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Transfer Window - COMPLETE. Where’s Gregg?

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6 minutes ago, Miller11 said:

I’m by no means ITK, but I have taken a real interest in these negotiations, and from the bits I’ve heard, this seems on the money.

Similarly with Nyambe, only wanted paying like an integral, regular first team player. I believe his initial contract offer from the club was an extension… no/minimal pay rise. Nearly half what Davenport has been paid for 4 years.


So have the new administration not offered him a contract? 

Why is he suddenly announced as leaving?

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Another school of thought here is the pathways into the team Broughton talked about.  Well now there are 3 spots up for grabs vacated in 2 cases by former academy graduates.

I don't for one min think the club through all this have been as serious as they could be about getting these 3 back on board. The only one i think was a serious contender to leave all along was Rothwell.  He'll be the one who gets a lot more money than the others if Bournemouth take up their long time interest.

The other two i reckon just wanted some serious commitment from the club and probably knew a long time ago it wasn't going to happen.  All part o the fat controllers efforts to keep the wage bill down whilst spaffing money elsewhere on other overpaid Mowbray signings.


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The situation with Lenihan, Rothwell and Nyambe happens all over.

Player is developed, moves on. Compo.

Player is developed, moves on as he doesn't want to stay but might for the right money. Who needs that attitude?

Player is developed. Gets to a stage in his career and wants/needs a bonanza no fee move like Lenihan. Moves on and looks mighty daft in the reveal video. 

Player signs for 89 mill, does sod all and goes on a free. Only fans not laughing are the ones from that club. 

We have a new manager. 

We have academy and u23 players that we've been screaming to see in the first team but TM blocked it.

I'm more bothered by the likes of Ayala still being here, Gallagher, Dack and bbd being on stupid wages, than the exodus. 

Get them out, use the money and recruit well for next season with a solid wage structure and yoof.


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6 hours ago, Armchair supporter supremo said:

Thoughts are lovely. 

But the facts are contracts have been on the table for them all season if not longer and negotiations have been on going ever since... The players clearly wanted a bumper salary and a nice fat signing on fee for themselves and their agents with being out of contract.

Inconvenient bugger that all 3 contracts ended at the same time but that's just the way it is.



That's a fact is it? According to who? Liar Waggott? According to him Lenihan was signing a new deal last year.

I wish I was so relaxed to be able to shrug this off as "it is what it is" whilst rivals pillage out squad. I prefer to see a reaction. At the very least heads rolling to ensure we aren't in the same situation next year.

This club can't afford what has happened today. Something needs to happen to ensure it doesn't occur again.

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4 minutes ago, SoldierMo said:

Its all down to penny pinching from bloody waggott and trigfering 1 year extensions..the maggott needs to go im ready to call for his head he needs to leave

Sooner he's gone the better.

6000 less season tickets than PNE and Bolton and 3 key players off for nothing. CEO should take responsibility. This is unacceptable.

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14 hours ago, Miller11 said:

The year option fallback has been an absolute curse in these instances I think. Clearly all three players were happy to negotiate 2 summers ago, but Waggott showed no urgency because of the ability to penny pinch for 12 months. Keeping them around for an extra year on their low wages in the same period we slashed Holtby, Downing, Bennett and all the rest off the wage bill is going to show a massive saving on the wage bill for last season. Big tick in the box for Waggott and Cheston.

Meanwhile our players feel undervalued, but the negotiations stop at the clubs end because covid. Reading between the lines, the negotiations were mainly the club trotting out the usual “we’ve done all we can” message.

Lenihan has seen his predecessor as captain earn a couple of million over the space of 2 years for hanging around a bit and occasionally turning out for Wigan and Fleetwood.

Nyambe has seen Davenport, a player of a similar age who failed to make the grade at a big club come in and earn double his money to mostly sit on the bench.

Rothwell May be a bit different and likely always saw us as a stepping stone. He stepped up to us from Oxford for a minimal fee as there was no way he was committing his future to the long term, and increased his earnings accordingly. Done the same again, except Oxford we’re smart enough to get a fee.

Particularly in the case of Lenihan and Nyambe, the pleading of poverty probably isn’t going to wash. They’ve been here long enough to see some bad players pick up good money. I doubt either of their demands were outrageous, but they know their worth. Whether it’s us getting our house in order finally, or another spate of cost cutting, why should they let it harm their earning potential?

