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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. IF this is true and he does indeed want a week to "mull it over" I would have thought it pretty unlikely he'll be coming. Smacks of Lambert. One foot out of the door before he even started. Carvalhal also has a bit of of a history of being here one minute gone the next. Whilst we dont want to be saddled with a liability long beyond their sell by date like Mowbray, by the same token we need someone who is fully committed for a reasonable period whilst they are here imo.
  2. For us all to be arguing like two bald men fighting over a comb about John Williams (who left the Club eleven years ago) and Jagdish ( who may not even be coming in) tends to indicate what a slow day it's probably been on the search for a new manager front. The longer it drags on the more I fear it's likely we'll end up with another uninspiring appointment off the managerial scrapheap in the Mowbray ilk. At a well run Club you'd hope the first you'd hear about a stellar new appointment was when the new man was being photographed with a scarf above his head. But with the mob on the ground at Ewood? Hope the feeling of pessimism in this regard is unjustified and Glen for example is right.
  3. I can't speak for 1864 or any other group who have physically sat down and held held discussions with the Club. If you've been reading the forum regularly recently you'll probably have noticed I've said on a number of occasions recently, that speaking purely from a personal point of view apart from the community work I can't see much sign of the type of improvement that was promised a year or so ago. I don't know what else you want me to say, lie and say I can see it? That said, Mowbray, Venus and Park now gone, (three down one to go) 1864 says there is a largely reconstituted new pitch in the offing - we'll see what happens on that front - and if there is a decent managerial appointment I'd say those are very much the first signs of the green shoots of recovery, Wouldn't you? However, even if nothing that has been promised by the Club comes off, that's their fault not the fault of 1864 or any other supporter who has selflessly given up their time and effort in good faith for the love of the Club in an attempt to steer it gradually in the right direction. I'm assuming you come into that category as well in connection with your work for the Rovers Trust. For Matty to deride that is at least as low as anything you accuse me of and then in the next breath he accuses 1864 of being divisive!
  4. He won't answer the question because he knows the answer wouldnt support his agenda as regards the owners. Should he be appointed as CEO - Not at this stage. Would he nevertheless be an upgrade on Waggott? - probably Would his everyday involvment at Ewood be a good thing? - Probably Are him and Waggott the only 2 choices in the world we could possibly appoint for our CEO? - Of course not.
  5. That gag's getting a bit boring now isn't it? Did he crash into T3RRY CONN0R on the way out?
  6. Let's get it right their record as owners has been dreadful to date. Against that their financial commitment has been more than impressive and it appears they have no intention whatsoever of going anywhere in the forseeable future. Therefore you can either try and influence proceedings in a positive manner as 1864roverite and several others have attempted and are still attempting to do or carp from the sidelines and blindly dismiss anything and everything that happens as you appear to be doing. It comes across as though you can't bear the thought we might one day succeed under Venky's and are absolutely terrified by the possibility.
  7. Yes heaven forbid we see any examples of nepotism.......... that would never have happened in the days of good old JW..........he would never have appointed his son as Head of Commercial for example. Ooh err......Hang on!
  8. You know very well what I mean. Yes I said we did "Generally ok" under JW. Did you miss the bits where we were relegated (with Jack's money) nearly relegated another couple of times, didn't sack Souness and appointed Ince? As I'm sure you're aware the bit about putting words into my mouth related to Jagdish (hope I have spelt his name correctly) . No-one is suggesting he come in tomorrow to run the Club but in the long term having him take over Pasha's role as the famiily's eyes and ears on the ground and or learning his trade alongside competent staff (not Waggott) could be very beneficial. What's happened up to press clearly hasn't worked.
  9. Assume that was aimed at me. Don't put words into my mouth when I haven't said. anything of the sort.
  10. Ah, so you're my fellow former inmate at school are you, thought it was Longers. Apologies to both of you. You're still screwed though! 😁
  11. Tend to agree Mike. Obviously it would all depend on him having a minimum degree of competence but if that could be taken as read I can't think that him being involved on a full time basis would do anything other than push us up the list of priorities in terms of their overall business empire.
  12. Yep. We had it on a plate. 2 outstanding candidates out of work in Farke and Dyche. Instead there seems to be a danger we're trying to cock it up by compiling and sifting through short lists of inferior candidates. We shall see I guess.
  13. I was referring to your uncalled for comment about 1864. I've no idea what has been said about giving Ewood Park up for prayer one way or the other as it has absolutely no relevance to me. However generally 1864 has made the effort to get up off his backside out of concern for the Club and engage with them to try and find out what the hell was going on after a very poor season last season. You may not agree with his interpretation of what he's been told, (indeed I'm not as positive as he is I dont think) but I don't get the constant need to slate everything he says. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Same goes for the much maligned "QEGS group". Everyone is only acting through love of the Club and the perceived secrecy only arises because the Club requests that the vast majority of what is discussed remains confidential. Anyone not agreeing with 1864's view on our general situation would I'm sure be able to contact the Club and discuss matters themselves.
  14. Nothing in it whatsoever. A poster on here said "If Farke falls through, what about this guy?" etc. I'd be happy if we we genuinely in for Farke.
  15. Adkins would be as bad as Grayson imo. The new manager will be the real litmus test of the owners intentions going forward not splitting hairs about whether the pitch is undergoing a major reconstruction or simply the usual summer make over. If they get this one wrong.............
  16. For the avoidance of doubt, who are "the people running Rovers" as far as you are concerned?
  17. Blimey, Jagdish looks about 45 in that photo. What would he have been then? 18 or 19? 🙂
  18. You seem terrified that some positive change MIGHT be happening Matty. Why is that? Mowbray out, Venus out, (new pitch which you split hairs about) I'll take that to be going on with.
  19. Bit premature to have a meltdown on the strength of the word of someone on here that Balaji's son will be coming into the Club. Bit harsh as well. Given Suhail is their eyes and ears on the ground over her and was formerly their driver difficult to see how he could be much of a downgrade whilst learning on the job. If he's the eyes and ears you don't need much technical expertise for that, if he was coming in and taking Waggott's job straight away you might have more of a point but even then, could he do much worse? Name one thing Waggott has done which has been of benefit to the Club. Perhaps they're copying the John Williams model anyway - appointing someone who knew the square root of naff all about football at the time he was appointed. That worked out (generally) OK.
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