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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. Im as certain as I can be there was money available in January irrespective of any Rothwell sale and he knows it. Why he made and is still making claims to the contrary is anyone's guess.
  2. As we saw from January onwards that line up is incredibly reliant on BBD showing the sort of form he did in the first half of last season and not the second because no matter how many times people try to reinvent Gallagher he simply isn't good enough imo.
  3. I take it that if the owners choose to inject £20m p.a. then that £20m qualifies as additional "turnover" for the purposes of any calculation? Otherwise there wouldn't be much point.
  4. Shouldn't be a problem with a dynamic and forward thinking CEO. Ooh err... hang on.....
  5. Thanks for that. Makes a refreshing change from certain posters citing the wrong set of regulations in support of their view that we can't spend any money. So what I'm gaining overall from that is that it would give the V's considerably more flexibility IF they decided they wanted to put more money in. Based on current allowable losses only being £45m(?) over 3 years. Is that correct? Edit: Might even be back down to £39m currently now the pandemic is over.
  6. We don't know we are, we don't know we aren't. Irrelevant if they don't actually sign, and at this stage they haven't.
  7. And thank god we have rolled the dice!. I can't think of many who'd be a worse choice than the previous incumbent. You obviously didn't read or digest the meaning of my post properly. I said we're gambling on the new manager being something rather special (due to the lack of recruitment) . However even if he only turns out to be ordinary that would imo still make him infinitely better than Mowbray. Two separate issues entirely.
  8. How does what Mowbray claims about BBD tally with what GB said? It directly contradicts it. FWIW I think Mowbray is talking bollux. There's money available but we still need to get the deals done.
  9. It's all well and good the owners making money available for signings but it's relatively pointless if those on the ground at Ewood can't or won't get the deals over the line. We've been here before in January and look how that turned out.
  10. Time for Broughton to show us what he's made of and that he has more about him than Waggott/Mowbray/Venus. When do players have to be registered by to be eligible for Saturday? You begin to wonder how Clubs in the lower leagues with a budget a fraction of ours ever manage to sign any players as we seem to find it a mystical art completely beyond us.
  11. I can't understand why people are so relaxed about the prospect of going into the season so completely undercooked in terms of recruitment and risking making a complete horlicks of the first seven games! We won't be so relaxed about it if we get off to a desperate start and end up going down narrowly by a point or two at the end of the season. As JH says, we're gambling on the manager being a bit special and the kids doing well enough to keep us afloat. But if the manager does turn out to be special why not give him the tools to do the job and have us challenging anyway?
  12. Cracking article Ian. Love the analogy about our transfer business starting to look like the Christmas presents being bought at the Service Station on Christmas Eve. The only bit I disagree with is the original poster saying Mowbray was hard done by. It seems quite clear from what Glen said (as I suspected) that he and the Club had an agreement to discuss his future at the end of the season but that Mowbray jumped the gun by announcing his departure before the Bournemouth game. As for Saturday, haven't a clue what to expect. Wouldn't be entirely surprised if we either win 5 nil or lose 5 nil.
  13. Imo, Ideally we need two absolutely barnstorming signings before Saturday to get everyone, players and fans, fired up.
  14. Surely the far more pertinent figure, which the FF SHOULD be grilling the Club about, is how the hell Preston have managed to sell over 50% more season tickets than us? I've not read the most recent FF minutes so apologies if the Club were given a hard time on the ST pricing. Edit: And they didn't have the attraction of a new manager to boost sales either!
  15. He's making a point of placing the ball back firmly in the Club's Court once again. "The Club needs to provide those players". I also like the comment: "I received some good advice!" (From the supporters) Yeah "Oi Tomasson, Get some f'in players signed!" 🤣
  16. Take it or leave it, The info supposedly comes from the player himself. Why on earth would Brighton let JPVH go for £3m at this stage? I'd have thought we might be able to get him for c £5m in January (that's pure guesswork on my part) but of course we might get gazumped before then by a Club not as limited by FFP or might decide we need someone in before then.
  17. Great news! I'll be signing up. Further to what Sparks said I was wondering if there was a super duper dog's wotsits membership which allowed you to pull up the content of specified contributors without getting banned! 🙄 🤣 In all seriousness, well done and will be subscribing.
  18. I wouldn't completely rule out the possibility of JPVH coming back at some point chaddy as I understand he is keen to return but I don't see it happening yet as he only has 12 months left on his contract at Brighton and as things stand they want a fee well in excess of 8 figures for him. You might scoff at that but of course we are in the same boat with BBD and whilst I don't want him sold at all I'd be very disappointed if we let him go for much less than our reported £20m asking price. I'd have thought JPVH would be a more plausible target in January at a reduced fee but of course we could get beaten to the punch by a Club not restricted by FFP. We'll have to wait and see.
  19. Does seem very far fetched that we'd pay that in wages to a loanee but refuse to go to that sort of level to keep Lenihan/Nyambe/Rothwell etc. Particularly as the money is allegedly there for the right player in terms of fees but the new wage structure is generally something set in stone unless it's to try and protect the value of a 30 goal striker such as Armstrong.
  20. I think it's fairly clear that he's asked to take a line that doesn't antagonise or upset the Club in any way and it's primarily for that reason that his output isn't worth reading imo. If people do get any value out of what he writes then that's fine. I don't recall ever reading anything he's written and thinking "Ooohh that's interesting, I didn't know that" however.
  21. Tend to agree, the initial optimism that the signing of Brittain might open the floodgates is dissipating somewhat. The cold facts are we've lost four absolutely key first team players and four or five loanees from last season and only brought one in. There's still time for a flurry of activity before the opening game but by the same token it needs to happen.
  22. Might be a nice chap but his output isn't worth reading imo, only ever comments on rumours or confirms stuff after it's happened and when things aren't going so well and a critical appraisal is required, it isn't forthcoming. Little more than an additional mouthpiece for the Club.
  23. Can't see BBD going anywhere this window unless someone comes in with a suiltable offer. And nor should he imo, we're short enough on quality as it is without losing him as well. I wouldn't be selling for any less than £15m this window or £10m in January.
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