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Posts posted by HowieFive0

  1. Just now, RevidgeBlue said:

    Just on that point I understand there'll be three windows only during which each side can bring on up to five players so that in terms of disrupting or stopping the game it won't be any different from previously.

    Its not the stopping of the game thats a problem ..it the simple fact that bigger clubs with strength in depth get to flex their muscles more than they would have done with only three subs. Christ ..even i could manage to get Rothwell on ..and i dont even rate him and get apat on the back from BRFCS !

    Its taking away the skill in the game Rev ..ie tactics man management  yellow cards etc etc where a manager has to think ..not just go its ok we ve five subs left we ll   simply rotate a position .



  2. 23 minutes ago, RevidgeBlue said:

    Some Clubs have always had stronger squad depth than others. That's just looking for things to complain about for the sake of it.

    Not really the case . Suddenly having five substitutions takes away the managers dilemmas .How many times have we got down to our last Sub ..hoping its X player when its Y. How many on here have complained   TM has got it wrong 

    Now even TM cant fuck up substitutions with five! Taking away the integrity  and skill of man managing at team during 90mins. Five subs  with a strong squad ..cant fail.

    Barnsley get to 75 mins hanging on for a draw and suddenly Leeds use their last THREE subs to smash um in the last 15 mins after their first TWO didnt work out.

    It will be like American Football ..players coming on left right and centre ..or ..just like a pre season friendly. Bollox

    • Like 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, RevidgeBlue said:

    Not sure I understand the logic behind this objection.

    It's the same for everyone so I can't see a lack of integrity there and it's surely a common sense move given the curtailed pre-season.

    Certain Clubs have always been able to unfairly shift the goalposts part way through a season by either poaching a star player at any point off a poorer rival or latterly by spending big in January.

    How is this minor temporary rule change any unfairer than that?

    Because clubs with stronger squad depth than others can basically put out a fresh "Half A Side " with the same quality  and basically blow those without that strength out of the water  within 90mins

    • Like 1
  4. 36 minutes ago, Mattyblue said:

    Massive revolt by Sunderland fans. Not only would there be no refund for ST holders if games re-started this season, they’d been told to just watch ifollow. Though L1 will probably be curtailed next week, so it won’t be tested.

    But what’s really getting their goat is those that had already renewed for next season have been told that they won’t get that refunded either, told to watch ifollow for the foreseeable. A full price ST (or 2,3 STs for a family) is obviously much more expensive than just buying an internet match pass for the house. And many older fans don’t do streaming and the like.

    Only 14% in a poll say they will now renew...



    Lets be grateful that Rovers are one of the very few clubs that release their Season Tickets at the last minute !   #silverlining

    • Like 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, RevidgeBlue said:

    They had better only be temporary or life wont really be worth living.

    Its true though RB. People will have different ideas in all ways of life. Human nature. From people thinking twice of going into a packed pub (or even going into a pub at all after realising just how much money they used to piss up in a pub !) to the elderly  declining meals out with family at pubs and restaurants .. to people getting told in queues to step back a bit and stop breathing down me neck! To shopping online instead of actual 'shopping' ....it will be endless believe me. 

  6. 18 hours ago, chaddyrovers said:

    I dont know how you can make that claim of most fans? Spoke to them all? 

    But Spanish, Italian, Austria clubs are returning plus German Football has returned. 

    BT sport viewing figures were the same as PL games for their coverage of Bundesliga. 

    I wonder what the viewing figure for the 1st PL Game? 


    Todays viewing figure results ..

    BT Bundesliga  500 000 ..... Midsomer Murders 886 000  

    (Read in a James Alexander Gordon voice .)

  7. 6 hours ago, RevidgeBlue said:

    Sorry, that's absolute nonsense. How are you going to catch the virus by being in close proximity to someone who doesn't have the virus?

    People outside or down at the supermarket don't have the same luxury of being able to be tested several times per week. Neither will the surroundings be disinfected to the same degree within an inch of their lives.

    If players don't wish to play because of vulnerable relatives at home then they should be able to opt out but shouldn't expect to be paid for the privilege.  In exactly the same way  anyone "normal" who has to continue to work but who refuses  to do so would not get paid but would only receive £92 p.w. SSP or whatever it is.

    I don't think a lot of commentators grasp the enormity of the potential crisis facing football. Those who don't seem to think it will ever be safe to come back in the absence of a vaccine accuse those who want to see the game back on of wanting players to put their bodies or lives on the line for their entertainment. There is an element of that of course as we all enjoy the game but first and foremost, Clubs have to survive so that the players who don't want to play now have a job to go back to in due course.

