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3 minutes ago, 1874 said:

This just shows how poor the championship was last season

Honestly it's no surprise and shows why there needs to be a much fairer distribution of money throughout the pyramid. Most Championship clubs are just like us.  Completely skint. Even the clubs we cast jealous looks at have miniscule budgets in comparison.

The problem is the Premier League will never vote to distribute the cash evenly. It means less for them. The only time it does happen is after long hard negotiations when external pressures attempt to force the hands of Prem Clubs. And even then its a paltry amount. 

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57 minutes ago, davulsukur said:

What's the point in the prem now? Sheff Utd, Dingles and Luton get promoted from the Championship but then have to come up against a clubs like Oilcastle that can just pump extraordinary amounts of money into their club at will.

What chance does anyone have these days? 

Has Sheffield United recruitment actually improve their squad? They sold their best player to Marseille in the summer. 

If Rovers have been bought by the same owners as Newcastle United by improving the club training factilities, spend money on transfers and appointed a good manager you would be complaining right now about beating a team 8 nil? 

Newcastle have bought talent players like Isak, Guirmaraes but also signed Good English players like Gordon, Barnes, Tripper, Hall. 

Chelsea have been much worst and I would say their recruitment since last summer takeover as been not good enough. 

46 minutes ago, davulsukur said:

Yeah they are what they are, a championship club (albeit a top end one) but at 6-0 up, Newcastle sub on £120m worth of players (just 2 fucking players at that) 

Time for the European super League, this is just a pointless hollow victory.

no its ain't time for the European Super League as the fans don't want it as they made it clear. 


46 minutes ago, simongarnerisgod said:

tell that to brentford and brighton,with the right planining you can easily survive into the top half

Brighton and Brentford are 2 great examples of how to build a club to be successful and sustainability PL club like we did in the 00's under John Williams time at the club.  

4 minutes ago, ben_the_beast said:

Honestly it's no surprise and shows why there needs to be a much fairer distribution of money throughout the pyramid. Most Championship clubs are just like us.  Completely skint. Even the clubs we cast jealous looks at have miniscule budgets in comparison.

The problem is the Premier League will never vote to distribute the cash evenly. It means less for them. The only time it does happen is after long hard negotiations when external pressures attempt to force the hands of Prem Clubs. And even then its a paltry amount. 

I don't get why the PL clubs should distribute the cash evenly given that its the PL and the teams playing in the competition attract the TV rights, sponsorship, greater income. 


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Looks pretty bleak for the 3 promoted sides so far:

  • Luton: Was clear from the start of the window that they wouldn't be breaking the bank and have assembled a squad good enough to be challenging for promotion back in the Championship next season. Staying up would be an incredible bonus for them. Not the first team to do this and won't be the last.
  • Sheff Utd: Awful summer window really, losing their best player from last season. Only Hamer coming in seems to be a decent buy there.
  • Burnley: Spent plenty but mostly on younger players from abroad. As a plan to stay up it seems a risky one. Do they have a recognised goalscorer?

The gap is no doubt getting bigger. As much as I'd love to see Rovers go up, I'd also dread to think what would happen against some of the top teams in the league 😬😅.

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2 hours ago, Ianrally said:

A cricket score coming up on an old cricket ground

I vaguely remember going to Bramall Lane when it only had two ends and one side. I am old enough. Second visit we sang to their goalkeeper," You are fat, you are fat" to the Amazing Grace tune. We lost both games.

Never been to Hillsborough.

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Burnley are totally unrecognisable from the squad that came up with 15 new signings. I am far from convinced this lot are any better than last season's.

Sheffield United had serious debts hanging over them which is presumably where 50m+ of the money has gone. Net spend of 20m and losing their best players is suicide.

Luton Town's major objective is to use the PL money to build a new stadium.

So the same three coming down as went up is more than possible and I don't think it necessarily reflects that badly on the Championship in the circumstances.


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27 minutes ago, davulsukur said:

Sheff Utd are skint, like the rest of us. Probably trying to grab as much cash as possible from this season in PL and take relegation and the parachute payments that come with it.

Do you know what Chaddy, if we were taken over by the Saudi state, spent hundreds of millions and just brushed aside a newly promoted, winless team 8-0, I actually think I'd view it as a bit of a hollow victory. Effectively beating a championship side that are only there to make up the numbers and pocket as much cash as possible, with consummate ease isn't something that I'd view as worth celebrating with much vigor tbh.

Like watching City routinely dispatch mid-lower premier league teams with ease, it's not really exciting, it's fairly bland and souless. 

I don't really care who Newcastle or Chelsea have bought tbh, neither should have been allowed to spend that much. How can you be comfortable with those 2 spending insane amounts of money without batting an eyelid and just 1 league below, you have us, who struggled to  sign what will arguably be our No.1 keeper for just £700k? Beyond mental.

