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Gone to seed

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Everything posted by Gone to seed

  1. anyone else having problems with iFollow? (or in my case, iDon't Follow)?
  2. Who instead of Arna? Chapman, Gally or Tyrhis? He's playing through it.
  3. Ref bottled that decision about Evans' foul - no way was that a foul, and Rovers were in..
  4. Rovers: Pears, Nyambe, Lenihan (c), Williams, Rankin-Costello, Trybull, Evans, Holtby, Elliott, Armstrong, Brereton. Substitutes: Stergiakis, Gallagher, Chapman, Davenport, Buckley, Wharton, Dolan. I think I might paint some architrave this afternoon, after all.
  5. Yes, you'd have thought if TM had such great faith in Evans' ability, he might use him as a reliable impact sub, rather than a means of submerging our prospects before a ball is kicked.
  6. Aye, but he jumps like he is a foot shorter.. My guess about our schizo form is that there is actually very little between most teams in this division, such that conceding a goal puts the team on edge which in turn makes them (us) more error prone as they 'try' to play football, instead of just playing and enjoying it. Except, of course, for defenders (and strikers) who can't jump. That is just poor technique and a lack of appropriate athleticism /endeavour.
  7. From Swansea fan forum https://www.scfc2.co.uk/forums/discussion/4612/match-discussion-swans-v-blackburn-rovers-championship-2020-21 Sounds like they have us sussed... JackRaven October 30 edited October 30 Latest news on Blackburn injuries both Thomas kaminski (keeper) and daniel Ayala (CB) will not play tomorrow according to the Blackburn website. That leaves them defensively light and short (in height) at CB. Their FBs are excellent going forward but weak defensively. At CB they still have Derrick Williams but he is no giant and will probably be partnered with Lenihan. They are both below 6ft and Blackburn have been weak in the air in defence even when they have been strong in matches. Aynsley Pears their backup keeper had a torrid time last match and is only 6ft 1in tall himself. We have to push their FBs into defending and limit their opportunities going forward, Also Gyokeres could come into his own against a pair of CBs who will be at least a couple of inches shorter, put Bennett up for corners and it might be an opportunity. Whatever happens we have to stop their passing game in midfield as when they get in their stride they can be lethal.
  8. Who will turn up? How will they play? Will the result spoil the day? WIll our team fight? Will they just wilt? Will we commend the sweat that is spilled? What can we do? We can but guess, whilst Mowbray and company tinker and mess.. Coventry, Derby were signs of our power.. But Reading and Watford made our lot cower Hopefully Swansea will bring out our best As TM the tinkerer is put to the test Will we be smiling a four forty five Or will our whole weekend just take a nose dive? Come on you Blues, just make do and mend and score early doors - but FOR GAWDS SAKE, DEFEND!! My apologies for the awful rhyming couplets. Was up early and bored COYB!
  9. It's work, so they are allowed (as tradespeople) to go to work
  10. The weather tomorrow might be a significant factor - driving rain and 50-60mph gusts of wind across that part of the country is forecast. Not ideal conditions for a controlled approach to a game of football. TM to remain immobile and impassive on the touchline, oblivious to the chaotic conditions (on and off the pitch)
  11. To be honest, I prefer it when we go into a game as underdogs - it brings a more realistic perspective to things, particularly as TM makes it so difficult to call what team will be put out each game. As for this one, I'm going for home win as Rovers once again capitulate after conceding another early goal - remember how close we were last weekend against Coventry to going behind (i.e. the thickness of a coat of paint on the post) just before we got the penalty? More doom, gloom and despondency for the fans. More tearing out of whatever hair is left for the strategists and analysts. More fool us for thinking we were at the start of a roll (at least an upwardly mobile one!). Anyway, COYB!
  12. Yeah - complete garbage! Can't get it to work at all. What a con!
  13. Am trying out the SkyBet option too, with a little flutter on the result to add some Zizz. Does the SkyBet stream start automatically when you are logged in to your account, or do you have to find it somewhere on your account? Any pointers (except Keef) gratefully accepted.
  14. That's a worry - no Internationals imminent, so there's no need for a certain midfielder to put a shift in... Where is the steel in that team, I wonder?
  15. Looking exceptionally wet and wild at the moment, which might not suit any Southern Softies Not just about who keeps their head this evening, but perhaps just as much about who can keep on their feet.. Where's R1871 when you need a comment from the opposition fan base? COYB!
  16. It is a big change from last season, when they were very poorly organised. We will need to be on our game tonight. C'mon you Blues!
  17. One day, maybe today, a Rovers side will bury the myth that we are a free-ride for sides on a long winless streak (such as that held by Reading over the past 4 seasons playing away)...
  18. Many thanks - an interesting read and akin to many that have been penned on here in anticipation of away fixtures in recent times. The good news (for your lot!) is that Rovers seem to have a weird fascination for ending other clubs' barren runs - the fact that you bemoan a long such stretch in Reading's case give me a bad case of 'oh feck!' Best case is that football wins on the night, with the spoils going to the team most able to continue their recent good form (Reading's is more consistent than Rovers :() Worst case is that neither manager wants to take any risks and the resultant fare is an advert for daytime telly instead. Good luck in either case! WIR
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