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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Am no longer a fan of Mowbray and want him replaced but the model for Brentford is the only real way forward for Rovers in the future. They may not have a long term plan, I suspect they will disagree but the model and cash they have made, reinvested and will no doubt make more in the future isn’t a bad one. If Rovers aspirations are greater then major changes have to be made at the top.
  2. Because there is not a cat in hells chance the suggestion is in anyway correct it is just shite spouted on this particular topic!
  3. Without jumping the gun Mowbray is on about the model Brentford use, get young ones in, nurture and sell at high prices it’s nothing to do with the stature of the club
  4. Whilst ultimately concerned about Rovers and their future I do love a good conspiracy 😂 football finances have ever had so much scrutiny so those thinking Mowbray, Waggot and Venus are going to make a quick Buck or two before leaving are to be frank seriously deluded!
  5. 0-2 Brentford outclass us Mowbray reverts to type, we are behind Brentford in terms of where we want to be. It was close, we didn’t get hammered, we put it in the bag and move on. Yes football is about winning but we are better for the experience the young lads out there performed brilliantly against an experienced champions team!🤬🤬
  6. SG the club needs the fans more than ever to get behind the club, increase capacity and cash flow and to support and get behind the club !
  7. Not too sure on that score. If Venkys weren’t putting in the money we would be well and truly Fooked! If Venkys wanted out then they would just pull the plug or sell to the highest bidder, not sure there is any hard evidence there have been bidders despite speculation from AN. I wouldn’t think we would survive if they just upped and left us in the lurch, we might see BRFC a winding up case like Bury.
  8. There might not be a season after unless the club and fans pull together as one
  9. So in another conspiracy we now have the Coventry 3 together again with a view to ripping off venkys by selling part of our training facilities? I understand the views and thoughts and concerns, I am not behind the sale of the facilities however as a realistic view apart from selling everything and moving elsewhere what are alternative options open to the club?
  10. That’s not the case Rev and you know it 😡 without any serious knowledge or background information added to speculation spouted across social media and reading into Waggots words we suddenly have the answer to everything when in fact we don’t have any answers at all. I am not a fan of waggot at all but ultimately rovers will have to cut their cloth. I don’t foresee the academy being closed down same with the DS and the ladies team. That’s my view
  11. Richard it’s about opinions and if you really believe Rovers are going to put a huge pause in the football operation and structure you are clearly not in the picture about how successful they are behind the scenes.
  12. So let’s get this right, Richard, you are saying the academy closes down for 2 years? Ladies football regresses for 2 years and the DS spoil all the hard work done in the last 2 years whilst the first team declines further into the abyss? And all this without any interim planning? Please be real about this suggestion!
  13. Joachim Lowe has decided to leave the German national job so he can have a bash at Championship football😂😂😂 must have been tapped up by Balaji and co😂😂
  14. To be fair Rev I have had a look at the proposals, some I can see a point some make some I don’t think impact on the overall plan. Car parking? Not really a big issue, many business worldwide don’t have parking facilities and it doesn’t have impact. Pitches? Yes I have seen the comment but the reality is not every pitch will be in use at any one time and subsequently if they are of a good standard then there is again little impact. Academy? There are concerns about classrooms and how they will fit everything into the proposed site, isn’t that what highly paid architects and planners do? Again looking at Cat 1 status, I haven’t seen anywhere any evidence, you will remember what evidence is, to say the academy is being downgraded or Cat 1 status is being rescinded, it is supposition based on conjecture and speculation. Rovers have to have an academy to blood the players of the future I think that model is perfectly clear as the way forward. In not just taking Waggot at his word, I am looking at the long term effect and future of our club. Sitting as it is, I really wonder if we will have a club at the end of next season (2021/22 already budgeted for). If venkys pull out or don’t financially support the club, sell up or give it away, sell Brockhall or not, the club is in a perilous position. I look at Bolton and Wigan as prime examples and how much they have sold off following their troubles. I think with Rovers, it’s a case of housekeeping and until I see otherwise or am convinced with supporting and condemning evidence my view point remains the same. Not everything is rosey in Ewood garden, there are many many things wrong and that is what worries me more. This project is in its infancy and may well fall at the first hurdle. If it does then I am pretty sure we might have more to worry about that we have now and that really is a worry.
  15. What was good is that the one touch football was positive rather than being sideways negative!
  16. There is again some pure speculation on here as regards the academy. I have not seen one iota of a shred of evidence to support any suggestion Rovers are getting rid or downsizing to a lower category. It is a pure matter of fact that Rovers will have to concentrate on this aspect of their footballing operation for the future because quite simply we won’t have the financial structure to do otherwise. From the u23 match yesterday I would suggest there are at least 6 if not more players that could be considered excellent prospects and if we can secure JRC, Nyambe and Rothwell to contracts then it suggests a bright future. I am prepared to wait and see the results of the public enquiry and planning application before taking it forward. 1 member suggests the billionaire owners want to raise funds by selling when they should be putting in from their pockets, we need those pockets for the footballing operation, pitch and stadium upkeep. By selling we don’t encroach ffp rules.
  17. Proof will be in the pudding Rev. BRFC is a small time operation nowadays and costs have to be cut accordingly. Maybe the efforts of Billy Barr’s squad can rub off on some of our senior staff!
  18. In answering the question posed, this squad is getting experience, it’s impressive to watch and it is very clear each player knows his position and what is expected of him as part of the team. The passing is crisp at times and the football flows across the pitch, it really is good to see. In saying all of this these players are kids and are still growing. Some need to fill out but be in little doubt there are several who could easily make the grade. Billy Barr and his staff have done very well and continue to do so. In today’s game Southampton players were bigger in stature but each and every Rovers player stood up to be counted. It should have been 7 or 8 because they create chance after chance from all parts of the pitch. If this is the future for our club then long may it continue. Pike, Burns, Whitehall, Cirino and Anniesley were all impressive.
  19. There is absolutely no way Waggott or anyone else could try and sneak through any detailed planning objectives/proposed projects using underhand methods and that includes the old brown envelope! I am of the opinion that it is what it is, the plan is there for all to see and if it means it’s does for the benefit of the club and it’s future then it’s a good way forward. Remember, we are not the BRFC of the 90’s. Costs have increased tenfold and the management of the club is not premier league its Chorley Nissan Sunday league at best.
  20. Watching this game shows that we have some good youngsters coming through. The football is pleasant to watch, the team play fir each other and is full of running. Impressed with the left back Cirino and forward Burns. It’s on YouTube live now
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