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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. Absolutely, I have always wondered why Mulgrew takes corners when we are so lacking of attacking threat in the box. Keep him on free kicks for sure but surely we have someone else that can take corners half-decently.
  2. Yup I had him 'just' as the MOM which would be 2 or 3 times this season for me.
  3. Have to admit that since signing permanently he has not been much cop. By all accounts he was pretty poor at Bolton the last time he was in the Championship too, so perhaps this is one step too far for him? I do hope he can continue to develop and become a good player at this level. The thing about him is that he has pace and can finish but I do not see much else about him. Does not have a trick or too up his sleeve to beat a man like Dack or Palmer does - if he did he would be twice the player.
  4. Just bumping this as I like logging in and seeing the title of this thread.
  5. How do you come to terms with such news? One minute you are living the dream as a footballer and the next you are told your life is about to change drastically and you might not live for too much longer. So young as well - tragic stuff.
  6. Cannot see DG starting this one just a few days after playing the full 90. Could we see Brereton up front or will he opt for Armstrong (or god forbid Nuttall)?
  7. Raya could have been more to his right but even then that free kick was flawless and I doubt he would have been able to do much to stop it. Should have been a man on the post though.
  8. Reed has to start - he is like Smallwood after 10 redbulls. Needs to cut out the needless fouls though. The first was taking one for the team but the second was needless. I like how he got involved in attacking areas as well and was a big part of the Dack goal. Would hope that this move is towards a more permanent deal.
  9. And what football have you ever discussed? other than having this weird obsession with Nyambe and agents? I dont think I have ever seen a post of yours where you are talking 'football'.
  10. Didn't think Patrick and Cristiano were that close tbh
  11. Been a way for a bit but thought i would comment on this. Youngster get themselves in trouble in all walks of life - I myself had a community service order when I was 19 more than twenty years ago. Will not go into details ha-ha What i cannot understand is how he somehow cannot find the time to do it. When i had mine, it was 160 hours similar to him (no I did not assault a police officer) but at the time I was working 6 days a week which meant I had to do my CS on my only day off. This meant it took me a bloody age to get through, 6 or 7 hours each day i would go, so it was only 22 - 25 days in total. The issue was I could only go once a week, so it basically meant I did not get a day of rest for six months. I cannot fathom how Dack somehow decides in his head that he cannot do it for whatever reason. He has plenty of time after training and on his days off, he really should be able to have it done in less than a month if he wanted to.
  12. Cannot really argue with that selection as Brereton and Reed were never going to come straight into the side. Main difference is that we now have a much better looking bench.
  13. Must be very difficult for TM to pick a side now with so many good options. I would imagine your thinking is correct with having a bit more pace on the counter. Armstrong alone will stop them playing too high a line.
  14. You said you were out every Friday and Saturday in your early twenties Chaddy, I said players have to sacrifice that - do not agree? If you think its fine for players to gout drinking a night before a game thats up to you. In this case he hasn't as not in the squad but to say that you think it would be fine is well off.
  15. So you would have no issue with a player going out and getting drunk (not suggesting he was last not - but could have been) the night before a game and playing with a hangover?
  16. So were most of us but in our early twenties we were not being paid 15k+ a week for a professional football club. This is the kind of profession where a party lifestyle/social life should be heavily sacrificed compared to us normal folk. He will still be a young man at 33/34/35 and will also be incredibly rich by then if he plays his cards right and can go party as much as he likes. Also you say TM will know? Why do you state things as fact? You have no idea if he knows or not - though he probably will do now that its over social media. TM has told him off on a number of occasions apparently for this kind of behaviour so not sure why you have no problem with it - especially on the eve of a game.
  17. Younger generation I am afraid. Whether Dack posted it or not it is still unprofessional to be out on the eve of a game whether injured or not.Firstly, he is paid a lot of money by the club and should be a bit more professional and secondly, not sure his teammates who are working hard for the game will be happy to see him out having a great time either.
  18. I do agree but at the very minimum I would hope that he has only gone out due to not featuring today in the knowledge that there are a couple of weeks till the next game. Personally still would not be happy that one of my better players who is carrying an injury is out on the tiles while the rest of the squad are preparing for a big game today. it is a side to him that could hamper his career, TM had to tell him off a few times last season apparently.
  19. I agree. Unless there is no chance of being fit and it was already clear he wont be featuring I would not be happy if I was TM.
  20. Yup 30k a week would be just about double what Dack is probably on. I think any player/person would be 'open' to doubling their salary. Just cannot see how we are going to hang on to this kid for long unless we get him on a similar wage and can show we can offer just much chance as any other in this league to get to the PL. Can see 20+ bids coming in January.
  21. Surely would take that - its a lot of work I would imagine. The match is 90 minutes long as it is but all that pausing, typing, scoring and then playing back again would probably be at least 4-5 hours in total I reckon. Interesting to see that Palmer really is a victim of his own talent. Has great feet and skills but often overdoes things and loses the ball. If he can get that right and learn to keep things a bit simpler he could go on to become a great player. Ronaldo was similar when young doing thirteen stepovers and other tricks when not really needed and has gone on to become one of the games greats.
  22. Do we really know there was a 15 million bid? At one point the papers had us paying 14 million for Brereton and look how that turned out. It also seems off to come in with a 7mil bid and then more than double it 24hrs later.
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