? Mowbray would be the one to outline vision style of play, what was expected and to outline the ambition of the club so therefore the blame lies at his feet if he failed to sell the club to a potential striker
  2. I don’t accept that last point. The club has a duty to its support. Keeping them informed is keeping them interested you can see all over news now networks that most clubs are in the local press whereas rovers lot are missing in action like the set of twonks they have become
  3. Gav I really do get your point of view it’s extremely similar to my own. Yes I agree the owners cause real issues however where maggot is concerned he is the head of a poor management team and therefore the buck stops with him. On the pitch the poor results and form stop at the feet of Mowbray. We are seeing incompetence all over BRFC operations which ultimately will affect the good parts namely the u18/u23 production lines. There is no doubt we have talent in numbers coming through but that talent will hit the wall because of Mowbrays recruitment policy, overseen by maggot and the owners. We need a CEO with a credible football background and someone who can think outside of the box. We need someone to realise you don’t get fans in side by charging £3.50 for a mank bad spud pie, £2.20 for a small bottle of water and you don’t charge fans ridiculous match day prices wha you do is think about how you can improve match day figures increase crowd numbers generate cash flow and bring in real marketing strategies that work for the fans in turn it is the club that benefits. Maggot has shown himself and proven without doubt that he is a complete failure who detached himself from the fans. Going back many many years even our leadership team in the 70’s and 80’s knew how to operate this club in very tight finances this shower have millions at their disposal and yet get away with pissing it up against the wall
  4. The Shoots of recovery will only begin to blossom when and if maggot departs and is replaced by a CEO who understands football and what it means to the supporters of the club! Maggot has detached the club from the majority of fans who don’t appear to be willing to return whilst there is so much disorganised chaos behind the scenes
  5. Mowbray and Maggot are cowards and liars neither have the bollocks to come out and talk to the clubs supporters who remain the most important facet of the club
  6. Absolutely spot on! He has never been short coming forward whining or moaning and even trying to offer explanations or apportioning blame into others than himself! His silence alongside the missing maggot is deafening to say the least !
  7. I am sorry but for me his place is untenable and he should show some semblance of respect to both the clubs support and himself
  8. Something must be going on behind the scenes if you ask me. Whether it’s fallout or whether changes are being made ready something stinks.Maggot and co OUT
  9. The silence from Ewood epitomises the incompetence within the club
  10. Judged and found seriously wanting and lacking in effort, pride, common sense as well as lying to the fan base!
  11. Window shuts, curtain comes down once again in what is an underwhelming shit show on the part of Mowbray, maggot and the owners, One thing about them all, they constantly and consistently let the fans of our club down treating us all without a shred of respect whilst shitting all over the legacy of Jack Walker🤬
  12. Completely underwhelmed by the total inept management of our great club, the incompetent buffoons are a shower of shit!
  13. Because they have a manager with a plan who is reinvesting cash brought in whereas we have fuktard 1 working with fukwit 2
  14. No one is in the know brfcs is well known for having its own football experts but no one who actually knows anything specific to things behind the scenes anymore!
  15. Can’t wait to hear the pathetic garbage from Mowbray after today’s abysmal failure to secure a centre forward, getting Chapman to sign a deal, shipping him out and signing another winger in his place!
  16. With the wages supposedly involved I very much doubt it will be Rovers
  17. There is no evidence to say Oba is off to Swansea other than a potential link via a 3rd party report.
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