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Everything posted by joey_big_nose

  1. The way I see it is that we are absolutely buggered unless we can find a player to hold the midfield together. This new 4141 formation certainly has promise but unless we have a tiger sitting infront of the defence we are in trouble. We cannot get anybody in till Januay but we might have a possibility in Thompson. Does anybody know when he is back? The only problem with this is hta Ferguson will be completely tied down without any hope of the forward runs that made him such a force on Saturday. However we would not have to have either Flitcroft or Tugay on the field which would be a massive bonus. Another big problem for me is what are we going to do with Stead, Bothroyd and Gallagher? All of them are hugely talented yet there seems little space for them in the lineup....
  2. I think the cadidates for shifting are pretty obvious: Gresko Johansson Reid (Could perhaps be a decent player but is behind Thompson, Emerton and perhaps even gallagher for a spot) Flitcroft De Pedro (I know, but he just isnt going to get a game with Djorkaeff here) Douglas None of these players add anything to the side. We need a technically able strong tackeling midfielder and a defender but apart from that we probably wouldnt need to have anymore replacements.
  3. It really does sound like Amo is a massive liability against Villa's pace. Its a real shame when everybody else seems to be doing really well. I wonder if a McEverly Matteo partnership is a possibility...
  4. Djorkaeff off, Stead on. Strange formation, Im not sure who are playing on the wings.
  5. Been barking up this tree for effing ages. We quite plainly need a decent all round player to slot in next to Ferguson. Carrick, Davis, Parker, Cahill- anybody of any quality. I know they do not grow on trees but it is important to find someone to allow Ferguson to express himself and add bite to the midfield. Interesting fact: Parker has played 8 minutes in all competions this year..... Loan fodder?
  6. Im not really sure about this one. Great player in his day (and even last season) but I am not sure he is going to slot into the system too well. The only way I can see it working without effectively playing three up front is to go for a sort of diamond: We have striker overload (and talented ones too) at the moment while a chronic shortage in central midfield..... Anyway we cant really lose I suppose, but Im not sure it will make the team better.
  7. I think we can win this one and continue the posession dominance of last monday. This is the team I would pick. Dickov has been holding the ball up superbly and remains the only striker who has scored a couple. I cannot see how he can be dropped. Jansen was good on the left on saturday but we need to give Pedersen a shot. He is the only real long term option on the left and has looked like improving. Rest of the side picks itself. I want to see Gallagher get a game, even as a sub. However, with the arrival of Djorkaeff, I imagine Hughsie will put out something a little more like this: Should be interesting....
  8. Well, im going to fly in the face of public opinion and say WE WERE ACTUALLY QUITE GOOD. We held on to the ball, the strikers held up the ball, we passed well and we got down the flanks. We lacked movement up front and had serious problems with width but I was impressed by how we closed down the opposition, especially in the first half. The game was won by a good set peice, that was it (although the lapses of concentration were worrying in the last fifteen minutes). If we had Cole or a Stead with some shooting boots we might well of won that game. Hughes will not change the system, we will play compact passing football (for all those accusing us of lumping the ball up front, where did you get that from? We passed out of the back, indeed it got us into a few sticky situations). We have two problems that need to be addressed: 1. Defensive Concentration 2. Goal threat Pretty massive problems I admit, but the technical ability, shape, ball retention and attitude (at least since Hughes has arrived) has been good. I think Hughes will be optimistic and uplifted at present. Roll on Saturday.
  9. Charlton are a good side! What do you mean "its only charlton...."! Right, this is the first game we can see really what Hughes is all about. He has seen a fair few of the squad and he will be wanting to mke an impression.... In actual fact I can see the side walking out unchanged from last week apart from Amo coming in for Short (as he is injured) and Flitcroft losing his place. Thompson, if fit, should get a stab at the middle. Apart from Ferguson all our central midfielders look dodgy. If Emerton is injured as reports suggest Gallagher should be give a run on the right wing, no questions asked. Prediciton 1-1
  10. Call me crazy but I think his future might lie on the right wing or in the hole behind the strikers. No matter what with the revival of Jansen, Emertons improvement, Thompson returning from injury, Dickov's good form and Bothroyd's promise he is certainly up against it up front or deeper.
  11. Bothroyd is a revelation. Could really threaten both De Pedro and Pedersen for the left wing spot.
  12. Shame to see that neither Gallagher nor De Pedro made the bench. To say that Hughes had little time to assess the squad. Interesting to see Amo dropped too... I will put money on Flitcroft getting subbed for Tugay at some point during the match.
  13. I voted 'yes' as I couldnt really see a stand out first choice. Hughes is young, articulate and ambitious lacking the ego of Souness and his confrontational nature but sharing the passion for the game. Hughes will want to buid a good side and obviously cares for the club. The most hertening thing for me is that he seems to want to say abrest of he latest developments in the game and embrace them, Speed was saying as much on SSN. I expect Hughes to come out fighting and not build a side to merely stave off relegation- I think he is exactly the kind of man to piece together a long term plan for Rovers. I am not saying that we will neccesarily have an excellent season this year, but Sparky will always be thinking a few moves ahead. And that, in my mind, is the mark of a good manager. Looking forward to saturday.
