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[Archived] Venky's: A Year On

Guest Wen Y Hu

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It is also a year on since Big Sam was sacked......

“We want good football and Blackburn to be fourth or fifth in the league or even better,” said Mrs Desai. “The fans should trust us because this is in the best interests of the club.”

That should be printed out on a huge banner. Would say everything that is needed about the owners since take over.

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Remember when Kean was banging on about the Champions League? People on here were actually decrying those that laughed at the sheer riduclousness of such a remark as 'negative'. :lol:

Eee what a year.

Yes, where is Revidge Blue these days? He seemed to be buzzing when we were firing Allardyce and pushing Williams out.

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To be fair if Venky's had sacked Kean way back or even as back as the QPR game and got us a good manager in like Hughes, am guessing people wouldn't be as angry at Venky's as they are?

My biggest problem with Venky's is the fact Kean is still in charge, we've had no back to back victories in 41 PL games, got the worst win record in the league this season and have a manager whose win ratio is less than 1 in 5. The football we have played is below PL standard and defensively we've had no heart. Not so long ago teams used to fear coming to Ewood Park as our home record was pretty damn good. Now most teams just want to play us as they are confident they'll win.

For me don't beat both West Brom and Bolton and we are destined for Championship football. There will be no change of manager and that'll be the case for a long time. All protests will be in vain. A very sad story unfolding here at Ewood.

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That's odd Paddy because I recall reading an article from you last year saying what an excellent example the club was in the PL and how we had an excellent support for the size of the town.

Almost two decades at the top tells me we are exactly where we deserve to be. Any decline has been self inflicted.

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We are now in a desperate situation wholly down to the venkys. Now Mrs D is reported to have completely lost interest and

banned any spending on the Rovers due to a spat with her brother. In our current position we badly need investment to try and

stave off relegation. If it is true that they will not put any finance in then the only way forward is to replace them with new

owners who will while we are still a premier league club, it will have to be a cut price deal now in our current sorry situation.

The alternative is to accept relegation and reform,re-finance, we will still need to get rid of them. Either way they need to go

for us to repair the damage they have caused. The obvious question is how and who ?

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This may be a non-issue, and just pure speculation or a falsified rumor, but some random Indian has been retweeted by others on twitter claiming: "Venkys pulling out of Blackburn roovers! Why did they buy the franchise in first case!"

The guy is called Abhijit Naik, and it says he's a Sports Marketer? Might just be some random Joe Bloggs after abit of attention, or maybe he knows something we don't, as of yet??

Let's hope its true anyway. Venkys Out.

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This may be a non-issue, and just pure speculation or a falsified rumor, but some random Indian has been retweeted by others on twitter claiming: "Venkys pulling out of Blackburn roovers! Why did they buy the franchise in first case!"

The guy is called Abhijit Naik, and it says he's a Sports Marketer? Might just be some random Joe Bloggs after abit of attention, or maybe he knows something we don't, as of yet??

Let's hope its true anyway. Venkys Out.

Lets hope they've had second thoughts about the Quatari interest and are in the process of negotiating a deal.

More chance of me getting a Ferrari for Xmas!

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Lets hope they've had second thoughts about the Quatari interest and are in the process of negotiating a deal.

More chance of me getting a Ferrari for Xmas!

Ex England cricketer Michael Vaughan has also tweeted that he's heard venkys are pulling out. Something brewing?

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Difficult to pull out though, you need to have someone to off-load to first.

Just put the For Sale sign up outside the JW Stand Bry, thats all they have to do and I'll get the champagne.

Mind you, they'd probably make a pigs ear of putting a sign up between them.

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The sad and sobering fact is that Venkys are the owners of Blackburn Rovers and if they choose to continue to be incompetant and useless that is their perogative. No one can force them to sell. It's just the same as me and my car. If I decide to cover it in a combination of salt and paint stripper then that's my perogotive.

We can only hope that they decide that they have made a bad investment decision and sell up to someone/something that has a lot more sport & footballing nouse.

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Venkys are currently spending big money on developing massive chicken processing plants in the uk. Know a national supplier

who is involved in these developements. So they can provide capital when they want to.

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Venkys are currently spending big money on developing massive chicken processing plants in the uk. Know a national supplier

who is involved in these developements. So they can provide capital when they want to.

If true (can't find any info on this) I bet they don't promote the guy who puts the cones out on the car park to the manager's position

Hope it's not Venky's London Ltd who are funding this.

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What is the probability that once we get relegated, the nuggets decide they cannot stand it any longer, realising that income's due to drop and either unload us to the first dodgy geezer who comes along or wind us up, take the money and run?

It's been hinted at before as a possibility, I agree, but I'm thinking "is it the most likely scenario?" Could they be stopped from winding us up, ie could it be challenged in court?

I guess if it did happen a new club could be started, but where they would play would be a different matter altogether.

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