So much talk about their lack of loyalty… the year option really isn’t a sign of good faith, it’s a pretty unloyal tactic from the club. Maybe if we had people running the show with a bit more ability and integrity it wouldn’t be an issue.
We have to sell Brereton this summer. If we end up in the same position with him in 12 months it’s even worse given the fee he cost and the relative short time he’s actually been any use.

If the people in charge had even the slightest shred of integrity then things would be infinitely better. 

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8 hours ago, Miller11 said:

I’m by no means ITK, but I have taken a real interest in these negotiations, and from the bits I’ve heard, this seems on the money.

Similarly with Nyambe, only wanted paying like an integral, regular first team player. I believe his initial contract offer from the club was an extension… no/minimal pay rise. Nearly half what Davenport has been paid for 4 years.


It’s the most frustrating thing about Lenihan leaving for me. If Ayala was ever available for selection, it wouldn’t be as much of a loss, but he never is and he’s on a good wedge. So we’re paying someone to not play, meaning we can’t re sign our captain on a deal he deserves after many years of service. This isn’t hindsight about Ayala’s injury record too, he’s been like that for years. No matter his obvious talent that he teases us with for about ten games a season, his pretty much total lack of availability since signing means it’s been a terrible signing overall.

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We can debate the footballing merits of Lenihan, Nyambe and Rothwell until the cows come home and still not agree but what is irrefutable is that it's going to cost money, a considerable amount of money even if we only bring in players of a similar ilk. I haven't a clue what the budget afforded to Tomasson is but I really do think that replacing those three will considerably eat into it.

That is where this while saga is crazy to me.

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8 minutes ago, arbitro said:

but what is irrefutable is that it's going to cost money, a considerable amount of money even if we only bring in players of a similar ilk.

Unless the replacements come for free from the U21s which is what I personally expect. Then we will buy some kids to backfill the pipeline.

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1 minute ago, OldEwoodBlue said:

Unless the replacements come for free from the U21s which is what I personally expect. Then we will buy some kids to backfill the pipeline.

They could well do but that is almost certainly the best way to regress. We could absorb a Garratt or Wharton into the match day squad but as regular starters? Even bringing players in from a league below is a huge risk using Pickering and Edun as a yardstick.. In my view we need Championship ready players to cover the three of them and that will cost.

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2 minutes ago, Gavrover said:

Waggot claiming 100k pitch update as a reason we can't spend lots. That's the sort of worries a non league club has.

utter fool

He actually used the word 'pitches' which implies to me that included Brockhall too.

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There's a difference between us having cash / spending cash, and Steve Waggott telling us via the Telegraph that we have cash.

If he told me Rovers play QPR at home first game of the season I'd go and check the fixture list to make sure.

I've seen and heard enough excuses and failures over the last 4 years to hold my horses on talks of good budgets.

The warning in there is about the 'wage structure'. This the 'structure' that means we cannot keep our captain from the clutches of Middlesbrough, have lost an assortment of valuable key players for nothing and has seen an exodus of players from the club in the last 12 months. It is also this structure that sees a ridiculous discrepancy between what academy graduates playing every week for us get compared to others who barely play.

It really wouldn't surprise me to get the familiar talk in September of 'there was a good budget available but getting those deals done was tricky', 'we'll carry it over to January', players in the building to sign but terms changed at the last minute.

All the excuses Waggott comes with in his latest interview - FFP, wage structures, significant increase in costs - all apply and exist at every other football club in the land - don't they? And I'm not aware of any other club at this level that has managed to offload such a large amount from its wage bill whilst raking in substantial transfer fees in the last 12 months either.

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52 minutes ago, arbitro said:

We can debate the footballing merits of Lenihan, Nyambe and Rothwell until the cows come home and still not agree but what is irrefutable is that it's going to cost money, a considerable amount of money even if we only bring in players of a similar ilk. I haven't a clue what the budget afforded to Tomasson is but I really do think that replacing those three will considerably eat into it.

That is where this while saga is crazy to me.

Even if we had got fees for the three of them, we would not have seen any of it for replacements. So we would be in the same boat. 

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14 minutes ago, rigger said:

Even if we had got fees for the three of them, we would not have seen any of it for replacements. So we would be in the same boat. 

How do you know this. Fact of opinion?

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