  14. Looks like its done and dusted. Hughes wants to come, the Board want him. Barring something extrodinary he will be our next manager. It will just be a case of whether he takes control of those two Welsh games and indeed our match against Portsmouth on Saturday. I will be very interested to see what kind of side he will put out. Adventurous times, and a manager Jim is happy with!
  15. We have to win this one. We absolutely have to. My team to start: Subs: Tugay, Boothroyd, Emerton, Short/Jansen (if parkes decides to go sans defenders again), Enckleman Four things- Thompson needs to be given a shot in the middle. he is the only realistic long term partner for Ferguson. Flitcroft is finished, Tugay is old and Douglas is just too limited. If he is injured (god dammit, when will he be sorted out?) Tugay should get the nod. Flitcroft should just be roundly flogged whatever the circumstances. I know Emerton has been playing better recently but I have to say that, if fit, Gallagher will worry the opposition more. I dare anybody to argue with that. Defensively he might be slightly more suspect but Emerton has hardly covered himself with glory. If Pedersen has another weak game Boothroyd should be considered as an option on the left in the final third of the match. He can play wide and run at defenders, something which has been lacking from MGP's game. When will De Pedro be fit? Matteo and Amoruso need a run of games together. Once they know each others style they will be authorative. Matteo needs to learn to play off Amo. 1-1
  16. Our First Eleven when everybody is fit is: Stead Dickov Pedersen Ferguson Thompson Emerton Gray Matteo Amoruso Niell Friedel We also have a substantial amount of decent players who can come in: Gallagher, Reid, De Pedro (I hope, is he going?), Johansson, Gresko, Bothroyd, Tugay. We can look terrible and everybody can eff and blind but our playing staff are quite decent. The single largest problem for me is that we still do not have a good partner for Ferguson but what can you do.... We have a good side with all the qualities to sit comfortably mid table at least. The issue is getting the players to be confident and impose themselves on the game. We cannot throw the whole side over, we have to use what we have got despie its limitations. The only way we will go down is if the coaching staff panic and the players lose confidence. I just hope the new manager does not come in with the attitude of some of the pessimists on this board and dissmiss the majority of the side as rubbish. The we really would be in trouble.
  17. Sounding a little better now. A couple of Rovers corners and a couple of decent strikes.
  18. We need some info on De Pedro, Thompson and gallagher. All of those players are potentially first rate and would hope to feature prominantly in the managers plans. It is worrying to only be in the fourth game of the season and already have five first team players out injured or suspended. Hey ho.... Parkes' team, after the Flitty revelations, seems to pick itself: I would put money on that being the exact line up.
  19. There isnt an obvious candidate who presents himself as 100% appropiate. Hughes is young, innovative, determined, committed, likeable. Tactically I would imagine he would be able to compete with Souness low level of aptitude and maybe even surpass it. I am up for a bit of a risk personally. Cart him in!
  20. Oh, I am firmly behind the appointment of Strachan. On the other hand, if he was looking for a job would he of not gone to Newcastle? Surely his stock is higher than Souness'? The only candidate I can see definately not taking us down. Hoddle would be an interesting appointment and his team would play attractive football. But the man is obnoxious and it could all end in relegation. Mark Hughes would be the next best thing to anybody but Strachan. Cannot see him leaving Wales though. Maybe shared job with the national team?
  21. I have looked through the thread a bit and at a staggering 15 pages of content I didnt manage to se it all. I apologise if I am just repeating anybody else.. I am extremely annoyed for two reasons. Firstly Souness has, particularly in the last two close season, built a side that he wanted- Matteo, Dickov, Ferguson, Amoruso, Gray. These players virtually all came in because Souness was the manager, all of them will be reconsidering their futures- particularly Amoruso and Ferguson i feel. To build this kind of 'loyal' player base he sold our flair players- Dunn, Cole and Yorke. To not see it thorough is disgraceful. Secondly he has left us in the lurch when throughout his career he was going on about commitment and so forth. For all of Dunn's short comings he never just walked out. That is pathetic from a man who obviously prides himself on his integrity. I was reasonably in favour of Souness but the guy has completely fallen from grace. As for the next manager we need an appointment that will encourage Ferguson and Amoruso that their future lies at Blackburn Rovers. The manager must be one who has a cohesive plan for the club to take it forward. The manager must be have good technical ability and experience at the top level. If we play stop gap relegation avoiding tactics the players will leave. We need to make this a positive move forward.
  22. Oh, one further point. If thompson does become a central midfielder and Emerton never improves his woeful form I would like to see Gallagher given a shot on the right wing. He can beat a player, something Brett cannot, and provide a decent cross. Its worth a shot. Apparently Boothroyd can play there too.
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