    Ironically, the main reason the Clubs have to come back earlier than they might otherwise have to is to pay these self same players who seem to think their income should remain the same apart from a few minor wage deferrals even though their Clubs' revenue has been decimated and  is likely to be for some time.

    Completely agree regarding getting paid ..dont play ..dont get paid..thats not an issue to me and never said it was . The safety aspect regarding vulnerable people in the household is though. Players dont want to play then they should be allowed not too simple as that.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, RevidgeBlue said:

    Oh come on,  the chances of any player dying as a result of football returning is not actually zero, but is so infinitessily small as to not be worth bothering about.

    They'd be at far more risk by going down to the shops or supermarket.

    And if the players wives ..girlfriends are pregnant ..or have small children ? Its  NOT just about the players ..they re going to be in close contact for 90 minutes ..and if they are not then its not worth the games going ahead because they ll end up being played out like a training game. More risk than going to the supermarket one would think ..

    • Like 1
  9. The season should be null and void end of. Talk of playing out this season next year ..how is that even fair ? Teams older players are going to be virtually a year older so could weaken certain teams ..younger players a year older and stronger ..you could have teams looking like completely different sides to how they look now ..even without a transfer window and using the same players. 

    Danny Graham in 10 months time anyone ?? So we re a striker down straight away ..

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, rigger said:

    It would also mean there would be no season ticket problem as they would be valid for the rescheduled games 

    Season ticket ? Who's buying a season ticket with the prospect of being locked out potentially for half a season if not more.

    And the old one that keeps getting rolled out on here  ."If people stop going they get out of going and find other things to do "..(and thats when footie is available to watch at a reasonable  -ish price but people are bored of the football)..what sort of  fan base will be left when the turnstiles do click open  

  11. Just now, perthblue02 said:

    That is one of the reasons why I'm against it.

    As for the Australian federal government they don't give a shit they just want the economy back on track and are pushing people to download their 3 million dollar app that does not work so everything can go back to normal ,but as for the Western Australia State government, if they give the go ahead I would be hopeful  considering their actions so far ,that they would have measures in place for the above scenario not to happen.

    Im sure the WA state govt would have very good measures in place ..but we re talking about football players here, if anyone is going to flout rules and strict regulations ..its football players. The risk of something going wrong ..whatever the measures in place are simply not worth it. Germanys return already under threat ..because of ..footballers .


    Imagine the UK getting the Covid 19 under control then the Italian and Spanish Leagues saying we re sending over 20 teams because we cant risk infection on our own doorstep ..there would be uproar.

    If the PL want to take a risk at least do it in their own backyard . 

    • Like 1
  12. Why would Australia after nailing Covid 19 want to open its borders to 20 English footie teams who cant play their games in England due to infection ..and run the risk of undoing all the hard work in combating Covid 19 on their own turf? .IF for any reason there was another outbreak in Australia and was linked back to this proposed footie invasion  god forbid the ramifications ..i dont think for one minute the Australian Govt would even give this a moments thought. 

    • Like 1
  13. 8 hours ago, Ricky said:

    So tomorrow would have been the final day of the season but it’s not to be. FM have predicted the final results and have us in 8th going into the final game just 1 point behind Preston and 2 behind Bristol City with a better goal difference. Those two play each other whilst we head to already relegated Luton. A win for us takes us to the play offs. It’s all being virtualised on the Skysports live blog from mid day tomorrow. 

    What’s the odds on us virtually nicking the last play off place.



    A win would take us into the Play Offs only if Preston and Bristol draw..and we better Millwalls result !!

  14. 6 hours ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    I played it for hours, that's what made me two footed as a player I think. I still remember one shot I made. We were playing on a playground bounded with a grass verge. We were using the back wall of a toilet block as a goal. There was a strong wind blowing across the pitch and my mate had just hammered the ball  against the wall with the wind and it had gone miles. The ball was sat on the grass verge about 30-35 yards from goal more of less in line with the wall. I had to make the shot left footed to curl the ball into goal with hardly anything to aim at. A right foot shot would have had no chance.  Also I had to keep the ball really low so the wind couldn't get at it. My mate was already thinking he'd won when I drove the ball right into the middle of the wall !

    I scored a few goals as a player that I can't recall but I still think about that shot when I pass the playground. You never see kids playing walley anymore.

    … or  "Wembley" ..

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