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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Players like Andrews and Lowe are a symptom of the manager who picks them. They then become symbolic of the style of play being deployed. By expressing displeasure or disgust when they continue to be picked, it’s one step short of calling for the manager’s head. Maybe the manager is likeable, for instance, but people want him to stop playing a certain way. The Smallwood and Evans partnership is Mowbray’s version.
  2. Who do you think would win in a match between England Women and Mowbray’s Rovers?
  3. Let’s hope Mowbray doesn’t get any ideas as the end of the window nears...
  4. There is no one to sell him. You’d have thought that they’d have all been able to walk away for free by breach of contract if they weren’t being paid. Very odd situation. With a huge points deduction and an eventual squad of 14 that will be made up of kids and the frees that nobody else wants you’d think that they must be nailed on to be a League Two side in 2020/21. That’s if they don’t go pop. I do wonder how things are going to pan out at Rovers...
  5. And one of them is Jason Lowe... Oztumer must wish he had picked Rovers instead!
  6. Thanks for the correction. All figures were sourced from transfermarkt. That makes it even more stark.
  7. I don’t see the need for these posts that try to shut down discussion on the forum. Rovers local mouthpiece, Rich Sharpe, has a story published today that says Mowbray isn’t as concerned about defenders as he was - despite not signing any and our most public target signing for local rivals. Fans speculate why this might be and suggest that this is folly and we should still be looking for at least one. Others fans jump on the perceived “negativite fans” and say “Mowbray must be bluffing he know what he is doing”. When it turns out that he wasn’t bluffing they then say “we didn’t expect anyone, Mowbray even said he wasn’t planning to and he knows what he is doing”. We had one of the worst defences in the division last season and this needs sorting. Agreed? So if we don’t sort it then you would be disappointed, yes? You won’t just change your mind and back Mowbray anyway? “He knows more than you lot on here, I know who I trust”. Personally, I’m totally happy to judge Mowbray on what he does than what he says and disagree with him when he contradicts himself or doesn’t address the glaringly obvious. That’s what fan messageboards are all about!
  8. Mainly because we sold Jones and Samba when we were still in the PL. Bodes well for Magloire though. A couple of injuries and he may make the bench. I could actually believe that Mowbray thinks Nyambe could now be his best cover in the middle. Bennett at right back. It all just seems very makeshift though.
  9. I think they were afraid nobody was going to buy them. But it’s a nice touch to put it the way they have. They certainly won’t have been manufactured yet (had the badge sewn on).
  10. It’s in a bad enough a state to begin with if Lenihan’s fit. I wouldn’t like to contemplate him being injured. That’s the only thing that would be worse than selling him. Interesting stats... Money made by Venkys Rovers from selling defenders (£45.49): Jones £17.37m Samba £12.6m Martin Olsson £2.61m Dann £1.65m (!) Marcus Olsson £590k Hanley £5.94m Duffy £4.73m Money spent on buying defenders (£9.72m): Dann £6.12m (two-thirds of our entire spend on defenders - and sold at a huge loss) Orr £1.62m (!) Duffy £1.71m (our only defender with a financial return on investment). Bell £270k This suggests that we aren’t likely to be spending on defenders and why our interest in Bauer as a free transfer was so important and also such a missed opportunity. I bet the air was blue down at Brockhall. (You’ve only yourself to blame, Tony). I notice also that Mowbray is now “admitting that his clamour for defenders isn’t as strong as it once was”. That doesn’t bode well at all. https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/rovers/news/17738118.rovers-boss-tony-mowbray-wants-to-strengthen-across-board/ (Headline in the paper copy is a much more negative sounding “Boss on the defensive...”).
  11. Keane reminds of these faux-intellectuals who end up frustrated and defeated by their lack of actual intellect.
  12. Forgot all about Dennis Wise. He must be the day before yesterday’s man.
  13. And he has been relegated and promoted during that time! He’ll be the longest serving soon. Arsene Mowbret.
  14. It’s a good point. The only way they could be compared equally is if a women’s team competed in a men’s league. If they can compete then fair enough. Nothing wrong with there being a WWC, I’d just prefer that the first W was celebrated rather than trying to pretend that it’s just another World Cup.
  15. The fact that all of this is being discussed in a thread called ‘England’ is disingenuous. I don’t want to click on media (click bait) links that say “England player achieves record caps/goals” and find out that they mean England Women. I wonder how long it will be before they kill the sport completely by forcing mixed teams on us at the top level?
  16. Tough question. Probably - in terms of our-and-out defending - but only because Mulgrew’s legs have gone. However, Mulgrew contributes so much from set pieces.
  17. Doubtful but let’s see if you are right or me by signing a better defender than Mulgrew. I hope you are right and I’m wrong.
  18. Heaven forbid if England Women win their version of the World Cup. We are going to have “it’s the same as 1966” rammed down our throats for at least a week and a half until everyone forgets about women’s football again. The irony is that the England women’s team is benefiting from the vacuum caused by football no longer being shown on terrestrial TV.
  19. Utter feminist liberalist media claptrap. Should we include Wayne Rooney’s Under 15s and U17s goals as part of his overall record? Shilton played 13 times for England C team, taking his total to 138 games. I expect he will have some schoolboy caps too. They need to promote the women’s game, not promote it as “the game”, and stop trying to socially engineer us.
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