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Everything posted by Exiled_Rover

  1. Pennant and Arca are two that spring to mind. Likewise Forrsell and Lua Lua.
  2. Can't agree with that - Robinson is a top, top keeper, evidenced by his awesome save of the 30 yard screamer unleashed by Bentley. I doubt the outcome of the scuffed shot would have been different, on target or not. Both goals scored against him were close range, allowing him absolutely no time to react - he's not the England keeper for nothing. Now Sinama's miss was diabolical, but you didn't really elaborate on that
  3. If we play like we did on Sunday we'll turn them over, but with our consistency this season who knows?
  4. That picture is brilliant, I can only imagine he's saying: "Fffffffantastic ball Tugay"
  5. They seem to do it a hell of a lot, unfortunately most of the country saw the absolute domination of Spurs, so they look very foolish.
  6. Regarding the third goal, I thought Gray made a huge mistake in not bringing Lennon down. It's an automatic yellow card, but it prevents a dangerous cross on the counter attack. I'd take my chances at a free kick.
  7. I think it's more he enjoys playing for a team that actually wants him, rather than a French dominated side that didn't give him the time of day. Of course the fact he's working with an exceptional backroom staff must help, but overall it's that he feels loved right now
  8. If we had £50m to spend maybe. I'm taking nothing away from the performance, it was magnificent, but two or three injuries (or even one - Bellamy) and we're scuppered. They can afford to lose a few players and still put out a decent side, we can't
  9. Is there something I've not been told . I've done it a few times and been ok - though there was a few hairy moment when Ped equalised against United
  10. The Boars Head, or whatever they're calling it now. It's on Bev Road.
  11. Erm....nobody's saying "Fantastic, we lost!" Everyone is obviously disappointed that we didn't come out of the match with anything, but the performance has left a smile on most of our faces. When you're the best team on the pitch by far, despite being away from home against the team in 4th (who must have spent about £50m in the last few years) you can't help but be impressed. Spuds were playing counter attacking football for the majority of the game - this a team 4th in the league and apparently invincible at home! Put it this way, I was in a pub here in Hull with a bunch of neutrals who were on the windup due to me being the only fan in the establishment. The way we were playing football brought them over to our side, with a few of them going out of their way to say how unlucky we were to lose. When your side has the ability to do that, well it leaves me happy and proud if nothing else
  12. I was just about to post, 'anybody else immensely proud of their team today?' I was beaming in the pub, despite the result - two goals you can do absolutely nothing about (even if the first Keane goal was a throw in, the finish was magical) and some fabulous flowing football. Best team on the pitch by far.
  13. Were you born with that tw@ttish attitude, or have you cultured it?
  14. So basically we're in decent financial shape, but would really suffer if the Walker Trust ditched us.
  15. Anything in the top half is a pretty decent finish and a huge improvement over last season.
  16. Is anyone else imagining the Trustees in a Jedi Council...esque scenario? Twelve of so hooded blokes in a big boardroom somewhere in deepest darkest Jersey making decisions that decide the fate of the Gal....erm, Rovers.....anybody?
  17. I'd definately take him back, but it'd be on our terms. Pay as you play type deal with big bonuses for goals, assists, appearences etc. It's hightly unlikely Brum could afford him if they went down (which is looking less and less likely, dammit ), and I'm sure we'd get first crack at offering him a contract. One thing I wouldn't do is pay significant money for his services, £2m would be extortionate under the circumstances. A nominal fee and the removal of him from the wage budget would suffice for Big Club I feel.
  18. I remember him sulking whenever Souness played him out wide. Fair enough though as he was never going to displace Tugay and the two couldn't work together in a partnership....unless y'know you wanted your midfield to be steamrolled
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