The European super League is the only way to restore parity, remove the super rich clubs, have a more even distribution of the money, make things more competitive, even up the playing field more. I was against it when it was first mentioned but now, I'd happily see the back of these "big clubs", the ones that basically make the rules in English football, in order to improve the English game outside of the premier League.

Brentford and Brighton's success won't last forever, it relies on a number of pieces falling into place every time. Sooner or later, they will make a wrong call and they'll find themselves in trouble, just like we did as well as countless others in seasons gone by.

If you don't understand why there should be a greater distribution of wealth then you are, quite frankly, part of the problem.

Amen brother 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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12 hours ago, davulsukur said:

Sheff Utd are skint, like the rest of us. Probably trying to grab as much cash as possible from this season in PL and take relegation and the parachute payments that come with it.

They spent £65m on new signings. Yes that sound like they are skint. 

12 hours ago, davulsukur said:

Do you know what Chaddy, if we were taken over by the Saudi state, spent hundreds of millions and just brushed aside a newly promoted, winless team 8-0, I actually think I'd view it as a bit of a hollow victory. Effectively beating a championship side that are only there to make up the numbers and pocket as much cash as possible, with consummate ease isn't something that I'd view as worth celebrating with much vigor tbh.

I deffo wouldn't. I would enjoy the win just like any other win. 

12 hours ago, davulsukur said:

I don't really care who Newcastle or Chelsea have bought tbh, neither should have been allowed to spend that much. How can you be comfortable with those 2 spending insane amounts of money without batting an eyelid and just 1 league below, you have us, who struggled to  sign what will arguably be our No.1 keeper for just £700k? Beyond mental.

why not? They are spending their own money from their owners not loaning it from a bank like Glazers did. Our owner Jack Walker spent his own money on the club and if I owned Rovers and wanting to spend my own money on the club and improve the club on and off the field why shouldn't be allow? 

We struggled to complete in terms of money cos we don't generate enough of our own money whether through Players sales or off the field income through sponsorship, ticket income or shop sales. Our owners haven't look at that side of club enough and employed the right off the field appointments like a forward thinking modern CEO who will think outside the box to improve the commercial operation massively. 

12 hours ago, davulsukur said:

The European super League is the only way to restore parity, remove the super rich clubs, have a more even distribution of the money, make things more competitive, even up the playing field more. I was against it when it was first mentioned but now, I'd happily see the back of these "big clubs", the ones that basically make the rules in English football, in order to improve the English game outside of the premier League.

If the European Super League was to happened which I don't ever think it will cos the PL clubs aren't the ones pushing for it but instead it's Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus who don't have the income that PL teams and don't generate the sort of revenue from TV rights. Barcelona are in over £1bn worth of debt. PL clubs aren't and never cant be down to PL financial rules. 


12 hours ago, davulsukur said:

Brentford and Brighton's success won't last forever, it relies on a number of pieces falling into place every time. Sooner or later, they will make a wrong call and they'll find themselves in trouble, just like we did as well as countless others in seasons gone by.

Brighton model looks fantastic looking from the outside and the appointment of De Zebri has taken the club to another level. He is top manager and will move on from Brighton next summer to a big club. Brighton will already have a shortlist of replacements for him and there did when Potter left for Chelsea, De Zebri was the first choice and they got him.  

12 hours ago, davulsukur said:

If you don't understand why there should be a greater distribution of wealth then you are, quite frankly, part of the problem.

Yes I agree that the PL should distribution some of the money generate by them to the EFL but without the PL generated that income they would be no money to distribution to the EFL. Reading recent reports it appears that £915m will be given to EFL in a six years deal. Under a blueprint outlined to Premier League clubs on Thursday, the New Deal would run for six years, commencing immediately with an £88m handout to the English Football League (EFL) in the first year, rising to £190m in the 2028-29 season, the final 12 months of the period.The seasons in between would see payments of £101m, £174m, £178m and £184m,

£915m football 'New Deal' faces delay amid fears over regulator | Business News | Sky News

Plus factoring in the new TV deal for EFL for next year aswell which is about £4m a year

Edited by chaddyrovers
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1 hour ago, Wheelton Blue said:

The hypocrisy of, on one hand, suggesting that PL clubs should not redistribute their wealth, but, on the other hand, being vehemently against the Euro Super League....

I have nowhere said that the PL shouldn't redistribute their income but the baulk should remain with PL clubs who generate that money from TV rights, sponsorship, etc. 

Euro Super League is being pushed by 3 European clubs in Real Madrid, Juventus and Barcelona are the ones who pushed this idea cos of the own financial mess at those clubs where PL clubs aren't in that sort of Financial mess and with many of those clubs have wealthy owners who put their own money into those clubs

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After seeing that yesterday, it almost makes me sick to the stomach. 

