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Posts posted by Audax

  1. Can I breathe now?? It's not this....


    Sweden has been a close equal to England when they play... as of now, hard to say, Sweden has played very very well.......

    Colombia got the goal and got the momentum....but England wrestled it back I think in those last 15 minutes... more opportunities.....




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  2. Size comes up again. I really don't care and I don't know where one draws the line at being "short" and ma;ybe the times have changed,  Maradona certainly wasn't tall, Pele was not too tall either.

    Pele 1.73 M https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pelé

    Maradona 1.65 M https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diego_Maradona

    So, though I recognize the tall and big advantage, being small has to have some advantages, being lighter on the feet though, it certainly does not pan out in international football.  Could it? You'd have to say, Japan certainly made a go at it. Maybe they are lacking in other places rather than just a simplistic analysis.


  3. Look at that goalkeeping by Japan, Kawashima, win or lose, their effort and commitment has to earn them a lot of respect......against Panama I believe, it took Belgium a while to turn the jets on..... they are getting the better of play now, but we will see. This match has gone in waves.....

  4. It's water under the bridge, I don't care... but straight-up from yesterday's Spain/Russia game, I really do think two of the Spaniards were taken down on the corner kick by Russian players and that could have been a penalty.  The referee doesn't want to decide the game and maybe the referee is correct in that. Russia certainly deserve the win.

    To call a penalty in these knockout rounds, perhaps it needs to be very flagrant as in that yesterday versus Croatia.


  5. Mexico has played Brazil many times. Mexico may play up to the opposition I think.....they'll be up for this. 

    I'd go with Mexico.  They seem to be good lads.... except for Rafael Marquez who I believe they said is starting....he's been in some hot water. MXC 2-1.

    Japan/Belgium, who knows? After those two fine matches yesterday....I wrote down 2-1 Belgium to win....

    Update: 0-0 AGAIN at half.... at this rate, it would be a draw obv..... Mexico starting out attacking, Brazil getting some licks in....the lack of goals is a bit disappointing.....difficult to see Brazil winning this at this rate,  Mexico perhaps.




  6. Just now, Ewood Ace said:

    How is that not a red card? He took him out from behind as he was about to roll the ball into an empty net.

    It makes one wonder if the Croat should have taken a shot as soon as he could, he was going to almost walk it up to the net....this is sure some sort of deja vu with Croatia it seems to me. They might be a bit unnerved in a shootout.

  7. With that one goal, even if it is an own-goal,  this game already seems to be over with.

    Russia, like Canada, ice hockey powers. I wonder why it doesn't translate into better national football teams with that kind of a talent pool.

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