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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. no hates mowbray,everyone acknowledges he`s a nice fellow,he`s just not a very good manager or coach.hence the frustration of his tactics and team shape which vary from the strange to the completely barmy
  2. the premier league is awash with dirty,dodgy money,do you think roman abramovich and the arabs who own city are squeaky clean!!!!if you don`t agree with the takeover then you ar`nt going to attend many top flight matches on principle,the world is run by dodgy folk with lots of cash,politicians are puppets who do as they are told,it`s the oil industry closely followed by the arms industry that rule the world,earth is pretty much ****** without oil or weapons innit
  3. i think it was down to season tickets holders and those that attended games had difficulty getting tickets while players,their families and backroom staff got lots of them and where giving them away to their friends(people who had no connection with rovers),the day was a complete bloody disaster as well😒
  4. ffs stop messing around and get the ball in the box and get kane on as well
  5. sorry to be harsh but i think tammy abraham is useless
  6. i don`t see the point in high level professionals playing what is basically a non league side,you could easily pick up a serious injury easily in games like this,the andorans will be desperate to get their foot in at every opportunity
  7. i reckon newcastle could easily fall into more chaos if the saudis throw money at them but don`t get the right people in,joe lewis throws loads of money at spurs but it has`nt exactly done much for them on the pitch has it,mainly because he`s got a right **** as chairman i suppose
  8. whats the greek lad like??,needless to say the pears signing was a disgusting piece of nepotism, the old fox warnock would never let a player leave for nothing if he was any good
  9. having piles of money does`nt guarantee you success,unless you have a solid backroom and plan,everton,west ham and spurs have wealthy owners,it has`nt driven them on to much success,they are still at the same level they have been for years,there is always a chance it could be disastrous as well!!!!!!
  10. it`s sad but judging by the quite correct comments on here,the club has got one hell of a job to do in getting back the trust of the fans,(views from the telegraph fan boys and facebook happy clappers don`t count,they`de still be positive if mowbray left and steve kean got his job back)as a fanbase i think we are pretty much down to the regulars and hardcore,though there is hope,our away following is very healthy,it`s not a complete lost cause
  11. last summer did ben a world of good,playing with international players under a good manager in a fixed system,must have boosed his confidence massively,he even looked ok when he had to play centre forward away at barnsley,it`s not his preferred position but he did ok,if he`d been played there before this season he`d have been hooked at half time,credit to mowbray i suppose in keeping his newly found confidence high,for 7 million quid though you expect the real deal and it`s taken him 3 seasons to even reach a level where he`s effective,still a bad piece of business imo
  12. if they reduce the price to £20 for the pne game we`de have a crowd of over 25000,pretty sure north end would sell out the darwen end and we would get more fans in ewood,at least swag seems to be listening on the issue of attendance
  13. if anyone has got their money on it,i suggest they cash out now if possible,skybet and their bookie brethren will void the bet once the system starts flashing red lights on their liabilities ,the initial odds offer was clearly a mistake on their part,it happens on the more obscure markets occasionally,there was a massive glitch on the ice hockey and baseball once,they were giving you 200/1 on every away team,needless to say when i woke up the following morning expecting to be rich they were all voided and all i got was my money back😪
  14. he`s inconstistent because he`s shoved all over the park by mowbray,he`s done it with brereton,gallagher,buckley and the poor lad davenport,who must be the most easy going human being ever,we still don`t know what is actually rankin costello`s best position either
  15. rothwell looks class when he`s pushed up the pitch which enables him to run at defenders,he does`nt get that option in a mowbray side to often though,i think he`ll shine at rangers and probably get a big money move elsewhere on the back of it
  16. bloody hell he aint looking to good for his age🤨,should be a good read,proper old school pro was patto,never hesitated to get stuck in when the match got tasty!!,would have lasted about 10 minutes in todays game,in garners autobiography he stated everyone was a bit careful of patto in training he could put a right ripe tackle in if you got the better of him,what he lacked in ability he made up for in heart
  17. im`e not bothered about promotion,it would be nice but im`e more concerned about getting back to being a properly run club,growing up in the 80`s we did`nt have a farthing to rub together but it felt like we were all in it together with a chairman and manager who had the best interest of the fans and the town,hell we almost got promoted twice during the 80`s on a budget that was non existant,if it goes back to being reminiscent of that era then so be it,ridding ourselves of the indians,maggot and moggadon is the most important issue,they are all toxic and for any happer clapper who thinks mowbray is a saviour they need to take a long look at themselves
  18. can`t see mowbray going to india,it means you have to isolate when you get there and isolate when you come back,surely we can still do video conferences from ewood,or has the budget been shredded so much that he can now only communicate by telegram or pigeon
  19. if they somehow appoint someone who is progressive and ambitious he won`t last long working under a regime like this,lambert was out the door sharpish when he found out what the job was really about,the rest of venkys appointments have been journeymen and idiots,though i do think bowyer did a good job before they forced him to sell his best players
  20. it`s the only way to rid ourselves of the menace of venkys,maggot and moggasaurous,think of it this way,in some form or other there will always be a rovers,we ar`nt going to cease to exist,there will always be a football team in blackburn
  21. we`ve got a big enough fanbase to recover imo,tbh,it`s the only way to get back to being a proper club,there is no future with maggot,mowbray and venkys,who now show no interest and obviously listen to people with their own agenda it`s very rare football clubs disapear completely,macclesfield have just been revived and bury are expected to start again,hereford,darlington,aldershot,newport,halifax and probably a dozen more have risen again,imagine us in the conference north,it would be fantastic going to bamber bridge,chorley and matlock😄,mark my words the club would soon be back on it`s feet
  22. worked for clough as well,it`s the best system for us,if you are getting overrun then get your second striker to drop back in midfield,a simple solution,tony has an overrated view of his own ability imo,he is`nt a good enough coach to get the strange formations through to his players,therefore he should keep it simple and get the players used to doing one job in their correct positions,keep it basic
  23. just said they created a good atmosphere,then he procrastinated about how we are a young side who need to learn some harsh lessons,same old b******s we says most weeks tbh,seemingly is passes him by that he signed them all and most of them ar`nt good enough
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