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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Maybe we need Mowbray and Waggott to swap roles. We have a warm manager who is loyal too a fault and a cold chief exec who is all about targets and results.
  2. That was the bit I didn’t understand either. Very ill advised.
  3. Lenihan’s tackle wasn’t a red card offence. Williams covered him from being last man.
  4. Depends on the weather. 18k if it’s a nice day. (Bank Holiday weekend).
  5. Sounds like they might be knocking money off the 25yo ticket and adding it onto the normal adult ticket instead.
  6. I think his comments have improved of late. My concern is that talk is cheap.
  7. I’d sooner have a Delia than a Desai. At least she cares about her club.
  8. I expect Waggott thinks chucking a couple of free games into a ST is a good deal. But yes, where is the line for the outlay/DD commitment? Buy X games, get Y free. At £379 vs £25 walk-on, it’s Buy 15, get 8 free. I bet he’s thinking more like Buy 18, get 5 free. (£450). No thanks.
  9. Taking a look at the figures, assuming a current ST attendance of 10,000. Price Rises 10% hike (£18.12 per match) 10,000 x 379 = 3,790,000 10% increase = 4,169,000 Divide by 379 = 11,000 fans required at current price for same return 20% hike (£19.77 per match) 10,000 x 379 = 3,790,000 20% increase = 4,548,000 Divide by 379 = 12,000 fans at current price Arbitrary £100 hike (£20.80 per match) 10,000 x 379 = 3,490,000 £100 increase (26%) = 4,790,000 Divide by 379 = 12,639 fans at current price Attendance Rises with Price Reduction (Equivalent required)* At £299 per ST for same equivalent return offered by the Waggott Tax (£13 per match) Current price = 12,675 fans 10% hike = 13,943 fans 20% hike = 15,210 fans £100 hike = 16,020 fans A season ticket begins to look less and less worthwhile. Taking this to extremes, as fans stop buying them the prices will need to increase hugely year-on-year to cope with Waggott’s inability to increase attendances and his strategy is counter-productive. We are at the start of that process. Waggott needs to start chasing the heads instead of bleeding the hearts. * all of the attendances are worst case because they assume that every fan is a full price paying adult, which they are not.
  10. A very fair assessment. We have some very talented young players in the side (Rothwell, Chapman, Butterworth, Armstrong) who could all stake a claim for Dack’s position in the pitch. We have less able cover for Graham, and that needs addressing. These kinds of games are where some of the youngsters should be getting a run out. (Butterworth and Buckley, having performed in the last match, should have been rewarded). It’s lose-lose with Graham and Dack. We know what they are capable of so they can only come up short. If they do come up short then they have the excuse of it only being a dead rubber so get a free pass (from fans). Mowbray absolutely must learn about his current squad options. He always seems to bring in youngsters and then drop them when they do well. It’s almost as though he wants to prove that the academy doesn’t bring through players and when it does he doesn’t know what to do.
  11. Not so. I’m criticising the Swansea reduction being a “thank you for your fantastic support”. It is anything but that. If they also increase ST prices then it really is an insult to the most loyal fans. The game should have been a tenner to try to increase uptake - although that would require us to have season tickets on sale when these folks rock up for a rare game. Surely the best time to increase our attendance figures was on the day of the Oxford game. “Buy a ticket for Oxford and get money off your season ticket if you buy it within 10 days”. We didn’t even have them on sale! My real criticism though is about continuing to increase prices for the most loyal fans at a time when going to Venkys at the end of the season for a £2m injection or a £2.5m injection is largely the same, yet we continue to have 18,000 empty seats! The product (which includes the matchday experience) is being worsened at the same time prices are going up and TV companies are making watching away from the ground much easier. It was hard to see the Norwich ground so full last night and to think that we will never have that (definitely not) while Waggott is here and (most likely not) while Venkys are here - although we have already seen a generational drift as our 18-20 year old fans were at Primary School when Venkys first came along and ruined our club. While we have Venkys money to draw on, the plan should be about packing Ewood as much as possible not fleecing it. If we don’t have Venkys money to draw on then they need to sell because they would be no use to us.
  12. It will be interesting to see what happens If we were to get our shot at promotion under Venkys. We don’t seem to have paid off any debt up to now, even when we sold Rhodes and didn’t reinvest.
  13. According to Farke and Webber, they had a two day inquest into what went so wrong that they ended up 14th, in order to put it right. We seem to think 14th is good at this stage. It could be another two years before we have that kind of epiphany. Farke also paid tribute to the huge contribution made by his Sporting Director. We don’t even have one. Our philosophy is loyalty to players who are out of their depth, giving them every chance to impress. This just means that in a season where every game is important we write of certain ones because “it’s only fair”. Why are we playing Leutweiler at this stage for instance? He’s leaving. As a club we have got it backwards, we are ruthless with skint, loyal fans and sympathetic towards rich, inadequate players.
  14. And yet none of it goes towards paying off our debt. So where does it go?
  15. I can’t believe you would compare Waggott with Williams. They are like night and day. However, the reason Waggott shouldn’t just keep increasing prices every year is because, one, we do not have fans with pots of cash, and, two, this club needs to build bridges with the fanbase that has been treated very very badly this last 8 years. He needs to get more people through the door not just keep tapping the already most loyal fans.
  16. Well he hasn’t tried very hard to increase footfall. Quite the opposite.
  17. What is the justification, Madon? Waggott can’t increase footfall so just squeezes harder?
  18. Totally losing faith in the current Rovers board, mate. Mowbray’s popularity has helped them get away with murder. If it’s a lovely sunny day, we may get to 20k with it being a Bank Holiday the day after but other than that it’ll be a 16k topper. There is absolutely no justification for increasing season ticket prices, which is basically punishing the most ardent fans. They can’t fill the ground because Waggott believes that being a Rovers fan should cost a premium. The sooner he leaves the better. We need a chairman who gets what the locals at this club are about. A lot of fans will pick and chose games next season. If the going rate now is set at £27 for a Cat A game then he will think £18 per game is reasonable. I mean, he even thinks that a £15 ticket is a massive thank you to (absent) supporters. This could well be the season that a BBE ST goes over £400. Waggott Out.
  19. Think we’ve already been through this, SG. It’s hardly any kind of thanks for fantastic support. A genuine thank you recognition would be to reward long suffering ST renewers with a discount for next season. As it is we’ve no idea when they will even be on sale, let alone what price.
  20. Travis was head and shoulders above Dack. The game after his break up, I thought he was back to his best but tonight was about the worst I’ve seen him. Maybe he is used to doing other things at this time on a Saturday evening...
  21. Williams has been a revelation at centre back next to Lenihan.
  22. His ball control is about the worst in the team. Couldn’t trap a bag of wet cement.
  23. Brereton and Travis have been established first team players almost all season. Hardly giving youngsters a run out.
  24. Just shows what a good manager can get out of very ordinary players.
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