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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. As MP said, he was well backed in summer, he's probably entitled to feel extremely aggrieved about the incompetence of Broughton and Co in January though. Which players do you think have improved dramatically under him? I'd say only really JRC and in devil's advocate mode I'd say Kaminsky, Scott Wharton, Buckley, Travis Dack and Gallagher have regressed considerably under him although of course Gallagher was never any good to begin with.
  2. Great post. Five points out of 24. If we fail to win against Millwall I'd have thought you'd be hard pushed to find a worse finish to the season ever.
  3. Out of interest where have reports of substantial cutbacks next season come from? (Other than Nixon) Genuine question as I haven't seen anything about it other than Nixons online offering going "could" "could" "could" "might" "could" etc etc
  4. What is it about JDT that you think it would be a massive disaster if he left? Genuine question as I'm open to be convinced BUT I'm not really seeing it at the moment. As the poster above says, irrespective of quality or lack thereof, it seems incomprehensible that we could be nonchalantly knocking the ball about at the back at one down with minutes remaining of a must win game. That's not really for me I'm afraid, a lack of quality you can forgive, a lack of desire you can not.
  5. 1000%. We had 4 years of that type of guff off Mowbray, then a new face comes in and starts espousing the same sort of nonsense and people fall for it all over again. Wake up sheeple. Heading for four points out of twenty four. Remind me why Leeds (or any Premier League Club would want our manager again?
  6. Hedges is a woeful player. Can't believe the manager has persisted with a system that has proven not to work. Need to change it round 2nd half and put Dolan out wide and either BBD or Dack down the middle, possibly both.
  7. Yeah, Jimmy Hill was most indignant about that as I recall.
  8. Nah, we tried to fire the engines up seven games ago and they failed to start and have failed to start in each of seven games subsequently! It's not me that needs belief, it's the players and it's up to them to show some passion, get the job done by hook or by crook, and prove me wrong
  9. We have '"bottled" it because whatever your view on the personnel we have, they were good enough to get into a seemingly unassailable position in the first place but we've capped the season off with (so far) a run of four points out of twenty one. It's not like we tried, but never forced our way into the play off places at any point. Same situation last season when we blew an even more promising position after the end of January.
  10. It would be lunacy to sign Ayala up to any form of extended deal, just get rid. Similarly, offload Gallagher and that ought to free up a reasonable amount of space on the wage bill. Dack I would keep personally, don't think he's had a fair shake of things this season but viewed dispassionately it's hard to make a case for him continuing as one of our top earners unless he is a regular starter.
  11. Need to shake it up a bit, we could have played until the same time next week against Burnley and not scored. Dack has to start for me and it goes without saying Adam Wharton needs to retain his place. Not really expecting a positive result whatever we do. The ship has long since sailed unfortunately.
  12. Catches the eye with his movement as he tends to buzz about a lot but the problems start when he actually receives the ball at which point our moves tend to break down, we lose momentum or he gives the ball away. Very poor player imo, get rid.
  13. Particularly agree on the point abut Adam Wharton. You could see after the Blackpool away game he was different gravy. How many points has leaving him out for most of the season when available cost us?
  14. Two equalisers conceded in the 95th minute within three days, you really couldn't make it up. It's like I said after the Hull game, no matter how badly other teams play, or how many chances they give us, it doesnt matter, we'll somehow contrive to throw it away. I gave up bothering about this season after the January window. Clearly no-one at the Club is the slightest bit interested in promotion - it's a lot easier for the old blood pressure if you accept we're not going up. Next season is a completely different matter. Clean slate and all that. Assuming I'm correct in my belief that we will once again skillfully manage to avoid the play offs then in the summer heads SHOULD roll (not the manager's) but probably won't and on we will no doubt plod with the journey to nowhere.
  15. Spot on, career journeyman, strange signing, not the sort of calibre required if we have serious aspirations of promotion. Then again isn't Mowbray's son head of recruitment at Aberdeen? Probably explains a lot.
  16. Don't want him sacked but is it too harsh to say the jury is still out? Has cost us numerous points (and an FA Cup semi final place) by giving up in games and attempting to park the bus with 15-20 minutes to go imo and the spat with Wharton and ignoring him for the majority of the season will probably prove the difference between securing a play off spot and not.
  17. Technically still in it but it's quite bizarre that we are after a run of no wins in how many? I'd still wager though that no matter how badly the other sides perform we'll react accordingly and do whatever it takes to finish just outside the playoffs. You could put your house on it. It's the mentality that's built up within and surrounding the Club. The narrative will then be about how unlucky we've been and what a great season we've had, when in reality ( for the second season running) a play off place should never have been in doubt
  18. Is there a bigger set of bottlejobs in the Football League than this mob? Unfortunately you have to include the manager in that. Went all "Sheffield United" again and put us completely on the back foot with the substitutions.
  19. Fuming. inexplicably no Wharton and although we didn't win last Monday after Gallagher was finally dropped we put in arguably our best display of the season. Now the useless twat is straight back in the side! It's almost like we are trying to sabotage our chances before a ball is kicked.
  20. Don't think either him or Pears are the answer if we want to get/were to be/promoted. Obviously neither are as bad as the calamitous Walton who was one of the worst keepers I've ever seen when he was here.
  21. Depends on the fee. Decent at the modern side of the game with his feet, pretty poor shot stopper.
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