What is the point in pitting the likes of Newcastle, City, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, United (when stable) and even others, up against teams like Luton, Sheff U and the Clarets (despite this years spending for them)?.

If Rovers were to go up, we would simply endure that type of battering ourselves and apart from the odd victory against the teams around the bottom 5 or 6 would we really want to see that kind of slaughter most weeks?

So what are we playing for right now, the right to play in the big league for one season, so that our owners can claw back a bit of the money that have put in?

It all seems a bit pointless right now.

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18 hours ago, davulsukur said:

What's the point in the prem now? Sheff Utd, Dingles and Luton get promoted from the Championship but then have to come up against a clubs like Oilcastle that can just pump extraordinary amounts of money into their club at will.

What chance does anyone have these days? 

Not sure I fully agree given how much Burnley spent, it’s not like they’ve been working on a shoe string 

Luton are a small club and have clearly decided to pocket the cash and use it to secure the future and build a team for another promotion push 

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2 hours ago, chaddyrovers said:

I have nowhere said that the PL shouldn't redistribute their income but the baulk should remain with PL clubs who generate that money from TV rights, sponsorship, etc. 

Euro Super League is being pushed by 3 European clubs in Real Madrid, Juventus and Barcelona are the ones who pushed this idea cos of the own financial mess at those clubs where PL clubs aren't in that sort of Financial mess and with many of those clubs have wealthy owners who put their own money into those clubs

The main reason why the PL is so boring/uncompetitive and why the rest of the English football pyramid is, in comparison, in such a shit shape, is primarly due to the fact that the top PL teams retain the bulk of the commercial income.

And the reason why the 12 or so original member of the ESL publically promoted it in the first place, was because they wanted to retain the bulk of the financial income from that.

It's all about the same thing; greed.

The ESL only failed - for now at least - due to public backlash. Without doubt, those clubs who subsequently publically distanced themselves from it (City, Liverpool et al), will still be keeping a watching brief and having closed door conversations with the 3 clubs you mention.

The motives of the top PL teams and the motives of the ESL clubs are one and the same - greed at the expense of the wider football world.

It's hypocritcal to state that the top PL teams should retain the bulk of the PL money, but to then to criticise the ESL for the same thing.

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I don't watch the tedious hyperbole machine as I don't have Sky, but the rest of my family do. I find football pretty boring nowadays as it is all played in an almost homogeneous style, with variations of Liverpool or Man City's methods, pointless nonsensical stats and players being pansies. 

And then you get the idiotic commentators trying to manufacture talking points to fill the time, or treating an argument between a player and manager like old grannies discussing an EastEnders plot line. It's all a bit pathetic really.

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40 minutes ago, Norbert Rassragr said:

I don't watch the tedious hyperbole machine as I don't have Sky, but the rest of my family do. I find football pretty boring nowadays as it is all played in an almost homogeneous style, with variations of Liverpool or Man City's methods, pointless nonsensical stats and players being pansies. 

And then you get the idiotic commentators trying to manufacture talking points to fill the time, or treating an argument between a player and manager like old grannies discussing an EastEnders plot line. It's all a bit pathetic really



You're not a Half Man Half Biscuit fan by any chance? 😉😁

Sky Sports TV is bubble wrap for the age...


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16 hours ago, davulsukur said:

Do you know what Chaddy, if we were taken over by the Saudi state, spent hundreds of millions and just brushed aside a newly promoted, winless team 8-0, I actually think I'd view it as a bit of a hollow victory. Effectively beating a championship side that are only there to make up the numbers and pocket as much cash as possible, with consummate ease isn't something that I'd view as worth celebrating with much vigor tbh.

I know it's been 30 years but Rovers once did what you say Newcastle are doing now. Jack Walker's millions allowed Blackburn Rovers to buy the best player in the land for a record fee in the summer of 1992. I loved watching Norwich get battered 7-0 at Ewood. Norwich recovered. 

If Rovers were still a Premier League team I doubt that many of views stating the soullessness of the league would be as readily espoused. 

Money does need to be more equally distributed throughout the pyramid. The top teams buy everybody, spend oodles on players who will never play for their first team, loan them out for extortionate fees, and reap the rewards again once they are sold. 

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7 minutes ago, speeeeeeedie said:

I know it's been 30 years but Rovers once did what you say Newcastle are doing now. Jack Walker's millions allowed Blackburn Rovers to buy the best player in the land for a record fee in the summer of 1992. I loved watching Norwich get battered 7-0 at Ewood. Norwich recovered. 

If Rovers were still a Premier League team I doubt that many of views stating the soullessness of the league would be as readily espoused. 

Money does need to be more equally distributed throughout the pyramid. The top teams buy everybody, spend oodles on players who will never play for their first team, loan them out for extortionate fees, and reap the rewards again once they are sold. 

During the 90s Newcastle and others spent more than Rovers.

Rovers followed by ManU just spent it better than most especially the child killers.

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