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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. I think you mean 2001. A hilarious moment that will live with me forever. Whoops, just testing! That chant was superb, as was "Are you Burnley in disguise?"
  2. Time to put in a £500,000 bid for Chaplow with Blake thrown in to carry the kit.
  3. Perhaps Agent Kilby is thinking of combining the Chairman's, manager's and right wing roles as part of the latest round of cost cutting measures.
  4. Stanleh really should have seen this coming. After all he was advised by the more knowledgeable Rovers fans on 01/04/2000 "Resign, you might as well resign" Can't see anyone else doing much better on a budget that would make a shoestring look affluent. So the season's not even over yet and that's Little and Stanleh out of the door already. Any comment from our resident Burnley wit sam dingle?
  5. So Saints chose Beattie over their manager? Seems a bit hard to swallow that one. (As Mrs Strachan might well have said if this ALLEGED story is correct! ) Anyway amusing diversion aside I felt very sorry yesterday for Smith who has cleaned up his act on the pitch somewhat and is a real Club man of the old school. Viduka on the other hand was a disgrace. With his side one up and in with a genuine chance of victory, he tossed it all away by getting himself sent off and leaving his team mates in the lurch. Anyone signing him is taking a real gamble because he seems to have a very poor attitude.
  6. Can't say he is any better than our current crop of players. Exactly. Sarcasm isn't wasted on you is it? Or should that be Izzet?
  7. His rumoured 90kp.w. wage demands might have something to do with that. Although i'm sure he would have to halve them for Bolton to be interested. All credit to Bolton though for attempting such an innovative move. I'm sure we'll be in for Izzet Muzzy.
  8. I like Big Ron as a commentator, if he used the words "useless" and "f*****" in close proximity solely in relation to Desailly's performance last night many observers would no doubt agree. The use of the other word jim mentioned, IF indeed it was used, is a different matter in this day and age.
  9. Whilst it's been said all season by the management that the time for recriminations is not now but at the end of the season, it would have been relatively pointless doing it from Division one at which point the club that Jack built would have been more or less killed off. That's why many of us have been particularly vocal about what we've seen this season in the hope of seeing some improvement. So whilst I am absolutely delighted that we've finally shown the inclination and ability to battle after thirty two games it's still not really acceptable as far as I'm concerned, I want to see the team fired up and motivated for every game. I'm still far from convinced Souness has the ability to do this, but will be delighted to hold my hands up if he's still in charge and that happens next season.
  10. If not before Souness should undoubtedly have been replaced a week ago allowing his replacement seven games in which to turn things around. John Williams has already presided over us being relegated with the 5th highest wage bill now we're going down again with the 8th. What does he actually do to justify his quarter of a million pound salary?
  11. My memory was obviously a bit out on Pearce but his career stats indicate we bought him for 300k and sold him for 2.3m - still not bad. But let's not sound like jealous fans of rival clubs who say we "bought" the title. Of course we did. And everyone else apart from ManUre and Arsenal has tried and failed. You sure you aren't a closet Man Urinal? . As for KSB he has always been consistent in his views unlike most who started the season saying we had the best squad and manager since sliced bread and who have been backtracking rapidly for some weeks. Let's hope GS proves KSB wrong, we survive this season, and go from strength to strength next. Can't see it happening myself but I'd be delighted if you drag this post back up at Christmas and tell me how wrong I was!
  12. Why does it denigrate our greatest achievement to point out that Dalglish was indeed extremely successful in the transfer market? Firstly because he wasn't extremely succesful, we were simply in the position that Ranieri finds himself now in that we could buy anyone, at any price. Secondly go on any 'rival' board and as how we won the title and they will tell you we didn't, we bought it. No self-respecting fan would therefore use that name onlya dingle on a wind up. Not successful, blimey if he wasn't "successful" in the transfer market would like to see someone who was! Let's give credit where it's due e.g. Shearer bought 3.3m sold 15m Sutton bought 5m sold 10m Berg bought 400k sold 5m Le Saux bought 600k sold 5m Pearce bought 500k sold 5m Sherwood bought 500k (don't recall how much we sold him for) Alan Wright bought 450k sold 1.2m etc.
  13. Why does it denigrate our greatest achievement to point out that Dalglish was indeed extremely successful in the transfer market?
  14. Despite not thinking there was much in it after last weekend, given the manner of today's defeat, I am now firmly of the view that (if he would accept) Tony Parkes should be given the opportunity to try something a bit different and try to turn things around over the last seven games. Make no mistake, everything Jack Walker did for us and the very future of the Club hangs in the balance. And sadly he isn't here to bail us out for a second time. I could just about live with it if a change was made and we went down having tried everything we can to do something about it. Sliding down without a fight (as we are doing at the moment) would be very hard to bear. This one is down to John Williams and the Board. Expecting Souness to forgo several million pounds compensation by resigning seems to me to be unrealistic in the extreme.
  15. You're not going to get many visitors to your new forum if you just post on here to insult people. (That was directed at blue and white army BTW)
  16. Substitute Reid for Neill, possibly add Johansson at CB and if Emerton pulls his finger out next season I'd agree with that list. Unfortunately that only leaves us with nine or ten players and still urgently in need of (at the very least) another CB, central midfielder, left midfielder. I would say we also need a right back who can defend, and there is a huge amount of dead wood to be shifted. Huge rebuilding job needed over the next 12-18 months.
  17. Would tend to agree with that prognosis Den. As an uninformed outsider looking in it doesn't seem to me as though there is any real desire on behalf of the creditors to put Leeds into administration, but that the development on Friday was a ploy to get Leeds to strike a deal with the remaining interested consortium quickly.
  18. According to teletext, shares have been suspended in Leeds United ahead of an announcement. Significant?
  19. Fair do's tcj! Always like someone who can argue their case whether you agree with it or not. Personally I would summarise all that as a particularly bad decision at Boardroom level to sell Duff. No-one signed on the left side to replace him. A poor choice being made to replace Berg with Amoruso. Dunn's replacement (Emerton) being very disappointing. The players bought with part of the Duff money (Reid and Ferguson) starting to look reasonably promising after a very slow start but then getting injured. Agree completely that various players haven't performed as you would expect at different times. Gresko, Neill and Taylor being other obvious cases in point in addition to the players we've already mentioned.
  20. Without wishing to fall out, as you are so consistently outspoken on the matter, what's your view on why we are then languishing in 15th position as opposed to last season's 6th?
  21. philip, it's inconceivable that any of the creditors would not now give Leeds until the end of the season isn't it? Even if they were to go into administration, they wouldn't be able to sell off any playing assets until the end of the season would they? (Other than abroad) I could see Leeds putting themselves into voluntary administration though if their relegation fate is sealed prior to the end of the season.
  22. If reports are to be believed, Wilcox along with Batty, (who have played 12 games between them in 2 seasons) have been instrumental in leading the players revolt against the wage deferral. And some people are suggesting that Wilcox (who was rapidly on the decline when he left Ewood anyway) should come back? Jeez.
  23. So therein, (semantics apart) you entirely contradict the rest of your post. You know perfectly well you can never 100% guarantee anything but you can give yourself the best possible chance. Doesn't really matter whether one person thinks we need Butt, another thinks we need a striker, another a left winger. We aren't doing enough to improve any area of the team.
  24. Butt would cost at the very most half the transfer fee now, and half in 12 months, and in the event we did go down he could easily be sold for roughly what we paid for him. If we go down it'll be £20m "we don't have" not just £3m.
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