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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. i knew he`d drop rothwell and buckley😪 though i did`nt think he`d be so daft as to bring in the little boy clarkson,id`e sooner have johnson starting,looks like it`s a back 3 as well,which has never worked,glad about butterworth starting,hope he has a good game otherwise we`ll never see him again,edun is also in his best position imo,cmon rovers,get into em
  2. the telegraph are terrified of upsetting anyone at the club,which kind of defeats the object of journalism imo,why would you pay to read a eulogy of mowbray and waggot when it`s certaintly not deserved,if they wrote balanced articles then fair enough but we could lose every game until the end of the season and the l.t would still would`nt change their approach
  3. if i can see the problem with gally then surely mowbray and venus can,tony is always babbling on about analysts and data,have they both become so jaded with the job they can`t be bothered anymore????????
  4. edun looks a better player in the middle imo,hopefully pickering will be back so he can edun can play there,tony will go full on defensive tommorow night i think,he`ll be scared of losing another game and scared of qpr ,rothwell will most likely have a "knock" and i don`t think buckley will start,he does`nt realise though we are likely to lose anyway if we go with a defensive mindset,we generally don`t keep clean sheets, might as well have a go and let them worry about us
  5. it was a terrible error and he`s got previous for messing things up in our half.Moral of the story is he should`nt be messing around,tell him to stay near the halfway line to latch on to clearances and press defenders,he`s a liability who should`nt be in a position to give the ball away in the worst area of the pitch,fergie banned cantona from going into midfield because he could`nt tackle and was a liability,if it`s good enough for him then it`s good enough for gally, mowbray should be telling him that,stay away from the midfield and concentrate on harrasing defenders
  6. moggadon will undoubtedly panic over our poor run and come up with some f****d up 5 at the back formation to try and eak out a draw,an everyone out of position shambles will follow with a 3 goal defeat,qpr are a decent side more than capable of sussing us out easily,hav`nt we all seen this numerous times in the last 5 seasons😪
  7. if he was staying he`d already have signed a new deal imo,just get through this season and he`s gone,he might get an extension is a biblical miracle occurs and we get promoted(highly unlikely)
  8. i reckon he`s leaving at the end of the season when his contract runs out,he`d have signed an extension already if he was staying,bye bye tony,you did an ok job but should have gone after the first season back in the championship,it was clear then you did`nt have the nous to get us any furthur
  9. 😃bit harsh i think,im`e to young to remember iley and pickering but despite being a poor manager and poor tactician,on a managerial level,mowbray is`nt as bad as kean or coyle,just the fact we are going nowhere annoys the **** out of me when we have players who can get us to the play offs with the right man in charge
  10. travis especially let his level drop in the 2nd half,tbf,he`s not been the same player since his knee injury,he looks like he`s running in concrete boots late in games
  11. i was`nt impressed,it looks like he thinks he`s still playing reserve team football and he can dribble past anyone and everyone,he`s got zero awareness of who`s around him as well
  12. we should all club together to hire a surveillance expert to eavesdrop on mowbrays half time ramblings,as in the luton match,did he expect the opposition being 2-0 down to come out and admit defeat???the big difference is their manager got in their ear and ours did`nt do anything,the 2nd half they upped their level and ours dropped,god i can`t wait for the end of season already!!!!!!!the dopey **** will never,ever get us anywhere,it took saxton and mackay 2 season to launch a bid for promotion,on an absolute shoestring budget,it`s taken mowbray 5 to just get us back to where we were under coyle
  13. having watched chorley at that level,it`s not easy to play in,very physical and no one gives you an easy time,the refs let a lot of stuff go that would have league crowds in uproar,it will give burns a good lesson on how to look after himself on the pitch,we should have done the same with buckley,i might be mistaken but im`e sure everton sent a young calvert lewin on loan to stalybridge for a few months,did`nt do him any harm
  14. dolan and pickering are doubtful for todays games as both are ill apparently,this likely means more positional shifts🤫 and starts for the loaness,edun may play left back with buckley in the hated,dreaded and thoroughly pointless false nine position,hope this is`nt the start of death spiral number (iv`e lost count) but you live in hope,cmon you blues
  15. we don`t appear to even have a scouting network anymore so it`s hardly a surprise that we don`t have a marketing dept either,there is a complete malaise around the club,from top to bottom
  16. if we had a board who actually cared about the football side of things,moggasaurous would be rendered extinct and a young,ambitious manager would be appointed,imo we should be approaching wayne rooney,he`s done an excellent job at derby,who have a squad that`s even smaller and less experienced than ours,not to mention he`s working under almost impossible conditions,he`s stabilised a team that everyone though would be whipping boys this season,i think he`s going to make an excellent manager,all hindsight of course because moggadon is going nowhere🤔
  17. coventry have sold a lot of tickets for this saturday,as they are on the up it should be a cracking game,rovers 3-2 coventry i reckon with butterworth coming off the bench to grab the winner😉
  18. yes,but they did`nt do much attacking,with a starting line up like that we should have ripped into the hungers and had the game won by half time
  19. he`s so concerned with not losing that his various formations mean the team can`t gel and get an understanding with each other,quite why you get so concerned about facing hungary at home is only a question he can answer,iv`e said it before,southgate is just a posh mowbray,terrified of attacking,positive football
  20. scotland struggling against the might of the faroe islands🤣🤣
  21. the former,he does`nt look a big lad who can hold it up,more a paul dickov than a jason roberts
  22. is`nt he an out and out centre forward??not a good position to be in if you are in mowbrays squad,i agree with you,he should be given a chance as he`s banging the goals in
  23. yes,would you stop supporting just because sheik mo is a bit of a "bad un" he`s kind to horses if not to his daughters!!!!!!!
  24. if sheik mohammed(the dodgy arab horse racing magnet)declared his love for blackburn rovers and decided to invest his many billions in the team,i guarantee there would`nt be any banner waving piousness going on when he arrived in his rolls royce,the fact he`s a bit of a despot and has more than likely done unspeakable acts to his critics would`nt matter a jot,we`de all be there celebarating a new era
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